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Funny / Isn't It Romantic

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  • “My life’s become a mother— *beep—beep—beeping* romantic comedy! AND IT’S *beeping* PG-13!!!!”
  • Natalie thinks she’s being hit on. Turns out, she’s being mugged.
    • Later on when she's realised that she's stuck in a romcom, Natalie heads back to the subway where she was mugged and banged her head, thinking that this will make her wake up in her world again. Cue Natalie running up to random men and asking them to mug her.
      Terrified Man: [pointing at her] Mother warned me...! [flees]
  • The karaoke scene.
    • As she gets more confident with the song, Natalie starts stepping on the table. When she falls off, she continues to sing.
    • When she sings the chorus, three women appear behind her, providing background vocals. All the while Natalie’s singing into the camera in the most cheesy way possible.
    • Natalie and Isabella fighting over Josh
  • Blake always using the word “beguiling.”
    Natalie: Did you just learn that word? Cause you tend to say it a lot.
    • Which gets a Call-Back at the end of the film, as the real Blake doesn't know what it means.
  • Anytime Natalie trips or hits something.
  • A potential couple starts chatting to one another... and Natalie just barges through.
  • Natalie’s Mum telling her “someone might marry you for a Visa.”
  • Blake’s accent turns Australian in the romantic comedy.
  • Natalie becomes paranoid about the alternative life.
  • The drive between the emergency room and Natalie’s apartment takes 18 seconds.
  • “Are you feeling what I’m feeling?” “No!”
  • Blake’s phone number perfectly appearing on the petals.
  • This:
    Natalie: (on a motorcycle) Is this how your normally get to work?
    Donny: Um, if I had a job, yeah.
    Natalie: ...Are you gonna get a job?
  • Anything that Donny says.
  • “Run like a sexy eighteen-year-old in a coming-out novel, who just discovered they’re in love with their theatre partner Ryan!”
  • Just before Natalie can have sex with Blake, it cuts to her waking up in bed. Again and again.
  • Whenever Natalie throws something out the window, a passerby on the street says “thank you!”
  • One of the first signs that Natalie is stuck in romcom world is pulling an IV off her arm in the hospital with nothing happening; merely being taped on. When she does it in the real world? Blood spurts in the doctor's face.
    Natalie: [screams in pain] FUUUUUUCK!!
    [realises that she's back in reality both because of the blood and finally being able to swear again]
  • “Someone said “gay Beetlejuice” three times and I MAGICALLY appeared.”
