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Fanfic / Got The Baby Blues

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Got the Baby Blues is a Voltron: Legendary Defender fic by Dairyfarmer that has the canon verse interact with a universe in which Lance never became the Blue Paladin of Voltron.

AO3 Link

Tropes for this series include:

  • Alternate Timeline: A minor one that has a major impact with an alternate version of Lance never enrolling at the Galaxy Garrison.
  • Can't Refuse the Call Anymore: The alternate Lance can't ignore not being the Blue Paladin any longer. Especially when his universe Paladins and canonish verse team up to get him.
  • Missed the Call: Lance in the other universe never enrolled in the Galaxy Garrison and instead an aspiring Olympian Figure Skater.
  • No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Keith to himself with Akira. Though Akira does manage fend Keith off.
  • One-Steve Limit: Averted completely considering the situation. However to avoid confusion different names are used, usually their middle names. Allura and her alternative self uses Princess. Coran and his alt use Hieronymus, Shiro's uses Shirogane their last name to keep it easier for themselves. Keith and Akira, Hunk's alternate keeps Tsuyoshi as Lance never gave him the nickname and Pidge's uses Gunderson.
  • Other Me Annoys Me: Keith does not like Akira, his alternate self very much. Akira has an obvious crush on Lance which Keith doesn't appreciate.
  • This Is for Emphasis, Bitch!: Keith to Akira when beating him up.
    Keith: “YOU!" Keith screamed, going for Akira’s nose. "HAVE!" That one hit Akira’s mouth. "YOUR!" Akira managed to block that one. "OWN!" That one hit Akira’s chin. "ROOM!"
  • Unresolved Sexual Tension: Between Keith and Lance. It gets resolved by the end of the fic
