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Funny / Full Throttle

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  • use MEAT on random object
    Ben: That's not one of meat's many uses.
  • Either Ripburger is aware of the ending or Ben doesn't want to ruin the story he is telling.
    Ben: Ripburger, you're gonna kill all of us!
    Ripburger: (whispering) Shhhh, Ben, don't ruin the ending!
  • After the souvenir vendor is sidetracked into retrieving the RC Car, Ben seizes the opportunity to slip an one-liner.
    Ben: Now it's just me and the bunnies.
  • Just when you find the right parts for your bike:
    Maureen: Nice forks! Where did you find them?
    Ben: Right next to the knives and spoons.
  • Imagine an old man chewing on an obviously shady businessman:
    Corley: Who do you think you are fooling?
    Ripburger: The shareholders, sir.

  • When Ben interrupts the shareholders' meeting by first projecting the camera reel of Ripburger beating Corley to death, then playing Corley's audio will over the PA system, Ripburger tries to cover himself by claiming, in an extremely unconvincing fashion, that the tape is from Corley's psychiatry sessions and that the man was paranoid and delusional by the end. It's double funny because there's a giant photo behind him of him splattered with Corley's blood.
    • After Maureen storms the stage and verifies the tape, she tells them to arrest Ripburger... only for the camera to pan out and show that Ripburger has hightailed it out of there while she was talking.
    • The projectionist's incredibly half-assed attempt at fixing the projector after Ben breaks it; she just sort of half-heartedly flips one of the broken levers once.
      Projectionist: Welp, I'm out of ideas.
      • Even more funny is when you try to enter the booth the projectionist in, which she calls for security and forces Ben to run and hide. Do it enough times, the security guard will quip that he thinks the projectionist must like him and has been calling on him the past few minutes just for his attention.
    • Ripburger tries to stall for time while the projector is broken by telling a joke. Unfortunately, he has No Sense of Humor, and completely falls flat.
  • Ripburger's two henchmen accidentally get themselves killed during the demolition derby when their car explodes from a fuel leak, right after talking about how Ripburger will have to make them vice-presidents and pay them stock for succeeding in their mission.
    Ripburger: ...well, on the plus side, I just made 20,000 shares of stock!
  • The last thing Ripburger sees before plunging to his death: a Corley Motors license plate, Can't Beat A Corley.
  • The interactions with the clerk at the souvenir booth at Corley Motors.
    Clerk: Buy the kids a motorized Corley bunny to shut them up during the long ride home!
    • Ben distracts the clerk by asking him to check if the t-shirts are pure cotton so he can steal one of the bunnies. When the clerk checks and confirms that they are, Ben claims he's allergic to cotton.
  • The bunnies charging into the minefield accompanied by a plink-plonk version of Ride of the Valkyries.
  • The player death scenes. Being that this is a LucasArts adventure game, of course you can't actually die. So what happens following a very brutal and gruesome plunging of a loaded vehicle into a ravine with a giant explosion? A Major Injury Underreaction from Ben and a very straightforward "let me try that again," where the puzzle you were just on resets itself. It's like he has control of time or something.
    • Of course he can't die, he's the narrator recounting his events after Maureen and he went their separate ways. Which makes it all the funnier when he describes the story of his paradoxical death, and has to all start over.
  • One of the Haikus:
    whiffin' the asphalt
    hot leather, shiny metal
    see, I am manly
my male fantasy
now a profit-making game
maybe I'll get chicks
—Michele Harrell
  • This exchange between Ben and Ripburger as the plane hangs over the edge of the gorge, with Ripburger hanging off the turret of the truck he was using, which is ejected through the front of said plane.
    Ripburger: I'm taking you and your friends with me, Ben!
    Ben: All you're taking is the wrong kind of medication.
    • The greatest irony of one of the final puzzles is revealed when you check the truck's computer, the same truck Ripburger drives:
    This vehicle has been reported as stolen.
  • During the biker battles, most of the bikers scream when they get knocked off of their bikes. One exception is one of the Rottwheelers who yells "Clambake!" as he falls to the pavement.
