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Funny / Saving Me

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The show Saving Me has a lot of funny moments that will make you laugh.


  • EDEE 34 is programmed for both optimism and brutal honesty, which overlap in hilarious ways.
    Old Bennett: Please tell me I wasn't always like this.
    EDEE 34: Of course not! Sometimes you were asleep!
  • The two Bennetts frequently perform victory dances. Neither is very good at it.
  • Pretty much any time when Old Bennet and Young Bennet argue or agree on something.

Season 1

  • Knowing his younger self is afraid of both clowns and spiders, Old Bennett conjures the mental image of a spider clown. Young Bennett pauses to acknowledge the logic before running away screaming.
  • The Chuggums energy drink that sponsors Liam's channel has a rather colorful assortment of side effects. Liam lists hair loss, facial paralysis, temporary blindness, permanent loss of thirst, numbness, purple tongue, and speaking caveman. Bennett adds vertigo and dog fingers. Sophie adds seeing the dead.
  • The Bennetts program their moose ninja robot to also perform as a talking mime. They think it's brilliant. Sophie is not convinced.
  • Liam and Sophie convince their mother to let them stay home from school, provided they spend the time discussing career goals. They underestimated what they were getting into.
    Sophie (slumped on the couch, exhausted): We promise to be fiscally responsible.
  • Bennett and Sophie try to train themselves to get along by wearing headbands that make them say nice things instead of insults. This leads to an angry "argument" of sorts...
    Sophie: You're a national treasure.
    Young Bennett: You're my BFF.
    Sophie: You're my personal hero.
    Young Bennett: Well you're having a good hair day.
    Sophie: You smell like roses and fresh linen.
    Young Bennett: Your outfit is adorable. Where did you get it? Seriously, adorbs.
    Old Bennett: Don't stop. This is getting good.
  • For Liam and Sophie, Mother's Day is serious business. They actively compete to give their mother the best gift, which for them means life-sized macaroni sculptures and guitar solos.

Season 2

  • To cover up the fight between Carla and Count Dentist, Colonel Crumb suggests broadcasting a rap about it he recorded to reach young people better. Naturally, Mark and Carla reject the plan and suggest something involving Mark's cover-up job as a shampoo factory employee. Colonel Crumb rejects the idea as "stupid". Mark responds by replaying Crumb's rap.
    Crumb: Touché...
  • Forced to come up with an original song for his siblings to play, Young Bennett asserts he'll take anybody who can write the music to Sophie's lyrics. Old Bennett summons the normally serious unicorn commando Sergeant Stampede, who dresses in a sailor suit and sings a Broadway-styled rendition.
    Young Bennett: Okay. Maybe not anybody.
  • In order to comfort a brokenhearted Liam, Old Bennett tells his younger self to tell Liam that there are other fish in the sea. Young Bennett takes this a little too literally and starts listing off types of aquatic creatures.
  • One alien's reason for trusting Earth with his planet's technology? Churros!
  • After his parents order him to hand over all electronic devices, Young Bennett empties more gadgets out of his pockets and shoes than should be physically possible.
  • Carla is surprised to learn that Duke can talk, until he points out that he was Bennett's dog.
  • Old Bennett doesn't believe hand-powered toothbrushes are real. He's shocked when EDEE 34 proves him wrong.
  • Just the fact that Bennett accidentally creates an alternate future where he's effectively Willie Wonka.
  • Mark and Carla's first dance at their wedding? The chicken dance.
  • Turns out that Penelope has a thing for Antebellum South werewolf romance novels.
