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Recap / How I Met Your Mother S 6 E 22 The Perfect Cocktail

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Marshall and Barney turn on each other when discussing the demolition plans for the Arcadian hotel, and Robin and Lily try to patch things up between them by getting them drunk.

This episode provides examples of:

  • Alcohol-Induced Idiocy: While trying to figure out the perfect drink to get Marshall and Barney to make up, Lily and Robin discuss the various ways in which different kinds of alcohol cause each of them to act like idiots.
  • Call-Back:
    • The cockamouse from "Matchmaker" makes its second appearance in Ted and Zoey's room at the Arcadian, grossing Zoey out enough to make her leave the room.
    • During his and Marshall's prank war, Barney sends Marshall pictures of something occurring to objects Marshall's holding (including a megaphone, a water bottle, and Barney's suit jacket), causing Marshall to throw them away in disgust. This is exactly what Barney and Clark Butterfield, his rival, did to each other's food in "Milk" during their prank war. In The Stinger, Lily and Robin also use this tactic to force a group of girls to leave the gang's booth at MacLaren's.
  • Shout-Out: Apparently, drinking peppermint schnapps turns Barney into Richard Dawson, host of Family Feud, and causes him to greet women by kissing them on the mouth. Also, in the same flashback, when Ted orders chicken wings, Barney calls "Show me chicken wings!" and the gang cheers "Good order, Ted!", just as the host and the contestants do on the show.
  • Take Our Word for It: Whatever Barney did to the things Marshall was holding, and whatever Lily and Robin did to the booth at MacLaren's, is not shown, but is presumably sufficiently disgusting to force the targets of the pranks to back away immediately.
