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Fridge / Adventures of the Gummi Bears

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Fridge Brilliance

  • Given how the show otherwise aces The Bechdel Test, why do we never see any female ogres? Well, we learn in "You Snooze, You Lose" that Igthorn doesn't have much respect for women, especially when it comes to combat.
    • Possibly, as with Tolkien's Dwarves, female Ogres are indistinguishable from male Ogres to most human eyes.
  • Cubbi's solution in "The Fence Sitter" (getting the bird to harvest a different kind of berry) is chosen over the other two options (a fence or a scarecrow) likely because it solves the problem of the bird harvesting the gummiberries without the noted flaws of the other two. However, there's another advantage no one brings up: since they don't have to build anything, there's nothing for the humans to discover.

Fridge Horror

  • In the series Grand Finale, a purple ogre's power-up he gained from Gummiberry juice ends while he is keeping a whole well over his head. This results in him being buried alive under the well. No one, however, seems to care about him and it's not revealed if he gets rescued by others or not.

  • In the episode "My Gummi Lies Over the Ocean," Gusto, in his debut, tells the shipwrecked Tummi and Gruffi that he came to the island to paint on the beach 7 years earlier and when he woke up the next morning, the beach was gone, stranding him there. Later scenes show Gusto making his home in a large wrecked ship; while it's entirely possible the ship has nothing at all to do with Gusto, it's also possible that the ship was his (especially since it seems to be scaled to Gummi Bears)and it's too large for him to have piloted alone. This leads one to think that he may be the last survivor of a group of Gummis who got stranded on the island. If such is the case, he very likely had to watch the rest of his warren die off one by one. Reinforced by the fact that, upon arriving at Gummi Glen, he only ever mentions his home once (in 'Day of the Beevil Weevils")and he never tries to return home, possibly because he knows there's nothing to return to.

  • The boy-turned-giant from "When You Wish Upon a Stone" has been hiding in the wishing stone cave for a hundred years and then just leaves after he, Cavin and Cubbi escape the collapsing cave. Everyone the boy knows and loves is no doubt dead after his century of isolation, so where's he going to go?

  • Igthorn has lost everything in the finale but he's still free with nothing stopping him from setting up a new base somewhere else and rebuilding his army.

Fridge Logic

  • At the end of the season 2 episode "For Whom The Spell Holds", while the Gummis have rescued the Great Book from Zorlock the Wizard, he has already used it to break the locking spell trapping him underground. So, what's going to stop him from recovering from his backfiring spell and coming after them again? ...Unless the spell actually kills him...

  • In season 1, Episode 2, the villain Angelo Davini had miniature statues of Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck make a cameo appearance in his wagon. At the end of the episode the animals he petrified came back to life and started to attack him. That means that miniature versions of Mickey and Donald must have been kicking his butt off screen.
