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Quotes / Fanon

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"That explains everything. Grandpa has obviously been systematically slicing off people's hands and replacing them with much larger appendages in an attempt to make his own appearance seem less horrifying. Now that I have said it, it must be canon!"

Sun-Sun: This is canon. FOREVER!!!
Tetrominon: Novels, anime, what the fuck ever. As far as I'm concerned, this is canon.
— Comments from two different strips of this series of Haruhi Suzumiya Yonkoma Doujinshis

Mab: There, there... I guess Shonen-ai in Furfire was just not meant to be, Zina.
Silver: You know, I could've told you that much...
Zina: Pfft! Silly Silver! You're just the creator! What do you know?
Furfire fan art

"Sometimes I forget that I kinda sorta totally made up his characterization for the purposes of this comic."

dantheman40k: I named him [Robin's father] Carl in a fanfic I wrote. NOW IT IS CANON! MWAHAHA!
David Willis, creator of Shortpacked!: I don't think that's how canon works!

Leonard: I think they do text Batman. The Batsignal's linked to his phone via Bluetooth.
Howard: Wait, is that in the comics?
Leonard: No, it's... just what I believe.

With the advent of the Internet—which largely occurred after Jenkins wrote his work—fans actively connect, link, and discuss with other fans, and in doing so go beyond "poaching": what they construct can no longer be seen as a mere reworking of the source text, as the aura attached to the source text has largely disappeared. The original authorized text is no longer at the center of the universe of fandom; storylines, characters and additions created by fans ensure that multiple readings and plots hold value. Linking to other websites is an important tool to spread these diversified interpretations, and through online discussion fans arrive at a multiplicity of interpretations that are in constant competition with each other.
ArtemisMisteriosa's reappropriation of the text is in fact still rather conservative, in that it does nothing to introduce new characters. That is the prerogative of the fan: an appreciation of the original does not preclude an alternate storyline, nor does a contentious relationship to the original producers or text preclude a genuine investment in a text's characters.

The recent pages had me particularly conscious of the nature of serial delivery. The whole scene was rolled out over the course of a weekend, first with Feferi, then Kanaya. When Fereri dies, this registers as one extremely dramatic event. Cue the waiting, speculating, worrying and all that. When Kanaya dies a day or so later, it registers as a second dramatic event! Again the scrutiny begins which the space allows. Is this all too much? How do I feel about this narrative turn? Is this setting a trend for a bloodbath? Does that serve any purpose? The reader projects into the future, does a little unwitting fanfiction writing in his head, and may not like what he sees! All this activity becomes the basis for opinion building, which is sort of the emergence of an official position on matters, good or bad, which is only able to flourish in the slow-motion intake of the story. That official position can be a very stubborn thing, especially when it's negative, and seriously textures the way additional developments are regarded. It's really hard to shake a reader off an entrenched position on a matter, even when it was formed with an incomplete picture.

"Holy shit fanon is a stupid word."
— from Andrew Hussie's former Formspring account

I have seen this mentioned everywhere except in any published book. Are you absolutely certain it's not some strange collective hallucination?
Commenter, Elfive

You know Fanon, it's like ideas that get accepted by fans based on conjecture or nothing, and sometimes even get incorporated into the thing itself.

Headcanon: I can muster a cogent argument for why it would make more sense or make for a better story if this were the case
Heartcanon: I don't have a particular rationale for why this ought to be the case, I just like to imagine it's true because it gives me the warm fuzzies
Gutcanon: it's not that I actively want this to be the case — it just unaccountably feels like it should be
Junkcanon: I like to imagine it's true because it gives me the other kind of warm fuzzies
Spleencanon: I insist that this is the case specifically to spite the author, because, like, fuck you, sir or madam
