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Quotes / Hitman with a Heart

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"We work in the dark to serve the light. We are Assassins."
Niccolo Machiavelli, Assassin's Creed II

"I can kill people so easily. Why then don't I feel sad?"
Kirika, Noir

Thane: Prayers for the wicked should not be forsaken.
Shepard: Do you really think she deserves it?
Thane: Not for her. For me.

Alistair: As far as being religious... I don't know. Not especially. What about you? Not in your line of work, I expect.
Zevran: Why do you say that? I happen to be quite devoted, in my way, as most Antivans are.
Alistair: Truly? But you kill people. For money.
Zevran: And I ask forgiveness for my sins from the Maker every chance I get. What manner of monster do you think I am?
Alistair: But... you ask forgiveness and then you go right on with your sinning.
Zevran: The Maker has never objected. Why should you?

"The killer grows a conscience. I'd say that's a breach of professional ethics, Mr. Bishop."
Dean Sanderson, The Mechanic (2011)

Tommy Monaghan: I ain't your problem, big man. I don't sell smack to kids, or rob old ladies, or try to teleport Gotham to the Moon. The guys I whack, hell, that's what they do. So how about stayin' off my case?
Batman: You're a hitman, Monaghan. You take lives. You're my problem, all right.
Tommy: Well, I could finish this right now. I could read your mind and tell all of Gotham who's under the mask. Or I could just blow your head all over the pretty lady...
Batman: So what's stopping you?
Tommy: I guess you just don't know me.
Hitman #3

"I'll get paid for killing, and this town is full of people who deserve to die."
Sanjjuro, Yojimbo

Moxxie: But... it's a family! Under what circumstances would we ever need to kill a human family?
Millie: I mean, if that's what the client wants.
Moxxie: Maybe, like, a shitty dad... or a Mob Family. That's understandable. But to eradicate an entire, innocent — seemingly, in this instance — upper middle-class family bloodline!?
