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Nightmare Fuel / A3!

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As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

  • Itaru showing his rude persona for the first time in the anime can be pretty unnerving. When Izumi enters his room, it is all red as Itaru complains about losing his game. Then he rushes at her and pins her against the wall, all while being chillingly calm.
  • While hilarious, Homare's [A Heartfelt Resolution] and [Peerless LIVE] backstage stories can be Accidental Nightmare Fuel with the Bolivian Army Ending and Scream Discretion Shot.
    • In [A Heartfelt Resolution], Homare has so much fun writing calligraphy and accidentally spills some ink at Tasuku. Tasuku is very angry and approaches Homare, who pleads with him to resolve this peacefully. Tasuku agrees, but not before he gets his revenge on Homare. Cut to Homare screaming and Izumi saying that Homare is off to a rough start of the year. And the backstage ends there. We never get to see what Tasuku does as a revenge.
    • In [Peerless LIVE], Tasuku overhears Homare talking about muscle training to help with vocals. Tasuku immediately thinks of various exercises for Homare, such as putting weights on his abs and making him do three-hundred squats. Homare is horrified at the idea, but Tasuku reassures Homare that he knows what to do and proceeds to drag Homare off-screen. Cut to Homare screaming for help and Izumi wishing him luck. We never get to see the Training from Hell Tasuku is putting Homare through.
    • While lacking Bolivian Army Ending, his Glitter backstage still has Scream Discretion Shot. Homare's birthday wish is thrill, and the Celestial Sphere grants it. And next up, Homare dreams of waking up to Tsumugi wearing a Hannya mask and getting hit in the face by a konyaku and a soccer ball. Then cuts to real world, with Homare screaming and Hisoka noting it happening while he sleeps. We never actually see how terrifying Homare's nightmare ever gets.
  • In Guy's [Mankai Glitter] backstage, when Hisoka accused Homare of stealing marshmallows and got ticked off, he attacked Homare and there is the sound of something cracking. From what Homare said afterwards, it sounded like Hisoka tried to twist his arm. Thankfully it is All Just a Dream.
  • The play for The Liar Night is Forever is a psychological horror, and the setting is nothing short of eerie. Then there is Shisui, who works on dissecting corpses and later kills himself by slitting himself with a glass shard.
  • The blizzard scene in Snowfall Street can be one due to Realism-Induced Horror. A blizzard rages and the road is congested. Meanwhile, Homare and Muku are out there trying to reach the bus stop, and it is noted how hard it is to traverse across the snowy terrain. And then Muku trips and twists his ankle. Homare carrying Muku on his back to go on together is indescribably awesome and heartwarming, but let us not talk about the danger of doing this in a blizzard. Tsukumo even lampshades it.
  • In the etude segment of BRIGHT WINTER audio drama, you can hear the sound of waves and thunder. Made scarier by that all the staffers and passengers on the ship, performed by everyone except Homare, are audibly panicking. Some are also accepting their fates as the thunderstorm rages. Meanwhile, Homare is simply screaming in fury and trying to drown the ship. The etude ends with a particularly loud crash after Homare's bloodcurdling roar.
