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The Young Agents of MATA fight back

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     Season 1 

Misi: IRIS

  • Dos and Trez infiltrate a MATA facility, an incredibly secure location, with ease. On the surface, Trez appears to be your typical Dumb Muscle, but in actuality is able to hack MATA’s system with his own custom program, Trezware 3.0.
  • Bakar going toe-to-toe with both Dos and Trez, Uno’s strongest allies. Mind you this is before Bakar acquired his signature Plasma Shields.
  • Ali activates IRIS for the first time and it’s shown to instantaneously provide him with crucial data on his surroundings and predict his opponents’ attacks. This allows even an untrained kid like him to face the Numeros head-on.

Misi: Alpha

  • Dr. Tong shows incredible courage in affirming his ethics as a scientist. Despite Aaron making a valid point that his mind control device will allow workers to be completely obedient and emotionless so they can work faster and more efficiently, Dr. Tong stands his ground against him.
  • Ali uses IRIS on his travel to school in order to perform tricks on his scooter with ease and defend Boy from Shaun and Syed’s bullying.
    • It is also revealed IRIS can calculate equations which allows Ali to pass a test (with cheating) for the first time in a long time, so much that everyone is shocked.
  • On Ali’s first mission, he is able to use IRIS to scan an entire building in order to find a backdoor entrance and then is able to bypass several security locks with it.
  • Jenny is shown to be not only good with creating gadgets, but also remotely hacking into enemy security systems.
  • Rizwan mows down Aaron’s mooks with just a Finger Poke of Doom and swiftly defeats him with a lollipop stick thrown at his throat.
    • IRIS detects the stick as not a threat, so Rizwan isn’t using a MATA gadget but rather has the strength and skill to use a plastic stick as a dangerous weapon.

Misi: Seri

  • Ali works together with a masked, slingshot-wielding agent in order to defeat Komeng’s gang with ease.
    • Said agent is revealed to be Alicia who is the same age as Ali but is on a different level of skill.
  • Even the hardened and normally unfazed Alicia is thrown aback by Ms. Munah’s ferocity.

Misi: Comot

  • Remember that cat you saw occasionally in the past few episodes? That’s Comot. A genetically modified cat with the ability to camouflage herself and is skilled in espionage.
  • An enraged Ali charges towards Abang Bear for his mistreatment of Comot.
  • Comot fights back against Bear and steals back IRIS to help Ali.
  • With the help of IRIS, Ali breaks him, Alicia and Bakar out of cages they’ve been locked in and disarms the bomb in the room. He then uses said bomb to blow up the locked door so they can escape.

Misi: Blueprint

  • MATA does its job as the Big Good. It was a smart move to make the blueprints of such a powerful gadget like IRIS separated in two parts and stored far away from each other. Sadly the Numerous still get to break in, but that itself is a big accomplishment for the villains.
  • Comot discovered a camera hidden in an unsuspecting cockroach. Said camera was actually able to retrieve enough information for Dos and Trez to steal one Crypto-drive of IRIS before Rizwan could retrieve it.

Misi: Bangkit

  • It is revealed that Ali’s father is actually Cyberaya’s top computer scientist and is one of its pioneers. His efforts also got him one of the city’s highest awards. It’s not your typical CMOA from an action series, but as an ordinary human that is a massive accomplishment.
  • Aaron is able to build a device that enables him to telepathically touch and move objects out of scraps, a flashlight, walkie-talkie, and batteries as a power source. He breaks out of prison using his new invention with ease.
  • Ali scores a clean, powerful kick enhanced by his Aeroboots that lands straight in his face. He gets in another with his Yo-Yo’s blast.

Misi: Protokol Gegas

  • Alicia is able to locate Dos based on sound in the darkness and manages to shoot her. All without IRIS.
  • Crosses over with Heartwarming, but despite all the unreasonable hardships Alicia puts Ali through both in MATA and at school, he still saves her from getting vaporized in the Azureum Reactor. Especially since he was ordered to initiate Protocol Gegas, which means abandoning your allies to die if it means stopping your enemy and saving even more lives.

Misi: Prestasi

  • Ali’s Armor-Piercing Question to General Rama when he is threatened to be executed due to his failure to stop Dos from stealing Azureum. Especially this line:
Ali: (Translation from the official YouTube channel) She’s (Alicia) your daughter, isn’t she?
  • It carries a lot more weight in the movie when it is revealed Alicia was adopted by Rama.

Misi: Potensi

  • Ali’s Training Montage with Rizwan. You can see him improve his skills and get better and better.
  • When cornered in an enemy base without backup, Ali unknowingly activates Override Mode. It lets him instantly take control of nearby systems and machines, allowing him to effortlessly breeze past guards and defenses and use their weapons against them.

Misi: Senasi

Misi: Bukti

  • Alicia swiftly mows down a gauntlet of 100 drones without fatigue. Sadly her trauma caught up to her before she could destroy more bots.
  • Ali sneaking into the MATA safehouse as a mere civilian. Even with the help of IRIS, it’s impressive to see how far he’s come without his gadgets.
    • Added onto this, he was able to identify signs Bakar was not the mole within MATA. While he incorrectly deduced Rizwan was the traitor, he was still able to trace the location of the call and find where the Numeros were hiding.
  • After receiving Rizwan’s training, Ali is finally able to hold his own against both Trez and Dos. He even utilizes several techniques he picked up such as a backflip kick with his Aeroboots and rebounding the attack of his Yo-Yo.

Misi: Uno

  • The bunkers of MATA facility are lined with one foot of Titanium and can resist nuclear explosions. Yes, all of the MATA locations have one of these.
  • Rizwan vs. Uno is a mirror match between two of MATA’s best Inviso agents. Even without his sword, Uno takes down Rizwan and even though he was his former student, Rizwan is able to keep up.


  • After being beaten by Dos and Trez many times, Bakar gets serious and manages to get the upper hand against the two. If not for Cinco’s interference, he might have defeated them for real.
  • Bakar’s determination to protect Ali, even if he has been beaten down severely.
  • After witnessing his dear uncle gravely harmed, Override Mode kicks in and takes control of Ali and all the Busterdroids in the room. He is able to quickly predict and counterattack against anything the Numerous throw at him. And as an added bonus the Busterdroids gang up on them to take them down.
  • Alicia arrives at the bunker to respond to the emergency call. Even when up against Uno, she’s still determined to fight until the end to protect IRIS.

     Season 2 

Misi: Akademi

  • We finally meet the MATA agent who covers for Ali and Alicia, Agent Karya. The man is an Inviso agent who is able to perform magic tricks and utilize them in combat and stealth.
  • Ali and Alicia arrive at the MATA Academy, only for them to discover it had been attacked. The two get separated from their mentors and fend off the intruder all on their own. While they still bicker, they are more cooperative and coordinate their attacks a lot better than before.
  • The intruder reveals himself to be Agent Karya. He’s actually been staging an attack against the academy for every new young agent to be enrolled. Ali and Alicia have actually done better in this test compared to anyone else, even Rudy.

Misi: Orientasi

  • Ali’s classmates introduce themselves along with their skills. We are treated to everyone's unique and interesting gadgets and skills.
  • Everyone destroys MATA bots with absolute ease. We are also shown what Rudy’s skillset is, utilizing handcuffs to control someone’s movements.
  • During the first training exercise, we get the clash between Ali’s team (Ali, Jet, Moon, and Iman) and Alicia’s (Alicia, Mika, Rudy, and Khai).
  • Rudy managed to convince Ali to drop his guard by impersonating Iman, down to her body language, mannerisms, and even VOICE. His suit is also like Rizwans, except it also copies the person’s face and voice while Rizwan needs to steal headwear to hide himself.

Misi: Main

  • The spotlight of this episode is on Zass. He is shown to be a rather laid-back individual, yet when he has to get serious he really shines.
    • Ali and Zass work together to take down a robot controlled by Neonimus by exploiting its gun’s overheating problem. Zass even straight up pulls off a handle bar from the train and proceeds to hammer away at it.

Misi: Analog

  • Despite his equipment being leagues outdated compared to MATA, Analogman puts up a great fight against Ali’s team.
    • He’s also surprisingly nimble and quick to react for his age.
  • They may be robots, but the Robopol show great courage and sacrifice for Dr. Mala.
  • When an Azureum explosion disables all their gadgets, Alicia opts to bludgeon Analogman with her Blastique. She even used it to redirect one of his bombs towards him.
  • Bakar jumping in to save everyone and taking down Analogman.

Misi: Cabar

  • Rudy clearing an obstacle gauntlet the fastest out of all his classmates. While Zass is known for his super speed, he ranked second by only mere milliseconds. Everyone but Ali were also only a few seconds off compared to the two.
  • Jenny (Cinco) returns with a new ally, Ocho whose microbugs is reminiscent of that from Big Hero 6.
  • The mentors get in action in this episode. And they do not disappoint. They are highly coordinated, cooperative and efficient and manage to take down the seemingly unstoppable Ocho. They funnel all their abilities through Bakar to turn him into an unmovable juggernaut.

Misi: Susu

  • Crosses over with heartwarming. Ali not only manages to clean up his home before his father arrives (it was already late), but he manages to get him a gift for his anniversary

Misi: Kembali

  • After witnessing Rizwan’s betrayal, Ali activates Override mode and gets ready to thrown down.

Misi: Tujuan

  • After Ali successfully defeats Dos, he goes berserk and attacks Khai and Moon. Iman jumps in to stop him putting up a good fight, but is ultimately defeated as well. Even when she dishes out her fully charged flail Ali stops it with his bare hands. He was barely moving throughout all of this.
  • We are introduced to Seis and Siete, members of the Numeros. They posses great coordination and speed allowing them to utilize their soccer fighting style to overwhelm opponents.

Misi: Peranan

  • Agent Karya effortlessly neutralizing Roza and Zass with his hypnosis.
  • We see Chris taking on Mika, disarming her gauntlet by slipping it off with his Plasmakris and returning the momentum back at her.
  • While it’s partly because of Ali’s recklessness, the team of Roza, Geetha, Zass, and Mika take out Ali’s team swiftly after their recovery and forces Karya to surrender their training match.
  • Geetha shows the power of a Support Party Member by boosting all their downed members and turning the tides of the battle.
  • Alicia proves that Ali saving her life meant something to her. Even when she’s understandably pissed at him, she defends him from the other agents bullying him and wants them to give him a chance to improve himself.
  • During the rematch, we get to see Bulat in action. His puzzle balls can also freeze a target in place, which is how he nullifies Zass.
    • He also discreetly set up laser traps that shoot at Alicia when she tries to retrieve Intel.
  • Rudy prepares to throw Ali after he’s shackled him, but finds Ali’s Aeroboots counteracting the force.
  • Roza being a constant threat in the battle as she provides cover fire for her team, keeping everyone on the defensive.
  • Alicia swoops in to save Ali, and comes up with a plan to turn the tides. She sends out Ali to distract Roza while she snipes her with a slingshot. Ali then uses the opening to free Zass who then takes one of Bulat’s puzzle balls to freeze him in place.
  • Without Chris, Ali and Zass have to team up in order to defeat Mika. Zass uses Ali’s Yo-Yo to bind her and neutralize Mika as a threat.
  • Meanwhile, Alicia and Rudy go toe-to-toe with Zass coming in to help her get the upperhand. In the end, Leon and Geetha stop the match as it is not without their permission. Despite that, with Mika, Bulat and Roza defeated, Zass and Alicia ready to fight Rudy, and Ali retrieving the intel uninterrupted, safe to say Ali’s team wins.

Misi: Atlas

  • Karya’s hypnosis ability? He can do it naturally without MATA gadgets. All he needs the contact lens to do is speed it up.
  • Even in the base of the Numeros, and surrounded by them all, Akram stands his ground and refuses to create IRIS.
  • Khai’s father managed to work enough to buy Khai an AI chip to learn robotics. And his efforts clearly paid off. This is one of the CMOA you’ll get from civillians in this series.
  • Iman was revealed to have won 10 international competitions for Wushu sports. And she’s barely a teenager!
  • Despite paralyzed waist down at birth, Mika’s determination helped her become a powerful fighter.
    • Season 3 reveals that despite this she’s still incredibly strong naturally without her suit.
  • With inspiration from Khai, Ali creates his Tekno assignment: IRIS ATLAS. ATLAS essentially lets up to 3 wearers have a copy of IRIS and its abilities making already strong agents even stronger and allow teams to strategize instantly. With this creation, Ali’s team defeats the freshly escaped Analogman’s team with ease.
    • Moon driving a steamroller and terrorizing Analogman’s goons.
  • With little time left before a large bomb blows up the bridge, Ali devises a plan to disarm it using what he’s made. He leaps in the air with his Aeroboots and is propelled further by Moon after she’s thrown up in the air by Bakar. As Ali removes the bomb from the ceiling, Alicia uses her Blastique 2.0 to contain the explosion with a Gravity Bullet and throw it far away where it can safely explode.
  • Rizwan teams up with Akram to destroy the Numeros from the inside.

Misi: Harapan

  • Rudy was (almost) about to pickpocket Djinn, MATA’s greatest Inviso Agent.
  • Djinn later saves Rudy from Komeng.
  • Akram’s incredible defiance against Uno by deleting the IRIS program and destroying the computer, even when Cinco is threatening to kill his family
  • Rizwan steps in and gives Cinco a taste of her own medicine by destroying the Numeros from the inside.
  • He defeats Ocho but using Djinn’s smoke technique to catch them by surprise.
  • Akram has been blocked off by Trez and Nueve and is caught by Uno. He sends them back to deal with Akram in private, but Trez and Nueve are shocked to find Uno back in the room. As it turns out, Rizwan has stolen a spare helmet from him and camouflage his suit to look like Uno.
  • As the reveal was shown, Rizwan activates the detonator which reveals several Azureum bombs planted in the Numeros’ hideout which all go off and bury them underground.


  • As the Leon, Karya and Bakar are getting overwhelmed by the Numeros, Geetha arrives with an army of MATA robots, drones and tanks turning the tide against them. At least until Uno arrives and overrides their robot army to gain the upperhand once again.
  • In order to quiet the young agents who are fighting over whether to evacuate or fight back, Alicia shouts Rama’s signature “DEY!!!” which shuts up the entire room.
  • Ali gives an inspiring speech to work together and protect the MATA mainframe.
  • As Uno is about to shoot down Geetha, Roza gets a headshot on the Busterdroid. The shot pans out to reveal all the young agents ready to fight with the Neuro team all equipped with ATLAS and the Kombat team on the frontlines.
  • Chris mows down the MATA bots and prepares to engage with Dos until Jet, Iman and Moon take over.
  • Mika keeps Trez at bay and is able to keep up against him despite normally being the one to handle Bakar.
  • Jet, Khai, and Zass team up to take out the Mechadroid and Khai uses his hacking skills to shut down a MATA Mechadroid and save Zass.
  • Moon uses her holograms to Zerg Rush Nueve and with a little help from Comot she takes him out of the fight.
  • The situation is dire, IRIS is forced offline which means ATLAS is offline. Mika and Jet are taken out of the fight, one of their strongest and their air support, and their ace Rudy is under a Heroic BSoD. A calming voice reaches out to help up Ali which shocks everyone to reveal Pillar Chief Zain at the scene ready to join the battle.


  • Zain walks up to battle Uno, through the middle of the battlefield no less, and all Numeros gang up on him. In an instant, Zain is able to see how everyone is going to attack and predicts how to counter them. He knocks the hulking Trez of the ground, uses him to deflect Dos’ hairpin dart, throws Seis and Siete’s ball back hitting the both of them and throws Dos’ pin to cause Cinco to flinch, granting him a clear path to Uno.
  • The fight against Zain and Uno is one big CMOA, and is arguably the most popular in the series.
    • Zain predicts not one, but several ways to fight the incoming Uno. Each time he sees a flaw in his plan, he adjusts and sees even more times when Uno would find an opening and continuous to adjust his next move. Then the scene returns back to the present playing out exactly in Zain’s mind, correctly anticipating every attack and executing the counterattack… but Uno catches his last punch.
    • The greatest Inviso agent armed with a device that can correctly predict an opponent’s actions is pitted against the Neuro agent with unrivaled strategic and tactical skill to predict and react in an instant. It’s a fight between an unbreakable shield and an unstoppable sword.
    • When Zain is knocked down and seemingly can’t defeat Uno, it is revealed that his little struggles back there were just to test how IRIS thinks and how to exploit its predictive AI. Uno charges at him as usual but now Zain is fighting back a lot better. Every attack is blocked by his arm shields and accompanied by a powerful counterattack. Uno tries different openings but is stopped every time. When it seems the two are at a stand still, Zain pulls out his gun and starts blasting him.
  • Meanwhile, Rudy and Bulat tag together to defeat Seis and Siete. Rudy uses their soccer fighting style to goad them into kicking one of Bulat’s puzzle balls set to trapping mode and freezes Seis in place. Siete and Rudy are even match until Rudy gets a clean hit thanks to Bulat distracting Siete. Siete on the other hand manages to regain his ball to snipe Bulat out of the fight, and in that short window Rudy shackles him and throws him out of the fight.
  • Even without IRIS, Ali still puts up a good fight. He is able to get in good hits on Trez and thanks to Chris giving him an opening he gets a clean hit on his face.
  • Roza and Khai finish off the last of the overridden MATA robots as the camera pans out to reveal the carnage.
  • Just as the young agents corner Trez and Dos, Cinco fire her laser cannon at them which takes out Moon and gives Dos the opportunity to defeat Roza and Trez to knock out Chris. Roza was actually ready to shoot down Cinco the moment she reveals herself as a major threat.
  • Alicia and Cinco get ready for a cowboy-style duel and are ready to shoot at each other. Comot arrives to throw off Cinco and allow R-O to grab her tablet. Alicia throws her signature punch to the face, getting personal revenge on their traitor and leaving a bruise on Cinco.
  • Khai gets IRIS enabled again, which restores ATLAS. Roza passes hers onto Iman while Rudy gets the one used by Jet. We now have a full team of agents with complete pillars ready to take on the dragons of the Numeros.
  • With ATLAS, Alicia and Rudy tag together to defeat Dos with ease. Ali and Iman do the same and we now get to see the power of her fully charged flail. It’s able to knock away Trez several feet away. Imagine if that hit Ali a few episodes ago.
  • Zain is giving Uno one hell of a beatdown. When he finally disarms him, Zain lands a clean uppercut removing his helmet which leaves Uno on the ground at his mercy. If not for his compassion and Uno’s lack of, he’d won that fight despite all odds.
  • As Zain is stabbed by Uno after his fake surrender, IRIS Override activates once more.
  • The fight between Ali and Uno, two IRIS users predicting each other’s attacks with neither getting a good hit in. However, Uno gets the upperhand and overpowers Ali, sending him flying through the wall into the arena where their adventures in the MATA Academy all started.
  • Alicia jumps in to save Ali from Uno, but Ali rises from behind her seemingly ready to attack indiscriminately… until IRIS recognizes ATLAS and reads: Status Identified.
  • And so with ATLAS and IRIS at full power, the aces of the young agents band together to fight Uno. Even though Uno keeps knocking them down, they still keep fighting and won’t stop no matter the odds.
  • When it seems like Uno is about to kill Ali, his yo-yo grabs his sword and pulls it away from him… which reveals another Ali. Uno is confused by this but is suddenly shackled by Rudy who reveals he had disguised himself as Ali to get the jump on Uno. He throws Uno to the ceiling while Alicia fires a gravity bullet to keep him restrained. Ali and Iman then combine their attacks to deal a devastating final blow.
    • This is also the first time Rudy had used his disguise ability with heroic intent, to defeat his corrupted mentor and idol.
  • Despite that, he survived. Uno rises up again and overrides the MATA mainframe and activated a satellite weapon to kill them all. Rudy and Alicia don’t hesitate to charge at him even without ATLAS. Just as it seems Alicia is about to engage in a seemingly unwinnable fight against Uno, his sword is shot out of his hand by Zain. Thanks to Khai using Geetha’s enhancer, Zain is able to get back on his feet to fight Uno once more.
  • In a mix of CMOA, Tearjerker and Heartwarming, Zain gives Alicia his final order: to initiate the Gegas Protocol, and leave him behind to evacuate the others. The very MATA protocol created in Djinn’s honor, to remember his sacrifice and abandonment, is the same one Zain brings upon himself to make it right. With the last of his strength, Zain holds off Uno while everyone gets to safety. He drops his gun as he learns everyone is safe and resigns himself to his fate: to die along with Uno and the rest of his evil gang.
  • While Ali had just performed an incredible feat of bravery, courage and strength, he still has his own moment of awesome as a civilian. Presumably without IRIS, Ali managed to create an engine for his rocket project with Viktor in a short amount of time that results in an incredibly built rocket way advanced for a 6th grader. If he wasn’t late, he probably would have gained a better grade.
  • When the remaining Pillar Chiefs hear news Ali has returned to duty, they remark about his success and potential as one of MATA’s best agents. Then Dayang drops a big reveal that shocks Ganz: being a great MATA agent is in Ali’s blood. Who could he have gotten it from? Bakar? Dr. Ghazali? That’s until the movie…
