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Funny / Reviving Bionicle

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Considering Nathan’s influence, it’s to be expected

Reviving Bionicle 1

Reviving Bionicle 2: the squeakuel

  • After Kopaka’s heartwarming speech to Tahu about Bionicle not being truly dead, Tahu pulls a complete 180 and goes through an emo phase, all with Bring Me to Life blaring in his closet and another Bionicle set taped to his wall. Though it is justified as this is part of his convoluted plan to dispose of Perditus and put an end to his serial killing, the idea alone that Tahu became a shut in at the drop of a hat is amusing to see.
  • Tahu decides to take the fall for Lewa after learning he’s next to be dismantled. How so? By replacing his parts with Lewa’s, this includes taping his mask to his face. What’s even funnier than that? Everyone buys it’s Lewa.
  • When Tahu finally does jump its built up like a dramatic moment, with Onua crying out "no" and O Fortuna playing with dramatic slow motion. It ends with Tahu lightly hitting the ground with a fart sound effect.
    • After jumping out the 2 story window the other sets rush over to look at Ta-Lewa and are disappointed that he’s not dead.
      2007!Matoro: Yeah I’m out.
      Vorox: Yeah that sucked.
      Gelu: Whatever.

Reviving Bionicle Christmas Special

  • Good Guy waking up Tahu by spraying him in the face with aerosol.
    Tahu: "God! What the literal fresh hell is this?! Everything I see is lavender!"
