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Mizu Hon

Player: Aura

Arcanum: VII - The Inverse Chariot

A Shadow born from the Collective Unconscious, Mizu did not destroy her other self to become what she is now. Instead, she gradually awakened to sentience by taking in the detritus of others' emotions. The nationalism of a veteran, the euphoria of an early victor, and so on. Once she fully awakened, she came through to the real world, becoming highly confused by it, and took the name of the place she had arrived: the Mizuhana district of Madasui.

Mizu's "Persona" is Spartacus, the famous leader of a slave rebellion against The Roman Republic.


  • Dirty/Lovable Coward: While not true any more, Mizu originally assimilated the survival instinct of a suicidal person, and as such was far more likely to flee from combat than engage in it.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: Mizu absorbed a lot of anger whilst she was in the world of the Shadows, and so has some control issues when it comes to being insulted or perceived injustices.
  • Immigrant Patriotism: Mizu is not a native to the real world, let alone anywhere within it, yet absorbed the national spirit of a veteran of World War II before gaining sentience. How much it still affects her judgment is unclear.
  • Meaningful Name: Averted, actually. It is more of a Line-of-Sight Name, coming as it does from where she was when she arrived in the real world.
  • Tame Her Anger: Though she has inherited a great deal of anger from the various emotions she collected as a mindless Shadow, she attempts to channel it into positive actions.
  • Token Heroic Orc: How token she truly is remains to be seen, but she is certainly a more virtuous and less hostile being than most of her fellows.
