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Granny Deaver

Appears In: Ghost Granny (book 1, story #1)

A nasty old woman who sponged off a family she wasn't actually related to for three years. When she died, everyone had a hard time concealing their relief that she was gone. That relief was short lived when she returned as an evil spirit, intending to haunt her so-called family.

  • Evil Old Folks: And she only became worse when she became a ghost.
  • Jabba Table Manners: She eats like a pig even as she complains about how bad the food is. Kelly and her brother once found Granny Deaver's teeth in the milk carton after she was done drinking it, and this grossed them out so much they stopped eating cereal completely.
  • The Millstone: To Kelly and her family, in life and especially in death. She makes their lives miserable by being rude, loud, and unpleasant, and they just can't get rid of her. Upon her return as a ghost, she ruins Kelly's birthday and scares away her friends, and spends the nights howling and wailing. It reached a point where a neighbor finally called the police thinking Kelly's family had a dog, but she scared them away.
  • No Sense of Personal Space: She's always pinching Kelly and her brother when she's not barging into their rooms and leaving her stuff in their closets.
  • Screw Politeness, I'm a Senior!: She's domineering and has no sense of consideration or self-awareness towards how she behaves around others.
  • Sickly Green Glow: As a ghost.
  • Superpowered Evil Side: She becomes animalistic when she gets truly angry, growing claws and fangs. It's all for show. She can't actually hurt anyone and when Kelly realizes this, her mocking of Granny Deaver is enough to make her self destruct.
  • The Thing That Would Not Leave: Kelly's parents let her stay with them because she has nowhere else to go, and they feel sorry for her. This only gets worse when she becomes a ghost.
  • Took a Level in Jerkass: Before she died, she was just rude. As a ghost, she terrorizes the family and anyone who enters the house. She claims that dying has brought her "evil side" out.
  • Ungrateful Bastard: She complains about everything, alive or dead. She'll call the food Kelly's parents have made garbage but she'll eat it all and then steal from their plates.
