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Recap / Fuller House S 1 E 2 Moving Day

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Kimmy and Ramona move in with the Fullers, much to the kids' chagrin. Kimmy takes over Jessie and Rebecca's old room in the attic. Jackson and Max are forced to share a room.


  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: Jesse, at the end.
    Is it just me, or do you hear violins?
  • Exiled to the Couch: Jesse, after he insults Rebecca's cooking.
  • Flaw Exploitation: Ramona tells her mother that there is nothing she can do to make Ramona move. Kimmy simply smiles and throws Ramona's cell phone into the house.
  • Food as Bribe: DJ puts chocolate syrup and whipped cream on Jackson's pancakes, to soften the blow of Ramona and Kimmy moving in. And a chocolate cake when she breaks the news about Jackson's "boy cave."
  • Is This Thing Still On?: Jesse leaves a voicemail message for Becky but gets distracted with Jackson. He doesn't realize it's still recording until after he insults Becky's cooking.
  • Leaning on the Fourth Wall: Stephanie mentions that she changed Michelle's diapers so often she though there was two of them.
  • Lethal Chef: Becky's lasagna "tastes like sweatpants."
  • Not in Front of the Kid: Stephanie's tales of people hooking up...their X-boxes.
  • Recycled Plot: The debate about the older kids sharing a room and one moving in with the baby. Lampshaded when Jesse and Stephanie discuss DJ's attempts to find her own space.
  • The Runaway: Jackson tries to run away to LA with Jesse, because he loses his room. Of course it's mostly Played for Laughs.
  • Spicy Latina: Ramona is a middle-school version.
  • Sweet Tooth: Kimmy and Stephanie polish off an entire cake.
  • White Anglo-Saxon Protestant: Ramona describes the Fullers as "The whitest family in America."
    • To be precise, they're like albino polar bears...drinking a snowstorm...watching Frozen.
  • Wrong Genre Savvy : Ramona asks if her godmother can grant three wishes.
