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Playing With / Dog Walks You

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Basic Trope: When walking a dog, the human gets walked instead.

  • Straight: Alice is walking her dog Fido, but Fido spots a mouse or any unwanted pest to chase and he dashes off, pulling Alice along.
  • Exaggerated: She flies up into the air, like a kite.
  • Downplayed: Alice has a hard time getting Fido to heel, but he doesn't end up walking her.
  • Justified:
  • Inverted: Fido tries to walk Robot Girl Alice, but ends up being walked.
  • Subverted: It looks like Fido is pulling his owner Alice along, but she walks him properly.
  • Double Subverted: ...until Fido turns out to be a Hellhound, then Alice is pulled along.
  • Parodied:
    • Fido is a Talking Animal, and he says "I'm bored. Now you wear the leash."
    • Fido strips Alice naked, leashes her and forces her to crawl while he wears her clothes, grips the leash in his mouth and walks her around the city.
  • Averted: Alice walks Fido properly.
  • Zigzagged: Sometimes Alice walks Fido, and sometimes it seems to be the other way round.
  • Enforced: ???
  • Lampshaded: "Who's walking whom?"
  • Invoked: Bob, who is The Prankster, puts a jetpack on Alice's pet dog Fido and has Alice walk him.
  • Exploited: They could both use the exercise.
  • Defied: Alice refuses to walk dogs, even if they're her own.
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: "These characters are useless at dog walking."
  • Implied: ???
  • Deconstructed: Alice gets severely hurt in her escapade, and decides to give Fido up for adoption so his rowdiness can’t cause any more injuries.
  • Reconstructed: Alice is canny enough not to get hurt.
  • Played for Laughs: Bob surprises Alice and her pet dog Fido, and Alice is pulled along by Fido on her skateboard. Alice and Fido nearly crash into Charlie, who is Carrying a Cake, and knock over a Priceless Ming Vase while running over a Swarm of Rats. They get a lot of people giving weird looks and taking pictures, but Alice is enjoying it and gives a thumbs up.
  • Played for Drama: Alice gets seriously injured from being walked by Fido.

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