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Recap / South Park S 13 E 9 Butters Bottom Bitch

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Original air date: 10/14/2009

Butters' first kiss lead to him becoming a pimp, while Sergeant Yates goes undercover as a female prostitute to bust the prostitution ring.


  • Becoming the Mask: Unintentionally, and somewhat cluelessly, Butters becomes an actual Pimp.
  • Benevolent Boss: Butters, as a pimp, becomes essentially this. To the point other prostitutes abandon their original pimps and start working for Butters because they hear he doesn't abuse the girls who work for him. He also works to get the adult prostitutes housing loans and tax exempt status and actually achieves it by unwittingly blackmailing the manager.
  • Censored Title: This episode is called "Butters' Bottom..." on cable guides.
  • Comically Missing the Point:
    • Due to his general naïveté, Butters assumes the other pimps are also running kissing companies and not prostitution rings.
    • When he hires adult prostitutes, he believes that they're kissing their clients like the young girls when all signs point to them having sex to make money.
  • A Day in the Limelight: Not just for Butters, but Sergeant Yates in the B-plot.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: In South Park Elementary, not kissing someone by the time you're 9 means being perched on the top of a tether-ball pole by your underwear and getting hit with the ball while saying "I'm a dork and I deserve what's coming to me," as was the case with Butters.
    Cartman: That's what you get for being a douchebag again, Butters. You gotta take your medicine.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: Cartman and the others bullying Butters for having never kissed a girl is treated like Butters still being a virgin. Kyle even remarks that Butters' first time should be special and not something he pays for.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: Casey Miller, the boy from "Dances With Smurfs," who looks and sounds like Casey Kasem can be seen in the school hallway when the Boys confront Butters about his kissing company.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Cartman was shown to be disgusted by Butters becoming a pimp.
  • Extreme Doormat: To justify his pimping business, Butters points to Stan and Wendy, the latter ranting about something (probably what Butters said to her during class) while the former sits there and listen.
  • Gone Horribly Right: The boys pushed for Butters to kiss a girl and introduce him to one who charged for kisses. This leads to Butters becoming a pimp and getting a lot more boys to spend money on kisses.
    Cartman: (After witnessing Butters pay Clyde to be his bodyguard) Dude, we created a monster.
  • Jerkass Has a Point: When Kyle says a lot of boys are spending a lot of money on kisses from Butters's girls, Butters points out how dating a girl normally costs money for dates and gifts.
    Butters: Everyone pays for kisses. I'm just honest.
  • Lost in Character: Yates ends up letting his undercover role go to his head, to the point of marrying one of his solicitors and staying married to him for a whole year before revealing himself.
  • Paper-Thin Disguise: Yates barely tries to hide the fact that he's a man despite crossdressing, even keeping his mustache.
  • Ripped from the Headlines: Butters visits ACORN in an attempt to legitimize his kissing business.
  • Running Gag: "You're under arrest, buddy! I'm a cop!"
  • Screw the Rules, I Have Money!: Butters gives Clyde a hundred bucks and tells him to punch the boys if they give him trouble.
  • Sex as a Rite-of-Passage: Butters being teased for not having had his first kiss, as well as thinking that doing so makes him a man, is an obvious metaphor for this.
  • Speed Sex: Yates's first client only lasts a few seconds.
  • Verbal Tic: The pimp Butters consults at the convention ends most of his sentences with "Know what I'm sayin'?", leading Butters to continually assure him that, yes, he knows what he's saying. Afterward, Butters himself adopts the tic of "Do you know what I am saying?"
  • Virgin-Shaming: First kiss shaming, in this case.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: The boys (including Cartman) are understandably disgusted with Butters becoming a pimp.
    Kyle: Butters, can't you see this is wrong? You've got little boys all over school spending all their lunch money on kisses. Boys shouldn't be paying for kisses. It's wrong.
  • You Are in Command Now: Before Butters quits his pimping days, he tells the girls and adult prostitutes that they are in control of his kissing business now.
