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Heartwarming / The Ketsueki Quadrilogy

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The official Heartwarming page of the fanfic.

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     Chishio No Me 
  • Ken's introduction in Chapter 3, is mostly him with his family. It's short but sweet, showing us the family man Ken has become, while still keeping his fighting spirit and sense of duty.
  • Chapter 3, also introduces the friendship team of Asuka, Mika, Ibuki & Sakura, which continues to grow in membership, as the stories go on. Their friendship is very genuine and whenever they're together, it makes for some of the most fun & cutest moments.
    • A good example of this, is in their introduction. Asuka & Mika face each other, in the final round of an all female tournament, while Sakura & Ibuki (and Dan) cheer them on. While Asuka needs the prize money, to rebuild her father's dojo, but ends up losing to Mika. But, despite the set back, she doesn't hold any grudge against Mika, who then offers her half of her prize money, to help with rebuilding the Dojo.
  • In Chapter 7, it's revealed that Sophitia was originally supposed to attend the Blood Tournament. But, still being vary from her travels and needing time, to recover. She instead decides, to give her initiation to Cassandra, in order for her to improve her skills. She even offers Cassandra, her sword and shield.
  • As Chun-Li & Lei prepare to board their ship, the latter offers to carry the formers luggage. All five of them. While this results in a few Hilarity Ensues moments, with Lei complaining about it & struggling to carry them all, he's still willing to do it. After seeing her stressful & humiliating it is for him, Chun-Li decides to help him out, by taking some of it herself.
  • The dinner scene in Chapter 10, is a nice fluffy moment, before the tournament starts, giving the characters a chance to catch up, meet each other and form new bonds, that'll be expanded upon through the series. Highlights include Guile & Chun-Li reuniting, Guy & Cody catching up with Maki and Sonya apologizing to Alex, for blowing up at her in the boat.
  • Chapter 11, was a sweet, little homage, to the three leading characters of Street Fighter, Ryu, Ken & Chun-Li. The trio have a brief, but nice bit as they reunite and catch up with each other.
  • After their fight, Kitana thanks Maki, who's bitter at having lost her second fight, for a good battle, calling her a worthy opponent and giving her some words of encouragement. This helps to brighten Maki's mood, despite her loss.

     Ano Sentaku Bou 

     Majin Seiryu Ki 

     Sukui No Tsubasa 
