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Nightmare Fuel / Head over Heels

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Like most Lezhin comics, this one does hold back when it comes to horror and considering the premise of this comic.

  • Suh Woohyun's Nightmare Face in Chapter 2 after he tells Joon-Hyuk to only be concerned about himself.
  • Ha Yan's flashbacks of her father. He's not even drawn as a human, more like a distorted tall black figure that is stoic against her pleas and begging.
  • Ha Yan's nightmare face.
  • In Chapter 16, Ha Yan kidnaps a student and tortures him by spilling alcohol on his face and recording him crying. Granted, he's an Asshole Victim and a Straw Misogynist, but it's extremely disturbing to watch.
  • Mr. Kim having to deal with falsely being accused as a rapist by Ha Yan in Chapter 27.
  • In Chapter 29, Yerim and Jinhee from Soojin's perspective appear as Eldritch Abominations.
