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Sandbox / Tabletop Game Cleanup

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Some pages on tabletop games need to be cleaned up. This page catalogues stuff we need to take care of.

Pages needing improvement

Notes on misuse

  • The Plan and The Chessmaster are sometimes misused for meta troping.
  • Sadistic Choice is sometimes misused for those situations in games where every move you can make is bad, because apparently a board game going badly is totally comparable to choosing which of your loved ones dies.
    • Nona: Is Morton's Fork a better fit?
    • Maths: It's closer, but not necessarily a good fit. Morton's Fork is when every option has the same result / is equally bad, which is not always the case. I'm thinking of making a TLP for the concept of "zugzwang" to properly deal with this kind of stuff.
    • Nona: Alright, in that case, Connect Four only has two tropes LMAO
    • Maths: Wait, sorry, I got confused. I think Morton's Fork does work for Connect Four, assuming you're talking about situations like "you can make more X or move Y, but your opponent will win on the next move either way". And it's not the "zugzwang" trope because being able to pass your turn probably wouldn't have helped. Though this does raise the question of where we put examples of "you have to choose between bad outcome X and different bad outcome Y". For instance, in chess, it's clearly a Morton's Fork if someone forks your rooks — no matter what you do, you're losing one of them. But what if they're forking a queen and a bishop? You'd prefer to keep both, but saving the queen over the bishop is a no-brainer. I think we could need a trope for "you force the opponent to choose between bad outcomes". That would also cover stuff like Magic: The Gathering cards with effects like "your opponent must choose between paying life or sacrificing permanents", which AFAIK we don't have a good trope for.
    • Nona: I agree we need a new trope, but for now, should I just add it and we can overwrite if that definiton gets rolled up into another trope?
    • Maths: Sounds good to me.
