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Tear Jerker / Alive: The Final Evolution

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  • This series deals a lot with death, especially considering that the whole plot starts off with essentially The Happening, well...happening, but it is definitely driven home in two specific places with two specific Kick the Dog moments.
    • Seeing Nami's backstory and exactly why she hates all power users: Her younger brother, who had a heart defect but tried to be tough and protect his older sister anyway, gets killed horribly when he's trapped in a car that Kanon exploded and burns to death while crying out to her to save him.
    • When Hirose casually kills Haruka because she snapped Taisuke out of his Superpowered Evil Side.
  • Yura killing the apartment manager in Chapter 4. She was Taisuke's friend and a sweet woman who died just because Yura felt humans were outdated. And then, when a bunch of tenants come out after Taisuke escapes and finds him injured, he kills them too.
