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Recap / The Smurfs Book 7, Story 3: Romeos and Smurfette

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A series of one-page gags featuring the Smurfs all trying to win the heart of Smurfette as she makes a visit to the Smurf Village.

Tropes associated with this story include:

  • Attractive Bent-Gender: Completely averted when Jokey Smurf tries to impersonate Smurfette and asks for a date with another male Smurf. He gets severely beaten up and acts surprised because he thought his disguise was perfect.
  • Disguised in Drag: Jokey as Smurfette.
  • Literary Allusion Title: It's one for Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare.
  • Live Mink Coat: A Smurf gives Smurfette what she thinks is a fur stole, only that it turns out to be a live caterpillar.
  • Loves Me Not: As a joke, two Smurfs take petals from the flowers to ensure the one doing the routine always gets "Loves Me not".
  • May–December Romance: Tried and failed with Papa Smurf and Smurfette.
  • Prank Date: A Smurf is given a date invitation by who he thinks is Smurfette, so he gets all washed up, perfumed, and carrying a big bouquet of flowers out into the forest where the invitation said she would be. It turned out to be a prank played on him by Jokey who dressed himself up as Smurfette. And that Smurf was none too happy about it!
