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Awesome / Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story

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  • Bruce Lee is shouted down when he critiques traditional martial art at a karate convention, then he claim he can win over any fighter present in less than 1 minute. The public make fun of him and demand he prove his claim. Epic fight and winning ensue...
  • At a college gym, Bruce outwits and outmatches a Jerk Jock and his friends, who are fueled by anti-Asian sentiment from the Korean War, yet before leaving him, he tells him:
    Bruce: Sorry about your dad. Those were Koreans. I'm an American.
  • And most important of all: the Crowning Moment of Awesome of the movie. After enduring defeat after defeat at the hands of the Demon, Bruce is dragged to his very own grave, and the Demon is ready to go after his son Brandon. Anybody would be crushed, but he's not anybody: He's Bruce Lee. He jumps again, ready to fight for his beloved son.
    • At this moment, Bruce has nothing. He had tried everything in all the encounters with the Demon during his lifetime. Then a lucky kick reveals, after all those years and fights, the Demon's weakness at his neck.
    • The demon won't buldge. And since Bruce discovered that his neck was his weakness, responded generating spikes on his face, so he wouldn't be able to kick his face again.
    • Bruce, then finds a single nunchaku in the mouth of a Lion. Keep in mind: In western culture, Lions are the hunters, the predators. In Orient lions are seen as guardians and protectors. If the Demon is there to destroy him, that Lion is a protector, giving the means to save his family.
    • Thin, armed with one nunchaku, Bruce starts practicing the stunts he invented. Keep in mind: Those aren't real martial movements but the ones he created for the show. Yet the demon backed in fear. IN FEAR His lifetime as a star paid off, since he sowed the seeds of fear and doubt in the heart of a demon.
    • Finally he combines his showy moves with his Jeet Kune Do and the traditional use of the Nunchaku to defeat the Demon, strangling it to death and throwing it to the ground in disgust. It took him a lifetime of self-perfection to defeat this curse. And he did it. Because he's Bruce Lee.
