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Awesome / Shanghai Noon

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  • The climax of the shootout between Roy and Van Cleef, as Roy charges out screaming with One Bullet Left and Van Cleef opens up on him with Guns Akimbo, bullets flying all around Roy's body ... and then he fires and puts his single shot right through Van Cleef's badge and into his heart!
    • Followed by Roy looking at the bullet holes in his robe.
      Roy: It's a miracle. I am invincible. Roy! Invincible!
    • Seeing how his real name is Wyatt Earp, it could just be Truth in Television.
    • Arguably made even more awesome in that this was the first time we see Roy actually hit what he's aiming at. Every shot in the movie before then didn't even come close.
  • Roy puts a little lampshade on the Big Damn Heroes moment.
    Imperial Guard: Chon Wang!
    Roy: That's right, Johnny Wayne's here.
  • "This is the West, not the East. The sun may rise where we come from, but here is where it sets."
  • Jackie Chan's most creative fights in a Western film (and in literally a Western film). Horseshoes, revolving doors, umbrellas, evergreen trees, anything and everything becomes a weapon in the hands of Chon Wang.
    • Special mention for using antler horns as a bat'leth during the barroom brawl.
  • Every time Chon Wang's wife saves him and Roy.
  • Played for Laughs though it may be, the fact that Roy actually used the chopsticks to dig himself out from being buried alive!
  • Princess Pei-Pei distracting Lo Fong during his last fight with Chon with some unforeseen fighting skills, while nursing an injured leg. Despite being subdued rather quickly, it's badass in the moment.
    • She also dive-rescues Chon from the falling bell just before it hits the ground.
  • Despite their ignorance, the willingness of Jedadiah and his pioneer family to help the Imperial Guards, (Be they "Injuns", Jews, or whatever) is kinda impressive for the time. As is their attempt to meet them halfway when it comes to culture, as shown with the'shalom'. Considering the language barrier, and the fact that moving all your stuff in a covered wagon is already tough, exhausting, and dangerous, it was awfully nice of them to help out.
