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Heartwarming / Seraphina's Tea Quest

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  • After Seraphina gets the lemons from Brianna, she says that Brianna must be the caring gardener that the recipe speaks of. Brianna says this is a really big honour, to which Seraphina bows her head and tells Brianna “You show a level of caring and kindness towards your garden that most people don’t even show to their fellow man. That tells me you have a pure heart.”
  • Bear, Theresa, Chef, Summer, Animal and Fozzie all forming a Chain of People to help Seraphina stabilize the portal, which works and everyone is sent back to their proper homes.
  • Peso Penguin, Julieta Madrigal and Nurse Tongus being recruited to help with the number of people being infected by the Purple Spot Pox.
