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Playing With / Fearful Symmetry

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Basic Trope: Two identical characters fight with identical attacks in synchronisation.

  • Straight: Bob and his clone come to blows, and both cancel out a lot of each other's attacks by doing the same thing at the same time.
  • Exaggerated: Bob and Clone-Bob do exactly the same moves and movements at all points in the battle, and neither can land a hit on each other because every hit is parried by its exact counterpart. Eventually they break apart, out of breath.
  • Downplayed:
    • Bob and Clone-Bob fight, mixing identical clashes with normal trading blows.
    • The smaller parts of the moves are the same eg. the way they wind up a punch, but when it comes to landing it they throw their weight differently.
  • Justified:
    • Bob and Clone-Bob are following identical fighting instincts, naturally leading to identical movements.
    • Clone-Bob has been programmed to closely observe Bob's movements and respond in kind, to keep him on the back foot.
  • Inverted: Bob and Clone-Bob barely come to blows - any move forwards is met by the other moving backwards.
  • Subverted: Just as the two look like they're winding up the same attack and are about to do a Cross Counter, Bob feints and throws a sucker punch.
  • Double Subverted: Clone-Bob also feints and also throws a sucker punch.
  • Parodied:
    • Bob and Clone-Bob end up in a sissy slap-fight.
    • The scene during Bob and Clone-Bob's fight is literally symmetrical, down to the background details and the flashy effects. The animator only has to work on half of the screen.
  • Zig Zagged: Some fights have identical blows. Some don't. Some have a mix of identical and non-identical blows.
  • Averted:
    • Bob and Clone-Bob do not do identical attacks.
    • Bob and Clone-Bob do not fight.
    • Bob does not have duplicates.
  • Enforced: 'Bob needs a new rival. What better way to show that he's evenly-matched here?'
  • Lampshaded:
    • 'What are the chances of that?'
    • 'Hope our team medic knows how to treat the same wounds twice at the same time.'
  • Exploited: The Big Bad needs a fight that he knows will take Bob ages to resolve, so he sets his evil duplicate on him so that they stall each other for ages.
  • Defied: Realising that he's going to have to challenge his Evil Knockoff at some point, Bob makes sure to learn some additional techniques from those he had when the cloning took place.
  • Discussed: 'They're about to have one of those shots where they punch each other in the face at the same time, aren't they?'
  • Conversed: 'Fighting someone by using exactly the same moves is usually either a really cool fight or a really boring one.'
  • Played For Laughs: Bob and Clone-Bob do a desperate flurry of identical attacks that descends into a Big Ball of Violence, complete with the same kiais. After a while they stop at the same time, panting for breath, then do a synchronous collapse.
  • Played For Drama:
    • The fight is one of the most difficult of Bob's life, as he has to deconstruct his own moves and instincts at the same time as following them.
    • The simultaneous and identical action makes Clone-Bob realise that he is not as independent of Bob's identity as he thought, leading to a bout of Clone Angst.
