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Fridge / Star Wars: The High Republic

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Fridge Brilliance

  • The official end of the High Republic Era, the golden age of the Republic, is placed at about 82 BBY. Darth Sidious was born in that exact same year. Coincidence? Not likely.

Fridge Horror

  • The Drengir threat ended when the Great Progenitor was locked away in the Bogan Vault aboard Starlight Beacon in The High Republic 8. It's a good thing that the Progenitor died in captivity according to the Life Day short comic, "Deck the Halls", because Eiram would also be dealing with a reemerging Drengir infestation if the Progenitor survived the fall of Starlight Beacon on top of fallout from the station's crash.
  • Logistically, the Path of the Open Hand's plans for punishing Force-users via the Nameless is even worse in scale when you consider that there are entire species that are Force-sensitive. This was brought up with the Wargarans in The Battle of Jedha and Path of Vengeance, but when you consider sapient species such as Miraluka (who use the Force to see for them) or Mirialans (while not all Force-sensitive, they have a cultural connection to the Force), the Mother's plans were genocide waiting to happen.
    • The franchise has already made a shout out to Meetra Surik, which means that the Mother is pretty much following in the footsteps of Kreia. As pointed out by KOTOR players, Kreia's plan to break the Force could potentially destroy all living creatures. Top it with Word of God from Lucas and the Ahsoka series confirming that Force Sensitivity is more a spectrum than a yes or no. Kreia or the Open Hand could potentially destroy the universe to "save it."
