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Tear Jerker / Saving Me

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The show Saving Me story is enough to make you cry.


  • The cartoon's central figure is quite tragic:
  • And there's the young version of Bennett Bramble at the start of the series.
    • In the first few episodes, we get a clear picture of young Bennett Bramble's character, he's a good enough kid that does love his friends and family, but he's also selfish and inconsiderate, causing him to neglect his family and be selfish with his friends. And from what we can take from the comments from Bennett's little sister Sophie and his friend Nira, it's rare for him to be overly affectionate with his friends and family.
    • Bennett isn't trying to be mean or cruel to his family and friends and does care for them; it's just that he's so selfish that he takes them for granted, and his first instinct isn't to make things right with them but to believe he is in the right when he can easily make up with them; instead, he makes things worse which damages his relationship with his love ones.
    • And according to Bennett Bramble's future self, he gets worse with age and will eventually destroy his relationship with his family, and in his words, will become the most hated man in the world. No wonder his future self wants to go back in time and give him advice, so they both avoid that fate. It's heartbreaking to think that at such a young age of 11-year-old, Bennett Bramble's relationship with his friends and family love will begin to deteriorate until it's destroyed, and he will end up alone in his old age.

Season 1

Super Mega Sophie Kapow!
  • The opening scene of this episode show Bennett Bramble working on his robot companion when his little sister Sophie Bramble comes telling him that they are weird sounds in her closet; Bennett tells his younger sister not now. Later when his robot ran around the house into his sister's room, and she tells him that she thinks there's a monster in her closet, he tells her to get a grip, this scene is revealed to be a memory with older Bennett Bramble watching and wishing he was nicer to his sister.
  • The older Bennett Bramble getting a holographic birthday card of his family wishing him a happy birthday from one of his robots. It's very clear that Bennett Bramble very much misses his family, and something has happened that destroyed his relationship with his loved ones.
  • When Sophie wakes up to her older brother hugging her and telling her that he is glad that she's alive, Sophie response is to say "Wow, a hug from Bennett? What's the occasion?" Sophie's words imply that until recently, Bennett has rarely hugged her, and Bennett is 11 years old at this point; their relationship has already started to deteriorate at this young age. Bennett makes it clear that he loves his sister, and Sophie assures her brother that they are okay, having shown no resentment towards him before, with her wanting to spend time with him and asking him for his help. This makes the previous scene of Bennett Bramble brushing off his younger sister when she asks for his help more heartbreaking. No wonder the older Bennett Bramble wanted to change the past so he could be closer to his sister, and who knows how long before Sophie started to resent and even hate her older brother in the future before their relationship is destroyed.

Mind Trip

  • In the Mother's Day episode "Mind Trip," during an argument with his younger self, Bennett actually breaks down and comes close to tears about how much he messed up his relationship with his family.

Season 2

  • At the end of "Grounded," when Old Bennett returns from the episode's events, he looks around for EDEE, hoping to see him again. When he doesn't immediately show up, Bennett fears he's lost his only friend.

The Vault

  • The second season finale ends on a bittersweet note. Old Bennett Bramble has become disillusioned with his goal of going back in time to give his younger self advice on how to fix their lives because of all the new problems he created because of the changes to the timeline. Old Bennett Bramble's robot buddy EDEE-34 points out that his life band is showing that he is getting better to cheer him up; Old Bennett Bramble remains disillusioned and looks at the sky with his friend EDEE-34. And Young Bennett Bramble, despite being warned to trust his parents about the secret elevator in their room, decides to try to get into the elevator; his parents catch him, and he tells them he has some questions. And considering the fact that Old Bennett Bramble warned that their parents kept that secret for a reason and that, in his timeline, his discovering their secrets caused him to ruin everything by messing with things he shouldn't have, things are about to get worse.
