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Playing With / Working-Class Werewolves

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Basic Trope: Werewolves have low-income jobs.

  • Straight: Wolfgang is a werewolf that works as a Burger Fool.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Wolfgang and his werewolf friends, including Luna, Remus, and Silver all work multiple minimum-wage jobs and share an apartment.
    • Werewolves work as slaves.
    • Werewolves are depicted homeless.
  • Downplayed: Wolfgang is lower-middle class and is able to own his own house.
  • Justified:
    • Wolfgang has difficulty finding and keeping jobs due to how frequently he has to be allowed to have the day off on full moons.
    • Wolfgang works jobs that are suited to his abilities and needs, such as construction or forestry.
    • Wolfgang experiences Fantastic Racism as a result of being a werewolf and has difficulty getting employed.
    • Wolfgang frequently has to move to stay ahead of law enforcement, and thus works temporary or highly mobile jobs.
    • Wolfgang spends a larger proportion of his income on food and home repairs, and has poor impulse control due to his animal nature.
  • Inverted: Wolfgang is rich and upper-class.
  • Subverted:
    • Wolfgang finally gets a job at a high-paying place.
    • Wolfgang actually has a lot of inherited wealth.
  • Double Subverted:
    • ...It's to sweep the floors.
    • ...He promptly loses it.
  • Parodied: In an Urban Fantasy setting, the werewolves all work at McDonald's.
  • Zig-Zagged: Werewolves run the gamut from low-skill agricultural labor to highly-paid manufacturing to the top of the corporate ladder.
  • Averted:
    • There are no werewolves.
    • The werewolves' economic status isn't focused on.
  • Enforced: "We should have a Fur Against Fang conflict, and an easy way to show differences is through class. Let's make werewolves the poorer ones."
  • Lampshaded: Wolfgang admits that he should really have a better job.
  • Invoked: Wolfgang uses the known income issues of werewolves to excuse borrowing money.
  • Exploited: Wolfgang looks for other werewolves in low-paying jobs, hoping to form a pack to share resources.
  • Defied: Wolfgang insists on finding a high-paying job.
  • Discussed: "Mopping floors? Are you a wolf, or a dog?"
  • Conversed: "I wonder why werewolves are often poor."
  • Implied: Wolfgang isn't the best dressed among his fellow monsters and frequently asks for loans.
  • Deconstructed: Wolfgang finds it difficult to get by with how little he's paid. The stress of finances and lower socioeconomic status wears him down to where his rage manifests often and violently.
  • Reconstructed: Leaning on his pack for support and connections, supplementing groceries with hunting, finding the right job helps him balance his books and find a position with the flexibility and purpose he needs.
  • Played for Laughs: Wolfgang says the night of the full moon is horrible for him. Cut to him transformed, wearing a Burger Fool uniform, working the register.
  • Played for Drama: Wolfgang resorts to crime and questionable loans to make ends meet, and soon crosses the wrong people, and not just regular criminals.
  • Played for Horror: Wolfgang is called in to work the night shift on the full moon and transforms, putting all of the customers in danger.

Back to Working-Class Werewolves... oh yeah, and good luck during the full moon tonight. I need you in by 8AM tomorrow.
