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  • Regarding the confrontation with the miniboss:
    • Chris calls out Eros, who is a perversion of the Agent named after the god of love and sexual attraction, that he can't just Mind Control Victor into loyalty. Victor is Nike, named after the goddess of victory - Eros is forcing Victory to be on his side.
  • The characters' personalities line up with their elements.
    • Yuuri is Fire: provides warmth (is generally a kind person), cauterizes wounds (steps in for damage control), wards off evil/threatening animals, ritually purifies. On the dark side, he's prone to flares of snappish temper, especially when he's being insecure. Eros is destructive, uncontrollable, causing irreparable damage everywhere he passes. He does things either For the Evulz or For Science! and refuses to let anything get in his way.
    • Victor is Ice/Snow: balances out heat (helps Yuuri with his anxiety and self-doubt), rather fluffy and flaky. When he's mad, it's icy Tranquil Fury. His reaction to Yuuri's death was to isolate himself, like someone snowed-in. note  Under Eros' control, he's a silent, cold, efficiently emotionless henchman, in addition to being outwardly callous and cutting with his words in his confrontation with the rest of Gold-One.
    • Yuri is Lightning: quick with a comeback, tends to make snap decisions, reacts fast and aggressively.
    • Chris is Earth: grounded, in touch with his, ahem, mature Eros (the adjective earthy comes to mind). He accidentally caused disaster by sending Eros, who operates with a scorched earth - willing to burn down everything if it means he can be king of the ashes - policy to Victor, creating a metaphorical avalanche/landslide.
    • Phichit is Light: bright, happy, with a sunny personality.
    • Erin is Destruction: she's constantly in self-destructive fight mode, even to the point of lacking a sense of self-preservation (e.g. her continual antagonising of Eros, who can kill her in half a second). That being said, destruction of the old is necessary to make way for the new. She's part of the younger generation of Agents - the first to cope with the repercussions of the Broken Masquerade, which includes an entire overhaul in the way the Agency functions, with the most minor change being the formation of permanent teams (like the Sailor Senshi). More mundanely, she fidgets and takes things apart when she's upset/anxious and trying to cope (e.g. rips up paper).
  • Eros' relationship with Victor is an Evil Counterpart to his relationship with Yakov, his handler. Victor drives Yakov up the wall because he never follows any strategy given to him to the letter, having mastered the Indy Ploy - which gets results, so Yakov can't really complain overmuch. Under Mind Control, Victor followed all orders from Eros... including leading his friends to their (almost) deaths. Victor respects Yakov for being older, his technical superior, and a family friend. Eros just gains his "loyalty" via force.
  • D-Point being near the Arctic means that Victor could well have been on - or near - Russian soil during his stint as Eros' minion. The same applies for the Canadian Erin.
  • Victor being more efficient - more powerful and durable - after whatever Eros did to him may not just be magic. Humans actually have Power Limiters that stop them from functioning at 100% capability. For example, our jaws are actually strong enough to bite our little fingers clean off as if it was a small, raw carrot. Our brain stops short of doing that because it's counterintuitive to survival. Eros' tampering may possibly have removed any sort of limits that would prevent Victor from carrying out his orders: self-preservation, moral code, free will, minor pain/irritation, etc. Plus, it might have given him hyperfocus (his brain not taking the time and energy to process extraneous, irrelevant things, i.e. no longer being able to get distracted) which would make his attacks stronger.
  • Names in this universe have power. Eros constantly refers to Victor by various terms of endearment, usually with the format of "my + [NOUN]". It implies possessiveness, obsession, and belittlement, but Eros may also be deliberately avoiding Victor's name (or at least keeping the usage to a minimum) to avoid breaking the Geas. He gives Victor back only his first initial, but it's enough for Erin to help Victor slowly regain control over his identity and his mind. Conversely, the only time Erin addresses Eros by name is in the conversation where she curses him with all of her fledgling but developing powers, which causes him to meet a very unfortunate Karmic Death.
  • Eros and Yuuri have fire powers courtesy of the Red Rose. The former conspicuously didn't use any of it to fight Victor, instead resorting to telekinesis when his Mind Manipulation fails. This can be chalked down to:
    • Yuuri, somewhere inside, fighting back and refusing to let Eros use the Rose.
    • The Red Rose unable/unwilling to fight its counterpart. (The gems contain at least part of the Agents' soul, so this ties in with the first theory)
    • Eros not really being an evil version of Yuuri, but a completely alien being that has stolen Yuuri's physical form and skillset both out of convenience and a need to manipulate Victor. He reverts to his true self at the end.
  • Victor's Mind-Control Eyes are gray. This symbolizes how he is drained out (see the entry for The Four Gods on main page for his struggles with emptiness), but is also a reference to Athena, who is said to be gray-eyed/owl-eyed(blue-gray). Athena is sometimes worshipped with Nike, and bears the epithet Athena Nikephoros - the origin of Nikiforov.
