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Playing With / Popular Is Dumb

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Basic Trope: The popular kids are usually not the brightest.

  • Straight: A popular character who is Book Dumb.
  • Exaggerated: A popular character who is Too Dumb to Live.
  • Downplayed: A popular character isn't the best student but, at the same time, isn't necessarily dumb—they have average intelligence at best.
  • Justified:
    • A popular character uses Obfuscating Stupidity to avoid being called a nerd.
    • Popular culture has a tendency to emphasize image over substance, to value appearance over ability, and to overvalue some talents and undervalue others. It's not that being popular makes a person dumb, but that being dumb is no barrier to popularity, while being seen as "nerdy" is.
  • Inverted: An intelligent character who isn't very popular.
  • Subverted: A popular character is seemingly unable to get good grades, but still manages to score an A on an important test.
  • Double Subverted: However, it later turns out that the student cheated.
  • Parodied:
    • A character says or does something stupid, and becomes instantly popular because of it.
    • The grades a school gives its students are dependent on how popular they are. Hated by all? Straight A's. Beloved? F.
    • A competition between two kids for popularity turns into a contest of who can say the dumbest things to a cheering and increasingly adoring crowd.
  • Zig Zagged:
  • Averted: The popular characters are as smart as the non-popular characters.
  • Enforced: The popular characters are made dumb so that non-popular viewers can feel superior.
  • Lampshaded: "Our football team sure is dim this year."
  • Invoked: Jake thinks he might be stupid. So he tries to become popular in order to compensate.
  • Exploited:
    • The school gravitates toward a kid who is both rich and dumb so they can use him.
    • A Chessmaster decides to use the popular characters, since they're the easiest to fool and have the most to gain from.
    • After noticing the dumb kids are usually the popular ones, Jill decides to play dumb to become popular.
  • Defied: A popular character spends all night learning trivia to avoid being seen as dumb.
  • Discussed: The characters see a dumb character, and talk about how he'll likely become popular.
  • Conversed: The characters talk about a popular and dumb character from the show they watched last night.
  • Deconstructed:
  • Reconstructed:
    • However, his charisma gets him a successful job despite not having a degree.
    • These dumb popular people are not necessarily actively malicious, eventually catching on to the idea of delegating logistics to cleverer people.
    • One of the dumb popular students says some Simple-Minded Wisdom to one of the nerds about charisma being needed for success, and they take it seriously and either work on their social skills or get a dumb, popular student as a publicist.
    • The popular students date/befriend with charismatically smart students, who help them solve several things, from finish assignments to protect them from predatory admirers.
  • Played For Laughs: The popular kids say and do ridiculously stupid things, while the other kids all compliment them on it or laugh with them.
  • Implied: A certain student is mentioned frequently by other students, but everyone refuses to talk about academic performances of this student.

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