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Funny / Brynhildr in the Darkness

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Running gags:

  • Kotori gets caught doodling while studying, usually by Ryouta.
  • Everytime Ryouta tries to tell Kazumi that she's not as sexy as she thinks she is, he can't even finish the sentence before she kicks him in the face.
    • In one instance, he doesn't even have the time to say it out-loud, she immediately knows that he's thinking it.

Chapter/Episode specific

  • Chapter 3/Episode 2: Ryouta catches Kuroha singing, about herself.
  • Ryouta's mom gives him a wake-up call. Doubles as Mood Whiplash because of the Tearjerker at the beginning of the chapter.
  • Kazumi at the beginning of chapter 29. Just...everything...
  • Chapter 25: Kazumi enters a game store. Hilarity Ensues
    Kazumi: Look!! Everyone's lining up to pay like it's no big deal!! If they used that kind of courage with real women, they wouldn't have to buy the games in the place!!
  • Chapter 31: Nanami is asked to draw the boy (Ryouta) from the memories she's seen. What she draws is...abstract, to say the least.
  • In episode 10, Kazumi makes a bet with Ryouta that if she placed second in the test scores, he would give her his virginity, then says he's just going to throw it away anyway when he protests. But then she places third, behind Ryouta's second place, with Kuroha placing first. The latter then also asks for "a virginity" from Ryouta as well, not knowing what that word really meant.
  • In Chapter 79, Kuroha, Kazumi, and Hatsuna have remained hung up (without "magic") to avoid detection. Ryouta asks what would happen if Hatsuna were to get injured now. Hatsuna casually makes a deep cut in her wrist, and everyone freaks out because the bleeding wouldn't stop. After the wound is patched up, Hatsuna starts panicking that being hit by a car or falling off a building could kill her now. Ryouta and Kazumi think how that's just normal.
  • In Chapter 82, Kuroha knocks out Ryouta at the observatory so as to avoid him recklessly getting killed after putting his life in danger many times before since they were going to attempt to rescue Kotori, and would be facing Valkyrie, who did in fact kill Ryouta before he was healed by Hatsuna. She cries and leaves, then seems to have forgotten something, heads back, and grabs the donuts Ryouta bought for the girls. But before leaving she puts one on his mouth.
  • In chapter 107, while Ryouta and Kana visit Kuroha, Kazumi, and Hatsuna working part time as maids at a cafe, both Kazumi and Hatsuna try to one-up each other by feeding Ryouta via "the ice cream special". The old man who came in before Ryouta, after witnessing what the two girls were doing, says he wants the ice cream special too, prompting his wife to scold him.
  • In Chapter 120, Kazumi is bragging about Skadi predicted a future where Kazumi and Ryouta would have children. The girls are surprised when Kuroha doesn't react like usual, and Kana explains it's because Kuroha doesn't know how children are made. Kazumi decides to fix that, and Kuroha blows a hole through the room's ceiling (which is also the floor of the ground level of the observatory). The next day, Ryouta is obviously upset, and when he gets near Kuroha, she immediately imagines him and Kazumi having sex, causing her to blow up part of the dome.
  • Chapter 126: No matter if it's being said 100% seriously, there's no way saying, "Sorry I ate you," isn't going to be funny.
  • In chapter 170, Kuroneko is brutally maimed by Loki, gets ejected by Ryouta, and is eaten by Loki, then she bursts out of him comes back like nothing happened doing the Haruhi Suzumiya pose.
