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Recap / OMN - Worthless Change

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"Worthless Change" is the first episode of Object Madness, released on April 23rd, 2016.

The episode begins with already-object-show-competitors Nickel, Tennis Ball, and Puffball, alongside Cup, Penny, and Puffbull, who are all hanging out in Puffball and Puffbull's house. After the pink furball and nickel agree on the pink-gray furball not getting into a competition before them and the tennis ball loses to a game of Pac-Man, he sends Nickel out to get his mail. After reluctantly doing so, he sets the large stack of mail on the floor. The cup manages to find an invitation to Insanity Island for Tennis Ball in the pile of papers. She attempts to read it, although she gets interrupted a couple times. The nickel manages to find another paper saying that whoever sent the invitation is not responsible to the damage the objects do to themselves.

After the intro, the six objects wait for the bus to take them to the island. After learning the trip is going to be three hours long, Cup tries to watch YouTube videos, but she then realizes she needed to get the Wi-Fi password. She tries to ask the bus driver for said password, but he tells her to sit down.

Three hours later, the group is bored with nothing to do. Tennis Ball gets the idea of putting Nickel next to Penny to see what happens. Both coins protest over this idea, but Cup ignores them and willingly pushes the gray coin to the penny, causing an explosion, lifting the bus into the air, crashing it into Insanity Island, and killing the two coins in the process.

After the crash, Pickaxe can be seen near the bus, alongside Daisy and Tack, asking if anyone is inside. The door he leans on suddenly opens, causing him to fall onto the stairs, landing horn-first, and everyone inside minus the bus driver to fall out.

As the newly formed teams (apparently due to the time their buses came), get to know each other, Daisy asks her team (Team A) if they want her to be the leader. One of her teammates, Dice, is fine with this.

The challenge is to get up to the top of Insanity Island's tallest mountain (Insanity Mountain), and the first team to have all their team members (including their dead coin) wins. The daisy suggests to ride Puffball to the top, which the pink puffball is fine with. Disc ask for his team's (Team B) game plan, when Candy Cane suggests they could copy Team A's idea, when she realizes said team is already ahead. Tack tells everyone to get on Puffbull, similar to what Candy Cane suggested.

In the sky, Latte points out the extreme height Puffball went up.Team B is behind the opposing team when Candy Cane gets the idea of throwing sticks. She throws one, knocking Daisy and the dead Nickel off of the pink puffball. Cup, quick enough to take notice, throws a stick, knocking Football off the gray puffball. Electronic Dictionary (E.D.) seemed to take notice, but is put down by Candy Cane.

Cup continues to throw sticks before she is scolded by Puffball not to do so. The cup manages to spot something and tells the puffball to fly down before her brother passes them. Daisy is holding Nickel and is already way near the mountain when the rest of her team finds her. She throws the dead coin on Puffball before climbing up her.

However, the puffball is somewhat weighed down by her carrying capacity. Cherry asks for someone to get off, and asks for Puffball if she could just float the rest of the way up in spite of the fact that she is weighed down. Cup defends her, causing the cherry to kick the cup off of the weighed-down puffball.

As Cup and Football race up the mountain, the rest of Team A manage to get up to the summit and wait for Cup to reach the finish line. The football, meanwhile, gets an idea of throwing a rock to Cup, which worked for a short bit until he is met by Cup, somehow still intact, once he reached the summit. Cherry yells to the cup saying that Team B had just arrived and run to the finish as fast as she could. She and the football race each other, then jump toward the finish line. Cup, though she shattered a bit, manages to reach the finish before Football and win for her team.

"Worthless Change" contains the following tropes:

  • Everyone Meets Everyone: With the exceptions of the first six characters to appear, as well as Pickaxe and TB, none of the objects know each other.
  • Freeze-Frame Bonus:
    • When Cup pushes Nickel into Penny despite his protests and before the bus explodes, Puffbull has an Oh, Crap! look on his face.
    • When the screen quickly pans to Tennis Ball and Pickaxe after everyone gets off the bus, you can see the former shaking off some extra rubble.

  • Pun-Based Title: "Worthless change" could be referring to Nickel and Penny, because they are five cents and one cent respectively.
  • Shout-Out: Multiple to Battle for Dream Island.
    • Penny mentions how putting her with Nickel might cause a portal to money to appear. How wrong she is...
    • After Daisy and Nickel get knocked off, Cherry sees the reason why the two had to have fallen off: there isn't enough room on Puffball.
    • The whole challenge basically. There is some resemblance to the challenge in BFDIA5, which also had the contestants get to the summit of a mountain.
  • Stuff Blowing Up: The establishing get-us-close-and-we-will-warp-reality moment of Nickel and Penny. They will explode if they get near each other, and that's no metaphor.
