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Trivia / Hylics

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  • Ascended Fanon: After playing through and enjoying both games, many people began saying that Vinny is their headcanon for Wayne's voice. Come 2023 and another "musical expansion" for Hylics we now have Vinny singing from the perspective of Wayne!
  • Fan-Work Ban: A justified example, Mason has stated several times on Twitter that fan games and mods for the series are forbidden due to licensing restrictions. The specific details are unclear, but may be related to copyright laws in his country.
  • What Could Have Been: The Hylics 2 Preview has some differences compared to the final game:
    • Instead of Wayne, the protagonist was a Distaff Counterpart called Decres. Decres still exists in the final game, as an alternate costume for Wayne. Old Wayne also appears, so it's likely that at one point Old Wayne was indeed the same Wayne from the first game. In the final version, it's more ambiguous.
    • There was an entirely new party member called Fleam.
    • The Worm Maze is blue.
    • Decres, unlike Wayne, was able to fire crescent waves at enemies to kill them in the overworld, skipping fights in the process. She could also dance.
    • At one point, a massive city landscape can be seen in the world map, with Decres standing in the middle of it. It doesn't seem to be New Muldul, as it looks too advanced, almost as if it was made by humans. Given how advanced the city looks, there may have been a point where Decres was sent to the past, back to the age of the Sages, before the Accretion devastated the world.
    • There's a desert battle backdrop that doesn't appear in the final game, and Carsoro can be seen in a battle, presented in such a way that suggests that Carsoro was initially just a regular enemy instead of being Odozeir's sidekick in the final game. Motor Hunter can also be seen roaming the city instead of being found in the Sage Labyrinth.
