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Annoying Video Game Helper / Overwatch

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  • Teammates automatically shout "Watch out behind you!" if someone is being hit from the rear, but you have no more info than that. Is there more than one attacker? Are they attacking from above? Should you turn and defend yourself or just run? Depending on your status when it happens, the warning is useless to you and may actually distract you from something more important.
  • Reinhardt's shield is great for shooting at enemies from safety, but it also washes everything out with a blue tint, making it harder to aim. Worse, Reinhardt himself is a big body, meaning that following behind him obscures your vision — especially in tight corners.
  • Lúcio can make his teammates move faster, which can unfortunately mess up some timing.
  • Roadhog has a chain grab that pulls enemies to him, which can accidentally save an opponent you were attacking. Similarly, Junkrat has a mine that can launch them, leading to similar problems. On the other hand, using Roadhog's hook indiscriminately might get you or your allies killed. Nothing quite like hooking a Reaper or a Soldier: 76 and getting that nearby friendly Mercy killed from the hail of gunfire. Or worse, hooking D.Va's self-destructing mech or Junkrat's RIP-Tire and blowing up most of your team as a result. All you unlucky Roadhog mains know the pain of having that unlucky hook be play of the game.
  • Mei's rather infamous for her Ice Wall, which creates impassable barriers for friend and foe alike. Depending on how they're used, it can block friendly shots or trap allies, potentially even get them killed.
  • Not the hero himself, but your allies attacking him. Genji's Deflect ability deflects his opponents' attacks. However, sometimes your teammates will continue to shoot at him, which means their attacks can be reflected to you if you're close enough.
  • Inverted with Mercy's Guardian Angel ability, which allows her to fly to a teammate. If your teammate, such as Pharah or D.Va, was flying over a bottomless pit, Mercy can get dragged behind and fall to her death while trying to continue healing them.
  • Mercy's Resurrect ability at times, though this affects the players in real life rather than in-game. If a Mercy doesn't let the team know that her resurrect is ready, the revived teammate may panic from coming back so early. For example: a dead player takes a bite of food, then chokes out of panic from being resurrected and not knowing that it was about to happen.
  • Ana's weapons (specifically, her Biotic Rifle and Biotic Grenade) are the only ones that can hit both teammates and enemies. This can get a little annoying if you're trying to snipe enemies, but you have teammates who barely need any healing in the way.
  • The tutorial voice will be this way if you decide to tweak your settings and controls during the tutorial. She continues to advise your next objective while the game is paused, and sometimes she sounds annoyed at you for taking so long.
  • Abilities or effects from teammates that reveal your current location (Mercy's healing beams, Zarya's barriers, etc.) to foes while you're trying to ambush them or run for cover is this because it may disrupt your attacks or, worse, get you killed because your cover was blown. This is especially frustrating when the player is Sombra and she's going invisible, where it can still reveal her, and being caught in the act is essentially a death sentence for her due to her low health pool.
  • When Uprising returned in 2018, there were additional voice lines that played whenever the payload is being damaged. Unfortunately, the main threat to the payload are small slicer units that Zerg Rush it, meaning it's likely to hear someone complaining about the payload being hit every few seconds.
  • When Lifeweaver's abilities were revealed, the community's first reaction (other than copious fanart, anyway) was glee and/or horror at the sheer trolling potential of Life Grip, which can physically move a teammate close to Lifeweaver's position. Naturally, his release coincided with an onslaught of stories about good or bad Life Grip usage, with some players demanding that they never be pulled, even when it would be advantageous.
