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Tear Jerker / Chad Vader

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For a comedic series, Chad Vader has some surprisingly sad moments.

Season One

  • The Trauma Conga Line Chad endures throughout Season One. He is demoted to the night shift, decides to quit from the mentally degrading pressure of the shift, his enemy Clint steals his potential love interest (and his day shift manager position), and he's humiliated in front of a restaurant full of people; all culminating in an attempted suicide. And even after he tries to better himself, he is unable to hold down a job outside of Empire Market, no matter what he does.
  • Weird Jimmy sharing his backstory with Chad during his smoke break, after he sees Chad watching Clarissa sadly through a hologram.
    Jimmy: She dumped you. Didn't she?
    Chad: How did you-
    Jimmy: You and I have a lot in common, Chad. I used to be the day shift manager here at Empire Market. Then they made me the night shift manager. Just like you. Soon after, I developed some mino- Minor problems. (Strange-sounding chuckle.) Now... (gestures with cigarette) my life is over.
    Chad: Well, I must go back inside no-
    Jimmy: Chad. (Stops him.) It doesn't have to be like this. You always have a choice. (Beat.) Unless you're me! (Cackles.)
  • Chad quitting his job.
  • While he's there to stalk Clint and Clarissa on their date, Chad's drunken humiliation in front of an entire restaurant — including the woman he loves and his arch enemy — is painful to watch.
  • Chad's near suicide attempt.
    Clarissa: (voiceover flashback) Why don't you do something with your life, and stop being so lame?
    Chad: Yes, I'll do something with my life. I'll end it. How's that for doing something with my life, Clarissa?

Season Two

  • The failed service droids in the basement, despite being creepy and dangerous (and possibly murderous), are a bit sad. Their creator disposed of them like garbage when they failed to work properly, and it seems they don't understand why. Despite this, they have a childlike mentality and just want to make friends and play.
  • It may have been Played for Laughs, but who didn't feel a bit of sorrow for Weird Jimmy when, after being accidentally mortally stabbed by Jeremy, he looks up and sees his Mop as a force ghost before passing on?
  • Chad's tribute to Weird Jimmy at the staff meeting.
  • Randy's Sanity Slippage into deranged evil, by being sent to the night shift by Maggie (just for being Chad's boss during the whole incident with the failed laser checkout system), manipulated into attempted murder, and later attempting explosive small-scale terrorism under the influence of Baby Cookie. All while losing his grips on reality.
  • Chad Vader wailing "NOOOOOOO!" after hearing that Maggie deported Libby after the former finds out about the latter's relationship with Chad. Then the Marshmallow Bandito decides to attack Chad in his despair, not allowing him to fully mourn. This causes the latter to lash out on the Harmless Villain with the sadness he now carries while temporally going bonkers.
    • As Chad shoves marshmallows into the Bandito's mouth, he begins sobbing "LIBBY!"
  • Jeremy being manipulated by Maggie into becoming her agent: getting evidence to deport Maggie, taking a two-week seminar to learn to be General Manager on her advice (as well as the last wish of his grandpa), undermining his mentor/friend Chad,and being forced to fight Chad when the truth of his involvement with Libby comes out.

Season Three

  • Damien's Heroic Sacrifice to save the store from Randy's plan involving Baby Cookie copies strapped with explosives.

Season Four

  • Chad Vader increasingly becoming a huge jerk to everyone, being a Bad Boss to everyone more than his worst in the three seasons prior to this one —even to Jeremy, his best friend. It all culminates in a tyrant with Storm Troopers and Red Praetorian Guards, demanding his employees work indefinitely under penalty of death.
    • Not only that, but he almost causes Empire Market to go under in the process. If he hadn't had a change of heart, dozens of employees would have been out of work.
