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Characters / Hylics

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Main Characters


Both games

  • Four-Temperament Ensemble: Phlegmatic. Is generally laid back with his responses in the first game, but is unusually well-spoken in Hylics 2.
  • The Leader: Takes the lead of the party.

Wayne (Hylics 1)

The protagonist of Hylics.

  • Beady-Eyed Loser: Comes off this way in the Game Over screen, having a somewhat flat, homely face.
  • Does Not Know His Own Strength: "You accidentally crushed it."
  • Green Thumb: He has a small vegetable farm that grows back after a while even if he isn't anywhere near it.
  • Kleptomaniac Hero: Best said in this dialogue: "There's a stick of dynamite in the box! Of course you take it!"
  • Retired Badass: Implied to have become Old Wayne by the time of Hylics 2.
  • Modest Royalty: Implied. Due to Wayne and Gibby both being named after and sporting heads in the shape of phases of the moon, it's possible that Wayne is Gibby's brother, and thus royalty. That doesn't seem to stop Wayne from having a happy life in an absolutely tiny house with barely anything in it.
  • Surfer Dude: He doesn't speak much, but when he does, he speaks with Californian vernacular (i.e., "nah dude, nah").

Wayne (Hylics 2)
The Fearless Protagonist

The protagonist of the sequel. He may or may not be the same Wayne as the first game.

  • Ambiguous Situation: On the one hand, there are lots of Waynes and this one has none of the abilities of the original as well as having basic stats. On the other, he already knows Pongorma and Dedusmuln when he runs into them early in the game, and Somsnosa addresses him when he first walks into the worm farm building. There's also an optional conversation on the airship where Wayne addresses her bug powers from the first game.
  • Badass Cape: By choosing the "Change Appearance" option in the Waynehouse, you can have him wear one.
  • Bishōnen: In contrast to the Wayne of the first game, the Wayne of Hylics 2 is much more conventionally handsome.
  • Bizarre Alien Biology: All Waynes are apparently hatched from eggs, and have a slug-like larval stage. They then harden their carapace before they metamorphose into their adult stage.
  • Legacy Hero: Possibly. He is nearly identical to the Wayne of the first game, but the Big Wayne at the top of the Waynehouse may be the original as well.
  • One-Steve Limit: Averted. There are dozens of Waynes at the Waynehouse, and larval Waynes can be found all over the place. It's the name of both their species and of all individuals, meaning they're all named Wayne.
  • Order Versus Chaos: Represents Order, as he opposes the chaos Gibby brings.


The Intrepid Archaeologist
An esteemed archaeologist from the city.
  • Adventurer Archaeologist: Believes paper cups to be relics of such value they'd venture to the center of Cone Cultist territory to find some. In the sequel, they're looking for cabinets, but this plot point is quickly dropped as stopping Gibby's return takes priority.
  • Ambiguous Gender: Is never referred to with pronouns in either game, and has a distinct hourglass figure in the sequel. The wiki lists their gender as "Unisex."
  • Failed a Spot Check: They are searching the world for paper cups, but completely missed that they pitched their tent directly on top of an enormous cache of them. Which Wayne can dig up and use without even going to the spot on the map inside the dreamscape. In the sequel, Dedusmuln is instead looking for cabinets and is camped out on top of one.
  • Four-Temperament Ensemble: Sanguine. A passionate and cheerful archaeologist when first meeting Wayne in Hylics, though they are a bit more reserved in Hylics 2.
  • Plant Person: Their head seems to be made of two vines.
  • The Smart Guy: Being the actual scientist of the group, and more Will based.
  • Upgrade Artifact: The paper cups Dedusmuln searches for can be seen as this, permanently raising your party's max will.
  • White Mage: Has the Foam Armor ability in the second game, which both increases base HP and heals. Charging lets them do this for the whole team.


The Juice Rancher.
A friend of Wayne who has gauntlets.
  • Ambiguously Human: She appears more human than any other character in the game, save for blue skin.
  • Armless Biped: Her overworld sprite gives her this appearance, though the shadows of them can be seen occasionally.
  • Badass Cape: The poncho she has equipped upon joining your party grants you "Poncho Power."
  • Call to Agriculture: After the events of the first game, she sets up a juice ranch. She's happy to help you again in the sequel.
  • The Eeyore: Has a raincloud over her head before Wayne talks to her.
  • Four-Temperament Ensemble: Melancholic, but mostly downplayed. She is seen brooding when Wayne meets up with her in the first game, and maintains this until Wayne has gotten rid of the skulls in her basement, whereupon she lightens up a bit.
  • The Lancer: Appears to know Wayne from before the events of the game, making her his foil.
  • Tricked-Out Gloves: Her gauntlets serve as a Matter Replicator that converts bugs to Mightiness.
  • True Blue Femininity: The only (confirmed) female character, and her skin is blue.


The Dread Knight
A knight from a distant land.
  • The Big Guy: Starts with more Flesh and attack power than the other crew members.
  • Blood Knight: Pongorma, fairly literally.
  • Defeat Means Friendship: He vows to aid you in your violent endeavors after defeat.
  • Early Installment Character-Design Difference: His design from Hylics 1 completely changed in Hylics 2, now sporting blue fur and a fish-resembling red helmet instead of his previous black armor and four-horned head with an always visible sneer.
  • Four-Temperament Ensemble: Choleric. A valiant and loyal knight who seems to enjoy fighting.
  • Going Native: Alluded to during the final confrontation with Gibby in Hylics 2. When Gibby reveals that Pongorma has been around since the empire of the Sages and tries to get him to join in his plan, Pongorma states, "Alas, I've become habituated to this shabby planet."
  • Living Relic: He is the last of The Dread Knights, who fought ages ago. He's also old enough to have lived back in the time of the Sages, before Hylemxylem devastated the world.
  • Sealed Badass in a Can: He's incredibly powerful and eager to fight, but trapped behind a locked mechanism inside a giant seashell. Whether he put himself there or was sealed away is anyone's guess.
  • Shock and Awe: His Integral Gesture in the second game is Lightning, which can be Charged for more damage.
  • X-Ray Sparks: His Lightning attack briefly shows the bones in his hand (at least confirming he has a human skeleton).

Supporting Characters



    The Sages 

The Sages

The sages from the Hylics series. Consists of the sages of Brains, Computers, and Death from the first game, as well as the sages of Monitors, Accretions, and Satellites from the second.
  • Big Good: They give Wayne and Co. various powers or clues to help in their quest.

Major Antagonists


Lord Gibbulus/Gibby

  • Astonishingly Appropriate Appearance: His head is a large orange sphere that resembles a waxing moon. After his resurrection his head becomes a platinum disk, representing a new moon.
  • Big Bad: Of the first game and the second.
  • Came Back Wrong: Comes back in the form of an emaciated mummy as Gibby Redivius in Hylics 2. This doesn't stop him from kicking your butt.
  • Came Back Strong: In Hylics 2, Gibby Redivivus is able to one-shot your party by literally nuking them.
  • Clipped-Wing Angel: The form he takes as the Final Boss in Hylics 2, while intimidating, isn't meant to be a Hopeless Boss Fight like the first encounter was.
  • Dead Guy on Display: After he's defeated at the end of the second game, Dedusmuln turns what remains of his head into a gong, which he plays during the concert.
  • Flunky Boss: Every time Lord Gibby takes damage as the Final Boss of the second game, he summons a minion.
  • Hopeless Boss Fight: As Gibby Redivivus, he immediately slaughters the party with a Nuke gesture.
  • Load-Bearing Boss: When he dies in the first game, the Moon self-destructs. Wayne and his party manage to escape. In the second game, the same thing happens to Hylemxylem when he's defeated.
  • Meaningful Name: The king of the moon happens to be named after the gibbous or waxing moon. His name also resembles the word "Gibberish" and he may also be the reason there was so much procedural gibberish in the first game. When he's revived in the sequel, he obtains the ability to turn others into blobs that can only gibber. Finally, the name also references the abundance of meat in the aesthetic! including how enemies burst into chunks of meat when defeated.
  • Lunacy: In Hylics 2, he turns out to be the source of the randomly-generated madness from both games.
  • Order Versus Chaos: Represents Chaos, if the effects of his influence are anything to go by.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: After being killed at the end of the first game, a piece of him survived the moon's explosion. Dubbed the Gibbylet by Bierol, it was completely indestructible and was sealed off in a vault to keep him from coming back. Unfortunately, Odozeir found it and used it to revive Gibby.
  • Tom the Dark Lord: "Gibby" is not that menacing a name for a chaotic tyrant.
  • Visionary Villain: In Hylics 2, he reveals that his motivation is to destroy the world so he can rebuild it the way it was before The End of the World as We Know It. He also uses the same weapon that caused the Accretion that mulched the old world, the flying fortress of Hylemxylem. He also wants to build a new moon to live in, as the old one was destroyed when he was killed the first time.
  • We Can Rule Together: Tries this on Pongorma in Hylics 2. He flatly rejects Gibby's offer.
  • Winged Humanoid: He has a statue in New Muldul, which portrays him as a slender humanoid with long wings instead of arms. The head and the left wing are missing. The head is near the city's entrance, while the left wing is in Viewax's throne room.
  • Word-Salad Horror: He's the source of the randomly generated conversations in both games. He has the power to warp others into formless beasts that can only speak in procedural gibberish.



  • Arc Villain: Serves as the Big Bad for the second game alongside Gibby.
  • Dragon-in-Chief: He's a loyal minion of Gibby responsible for the reconstitution.
  • Dual Boss: He can be fought in Foglast along with Carsoro.
  • Shock and Awe: One of his gestures has the ability to cast thunderbolts that deal damage.


    Guards and their cohorts 

In general


  • A Dog Named "Dog": Their name is taken from a taxonomical family of carnivorous mammals such as weasels.

Horrid Projection




Poolman and Poolmagne


Tyro/Wandering Tyro

  • Cyclops: Downplayed. Some Tyros have eyes, and some do not.
  • Meaningful Name: Tyro is a word meaning "beginner and novice", they also populate many early-game areas.



The first boss from the second game.

Other Characters

    Wayne's species 

Old Wayne

  • Retired Badass: Wayne from the first game is implied to have become one by the time of Hylics 2.

Wayne Larvae


  • Tragic Monster: Warpos are the unfortunate result of Wayne Larva that were forced to consume Poolwine by Odozeir's agents.




