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Drinking Game / Spider-Man

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1) Drink whenever they say, “Peter Parker,” or, “Spider-man.”

2) Drink every time Spidey shoots his web.

3) Drink whenever someone screams.

4) Drink anytime someone says something deep or attempts to be thoughtful.

5) Drink whenever they say, “Aunt,” or, “Uncle.”

6) Drink whenever you realize Spandex is a good choice.

7) Drink anytime they say, “Harry.”

8) TAKE A SHOT when the spider bites Peter, because obviously.

9) WATERFALL throughout the scenes where Spidey is swinging through the city.

10) TAKE A SHOT when you see Stan Lee.

11) Drink whenever they say, “Mary Jane.”

12) Drink for every J.K. Simmons zingers.
