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Headscratchers / Adventures of the Gummi Bears

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  • King Gregor looks like he's in his 50s. Does that mean he married a younger woman?
    • Wouldn't be uncommon for the time.
  • Yes "Girl's Knight Out" was a well-done You Go, Girl! episode but here's the thing: why wasn't Cavin eligible for the role of Calla's protector? He's done it on a couple of occasions and Calla wouldn't have objected.
    • He must have been eligible to enter the competition, but, apparently, he chose not to enter. Why? Probably because he knew how much Calla disapproved of the whole idea and felt she would have been insulted had he treated her like "a prize to be won." In fact, refusing to participate on such grounds would no doubt have impressed Calla 10 times more than winning the competition would have done.
    • That's actually a good point and perfectly in character for Cavin.
    • Another thing is that it was a "Squires' Competition." As much as Cavin has helped Calla over the years and helped defend her, he isn't a squire. Even by the end of the series, he is still just a page. So, he may just not have been eligible to participate.
      • If that rule was in effect, how did a masked person whose identity was unknown convince King Gregor of their status as a squire?
  • Remember the episode "Toadie the Conqueror" where Duke Igthorn and his ogres took over Castle Dunwin? Toadie turned against Duke and locked him up in King Gregor's dungeon. After the gummi bears defeated Toadie, King Gregor released Duke Igthorn from the dungeon and kicked him out of his castle. Why?!! Duke Igthorn tried to overthrow him, and kidnapped his daughter, many times. Why release this dangerous villain from his dungeon? Why didn't he leave the duke in there for his crimes.
    • From a tactical and modern legal standpoint, it doesn't make much sense, but at least it's not played like a "Get Out of Jail Free" Card — they toss him into the moat from a rampart and say, "Don't come back!" It looks like Gregor prefers keeping the banished knight as far away from Dunwyn as possible over keeping him in a Dunwyn dungeon. If Gregor ever wanted to imprison Igthorn for his attacks on Dunwyn, he could lead an assault on Drekmore and capture him any time he wants, but he's never seen doing so.
      • While it doesn't make much sense from a pragmatic point of view, Igthorne is a foreign ruler and Gregor has no legal authority over him. Standard operating procedure would have been to ransom him back to his own people, but given that he rules Ogres...
    • Another fan pointed this out and I tend to agree with them—Igthorn, despite being a threat to Dunwyn, keeps the ogres from running wild. If he were to be imprisoned, it's quite possible that the ogres would have become a bigger issue without someone to keep them contained.
  • Why doesn't King Gregor beef up the security in his castle? He doesn't seem to have that many guards. I also notice he and Calla's rooms are unlocked and unguarded. Any villain can just walk in and abduct them, and it has happened many times throughout the show.
    • At least this complacency justifies Igthorn's accusation in the series finale that Gregor knew all along about the Gummi Bears protecting him and his kingdom.
  • The show seems to like naming some characters after their personalities. Why not call Lady Bane "Lady Vain"? It would make sense since she cares a lot about her looks.
    • That seems more true for the Gummis and Toadi, the humans don't really follow that pattern - besides, Bane/Vain are almost homophones.
  • How did Disney get away with having characters call Duke "Dukey"? I'm surprised parents didn't complain about it since "Dukey" sounds like "dookie". I'm sure there were kids who giggled every time Toadie called Igthorn that.
    • In America, at least. Elsewhere, such as when it aired in Britain, "Dukey" came across as nothing more than an oddly cutesy nickname ("Dookie" not being British slang it would've gone right over our heads).
    • This American never knew that nickname was dirty American slang. I've never heard anyone around me use it. I doubt the writers knew it had another meaning.
  • What exactly is a duke? A wealthy and powerful man? Igthorn seems to be a wealthy man despite being an exiled ex-knight. He can afford fancy food (Kingdom for a Pie) and magic potions.
    • Maybe he inherited a lot of wealth.
    • A duke is a high-ranking peer. Extremely high-ranking, typically only one level below a king. A duke would have counts, barons and knights below him. He may be an ex-knight, but knight and duke are separate titles, the former earned and the latter normally inherited; it's fully possible to be both, and for Igthorn to have retained the lands entrained with the latter station.
      • The ancient laws that govern such things have it that one's title depends on how much land one holds. A duke is a very high-ranking title, being just below a prince; an Emperor has an empire (sovereignty over multiple kingdoms) a King rules a kingdom, a Prince a principality, a Duke a duchy, and so forth. Igthorne rules the Duchy of Drekmore, an apparently owes fealty to no one.

  • Was Cavin a real name back in the Middle Ages/Renaissance?
