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Fridge / Goblin Slayer Abridged

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Fridge Brilliance

  • Goblin Slayer scaring the Blacksmith. He did this because he wanted to make him feel as uncomfortable as he made priestess feel.
  • His "Crazy Personality" is a coping mechanism. At first it seems that when he is out of his armour he is a different person entirely and only switches on when he puts it on. But whenhe and Priestess are eating Ice-cream his voice becomes softer and more solemn giving her encouragement, but he is triggered once again when he starts rememebering what happened in his village.
  • Characters continue to call Lizard Priest evil despite him generally being very polite and helpful to them, Priestess even implying he might be evil enough for Sword Maiden to consider smiting. Based on the DnD inspired world they live in, its possible that Lizard Priest can be considered along the Lawful Evil alignment, and theyre referring to that. He practices necromancy and cannibalism on the regular, which appears normal among his people but is considered unnerving and evil to his party companions, but he's also helpful to the party and aids in saving people (when theyre not too far gone to eat and turn into undead minions).
  • When facing off against the ogre, many of the party companions make disparaging remarks that relate the ogre to the goblins that served him. However, Dwarf Shaman in particular sounds especially sarcastic. It's possible he's actually using some form of the "Vicious Mockery" cantrip, with the intent of messing up the ogre.
  • When the party is camping in episode 2, one sip of Dwarf Shaman's booze is enough to make Elf Archer go woozy, one more makes her pass out after a while. While characters such as Goblin Slayer and Dwarf Shaman are just fine. The reason is likely exactly what Dwarf Shaman was teasing her about, her size. Dwarf Shaman rightfully calls himself Thicc, and Goblin Slayer is about twice her size and probably two or three times as broad as her, so they can probably stomach it easier than her (aside from Dwarf Shaman being a heavy alcoholic who drinks his own concoction on the regular). Add onto that Elf Archer didn't eat anything once she learned their stew for the night was Lizard Priest's great grandfather. Being so tiny and taking two swigs of such a strong booze on an empty stomach probably hit her like a truck.
  • The Iced Screamsman ignoring Goblin Slayer's denial of the story of ice cream? NPC. Every time GS said something, it was an interaction with the NPC and that prompted the Screamsman to just keep going. Goblin Slayer brought that on himself.
  • Goblin Slayer has zero issue with allowing Lizard Priest to be the one to take an unconscious, near-death Priestess home to recover, and trusts him with her completely despite very plainly stating that he wants to use her bones for magic later on when they're stronger. Well, Goblin slayer is right that he can trust Lizard Priest with her (for now). Lizard Priest is a notable Lawful Evil member of their team and can generally be allowed to do as he pleases as long as no dead people (or their bones) are involved. Lizard Priest's evil follows a fairly set code of conduct, so Priestess is perfectly safe in his hands until such a time.
