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Fridge / Metal Family

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  • The first episode after the pilot "Dad to School", shows Glam suiting up in his old outfit, a true metal-fan suit complete with ripped jeans, eye-liner and nail polish, and a sleeveless denim jacket covered in patches of bands like Twisted Sister and Stratovarius. Those jackets are also called "battle jackets". In other words Glam was going to battle for his kid. Vicky is also shown with an axe when she shows up to school at the end... a battle axe.
  • As a teenager, Glam was immediately able to tell Ches had dragged the amp into his room recently. This keen eye for detail probably came about because of Glam's need to hide things from his father—if even the tiniest thing was out of place, Gustav could uncover everything, so Glam would need to notice if even the smallest thing was missing or changed.
  • Two of the songs associated with the series have the word "story" in the title—Avantasia's "The Story Ain't Over", from the music video, and Bon Jovi's "Story of My Life", from the flashback in episode 10. There's a twofold brilliance to these songs—as stated, both have the word "story" in the title, and both start off with classical instruments (violin for Avantasia, a gentle piano for Bon Jovi) before turning into rock music. Much like Glam's own story started with an education in classical music before he turned to rock music.
