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Tear Jerker / No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle

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  • Vladimir's death; the poor man has been trapped in space for a long time that he has no idea that he's back on Earth. When Travis defeats him, Vladimir rises up into the sky, spending his last few moments realizing that he was home at last. "Glory to the Soviet Union" indeed.
    Vladimir: Fresh skies...beautiful as I remembered...
  • Alice's death. All she wants is Travis to remember her and Travis complies. The last thing we see from her before she's split in half? A small smile...*sniff*.
    Alice: Travis, you are incredible. Everything I hoped for.
    Travis: Tell me you name.
    Alice: Promise me you won't forget...There once was an assassin named...Alice... (starts to fall)
    Travis: (softly) I won't forget, Alice...
    (smiles just as Travis's Beam Katana slices her in half, Travis's eyes widen as he's covered in her blood before he drops to his knees and screams in rage)
    Travis: See that? Now that was a battle! Look at this blood! We humans are alive. Even if we ARE assassins. Doesn't matter if it's a video game, movie, drama, anime, MANGA, WE'RE ALIVE! People shed blood, and die. This isn't a game! You can't just selfishly use death as your tool. This is Alice's blood. I bet you've already forgotten she exsisted. Same way you would have forgotten about me. And THAT'S why I'm tearing down THE UAA!
    • Alice's life in general. She's burning away photos of the normal life she had, which include having a husband, son and even losing ties with her sister Margaret. She knows on a personal level that Travis had to have killed her sister in order to get to her...which means that in addition to finally escaping this cycle one can interpret that she and Margaret are Together in Death. Ouch.
      • And to make it worse, Alice asks that she was remembered as an assassin, not a human, not a wife or loving mother. Just some tool to be used for killing.
  • The death of Bishop, in retrospect. What was his last thought before getting killed? Travis's name. And of course, his death serves as Travis's motivation throughout the game. Despite the fact that he was a borderline sociopath, it shows Travis and Bishop were pretty close.
  • Ryuji's death. Ryuji falls to his knees and Travis lets out an all mighty scream after finding what was to be his Worthy Opponent. But just as he was about to go to Ryuji, either to spare him or at least give the man an honorable death cue Silvia riddling him with bullets. Travis states that Ryuji was a true warrior but unlike how Sylvia spared Shinobu, she doesn't seem to understand Travis's sense of chivalry. As she walks off, we see Travis just bow his head and whisper, "Shit."
  • Margaret's death. All she wanted was for Travis to memorize her Philistine song. When Travis states he memorized it "100 percent", she dies happily. As Travis walks off, he's whistling the first few notes to Philistine.
    Travis: 100 percent.
    Margaret: so..sublime...
  • Skelter Helter is a rather tragic character all things considered - he isn't a glory hound or natural killer like a lot of assassins in the UAA, he's just a college kid who wants revenge for his brother's death and is clearly consumed by it. He's an unfortunate casualty of Travis's journey and ultimately gets killed by it due to very little fault of his own. It's not much better that his brother's whole motivation was keeping him out of the assassination scene so he could have a better path in life, but Travis borked all of that and he dies as a mere afterthought, without even making much of himself.
  • In a lot of ways, Travis' aversive nature towards Shinobu. For the little time they're seen together in the story, Travis spends most of it pushing her away, telling her he doesn’t need her help, and when they finally get an intimate moment together, he gets cold feet and pulls back, likening the situation to a teacher x student porno. You can tell Shinobu is heartbroken as she solemnly makes her leave, possibly to never be seen again by Travis or any of his associates, and it really goes to show just how consumed by his pursuit of revenge he's become.
    • At the very least, Shinobu arrives in Travis Strikes Again, meaning that she moved on from that crush.
  • In hindsight, the two brothers fighting against Jasper Batt Jr. (OK, Travis was doing most of the job, but Henry did help) is the last time those two will share a brotherly moment. Come Travis Strikes Again and III...
