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Heartwarming / DC: The New Frontier

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  • As the Center begins to emerge, heroes begin to suit up and say goodbye to the ones they love.
    • Barry and Iris (finally) openly talk to each about his secret identity, with Iris giving him a boost of encouragement.
    • Hal says goodbye to Carol, admitting that he's willing to kill to survive, and with this newfound sense of will, Carol gives Hal a kiss goodbye.
  • Superman never tries to clamp down on other true heroes. He and Batman staged a fight (and a draw) and agreed to each do what they could, one from the spotlight and the other from the shadows.
  • The montage shown at the end, set to "New Frontier" speech, and spoken by John F. Kennedy:
    (Newspaper headline reads HEROES! Underneath a picture of the superheroes and friends celebrating)
    “The pioneers gave up their safety, their comfort, and sometimes their lives, to build our new west.
    (Fade to Superman and Martian Manhunter standing at a cliff overlooking the sea, gazing at the horizon)
    “They were determined to make the New World strong and free, an example to the world.
    (Fade to Lex Luthor looking out at his factories at Lexco)
    “Some would say that those struggles are all over. That all of the horizons have been explored. That all the battles have been won. That there is no longer an American frontier.
    (The President is awarding The Flash with a medal while Wonder Woman, Superman, Green Lantern and Martian Manhunter applaud)
    “And we stand today on the edge of a new frontier. The frontier of unknown opportunities and perils.
    (Heroes like the Doom Patrol, Metal Men, Adam and Alanna Strange, and Green Lantern are seen in space)
    “Beyond that frontier are uncharted areas of science and space-
    (A giant clock surrounded by soldiers with a A-bomb where the 12 should be is counting down)
    “Of unsolved problems of peace and war…
    (A black boy is reading a comic book. A wooden grave behind reads “John Wilson AKA John Henry: Here Lies a Steel Driven Man.” The boy wears a jersey with the name Irons in the back)
    “Of unsolved problems of ignorance and prejudice.
    (A white boy writes “My Hero by Rick Flagg Jr.” in his classroom)
    “I’m asking you to be pioneers towards that new frontier.
    (The first Teen Titans, including Supergirl and Black Canary are gazing out)
    “My call is to the young at heart, regardless of age, can we carry through to an age, where we will witness not only new breakthroughs in weapons of destruction…
    (Fade to headshots of numerous villains)
    But also a race for mastery of the sky and range, the oceans and the tides, the far side of space, and the inside of men’s minds.
    (Heroes including Captain Marvel, Plastic Man, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, Flash, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, Supergirl, Superman, Green Arrow, Speedy, Black Canary, Robin, Batman and soldiers are charging at something)
    “All of mankind waits upon our decision. A whole world looks to see what we shall do.
    (Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter, Wonder Woman, Aquaman and Flash are fighting Starro)
    “And we cannot fail that trust…
    (Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Green Lantern, the Flash, and Martian Manhunter stand before a flag stating JLA)
    “And we cannot fail to try.”
  • In a story full of superheroes, it's nice to see ordinary men like Rick Flagg and John Henry being idolised by their sons. Just goes to show that anyone can be somebody's hero.
  • Batman describes his relationship with Robin as "two lost souls who have found each other."
    • When Batman and Superman meet to discuss The Center, Batman brought Robin along just because the Boy Wonder wanted to meet Superman. When Superman lands, Batman allows Robin to talk to Superman for a bit because he knows how excited he is. Awwww.
    • The book also provides an In-Universe origin for his transition from dark Golden Age to Lighter and Softer Silver Age. Even better is that in his final scene, the eyes on Batman's mask goes from his original and later modern glare to the Silver Age, Adam West upwards eyes.
      Batman: Let's just say I set out to scare criminals, not children.
  • From the animated version, we get one mixed with a Tear Jerker. The scientist whose experiment teleported J'onn Jonzz from Mars suffers a nasty heart attack from the shock. Even while dying, however, he expresses a sort of wry amazement at seeing a real Martian; his last words are spent asking J'onn to forgive him for bringing him to Earth without any kind of warning.
    Scientist: I suppose we both got the shock of our lives. But your heart must be stronger than mine. Whoever you are ... forgive me.
    • And J'onn appreciates the sentiment. After taking on the scientist's form, his first act is to respectfully cover the man's corpse.
