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Live Blogs Valiona's Stalker Diary of The Stalking Zuko Series
Valiona2014-07-25 22:40:39

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SZ Chapter 1: The Observations Begin

Stalking Zuko

"You might have everyone else buying your... "transformation", but you and I both know you've struggled with doing the right thing in the past. So let me tell you something right now. You make one step backward, one slip up, give me one reason to think you might hurt Aang, and you won't have to worry about your destiny anymore. Because I'll make sure your destiny ends, Right then and there."

The first installment of the fic, Stalking Zuko, begins a few days after Avatar: The Last Airbender "The Western Air Temple", in which Zuko has been accepted into the Gaang, save for Katara.

Katara begins stalking and writing a diary on Zuko in order to see if she can catch him doing anything suspicious and learn his weaknesses. She calls him "Subject" to keep it confidential(although he'd know in a moment if he found her diary) distance herself from him, saying that "Subject will not endear himself to me again!" In any case, for the sake of clarity, and because I don't do things Katara's way, he and all other characters will be called by their proper names.

Katara then writes about Zuko's mother Ursa (whose name Katara doesn't know), conceding that she's missing and might be dead, but Katara thinks she got tired of Zuko's whining and ran off, which, even considering she admits it's "bitchy", is a low blow. It's also somewhat Harsher in Hindsight considering that in The Search, it turns out that Ursa abandoned the memories of a children for a new life, believing that she would never see them again, although I am actually more sympathetic toward Ursa than most.

Katara then notices that Zuko wakes up early, gets along well with Toph, and trains Aang in spite of the fact that Aang isn't the most diligent student and Zuko's own firebending is off. These details are nice touches, and appropriate considering this is about Katara's observations of Zuko. Katara is about to engage in some schadenfreude regarding Zuko's inability to firebend, but notices that he never smiles, an interestingly somber moment at the end of the observations.

In the next scene, apparently the next day, Katara is stuck doing the dishes, when Zuko comes in to help, over Katara's objections, and after some exchanged barbs, with Katara noting Zuko's betrayal at Ba Sing Se in their diary (it's perhaps a misnomer, as it can be argued that it was a case of Zuko choosing to keep opposing the Gaang, rather than choosing to help and going back on his word), Katara reluctantly accepts his help.

A word about the dialogue. Much of it, at least so far, appears to be Katara telling us about the conversations she's had, rather than showing them herself, not unlike what I'm doing in this liveblog, albeit with a different voice. This can be something of a cop-out for writers, but it can also be good at showing the dialogue from characters' perspective, as well as certain things about it from their point of view- their reactions, what they consider important, how they interpret the others' words and actions, and so forth.

Katara notes that Zuko feels bad about what happened, and again denies warming up to Zuko, denying that he will do so no matter how much he washes the dishes. After a few awkward attempts and an apparent Accidental Innuendo, Zuko asks for a truce, promising to help the Gaang if Katara doesn't hate him so much. Katara decides to think about it.

Katara notes that Zuko's firebending is useful for everyday tasks, and the many ways he is Adorkable, which is starting to turn her on.

Some would be skeptical about how Zuko and Katara could ever be friends, much less a couple, at this point. To that, I say that stories like telling of how people overcame the impossible, and much like how an underdog sports team defeats the champion, or how La RĂ©sistance overthrows The Empire, people overcoming a strong dislike of each other to fall in love is a popular story. It certainly makes for good drama, but like other dramatic techniques, it can sometimes strain belief. Why would Katara get together with Zuko after everything he's done? And what will happen with her burgeoning relationship with Aang? Only time will tell for this fic.

What I liked:

  • Good attention to detail
  • Katara's perspective is an interesting touch.

What I didn't like

  • Katara sometimes taking low blows at Zuko (saying his mother left him because she was annoyed with him, and enjoying his lack of firebending)


romancechina88 Since: Dec, 1969
Aug 23rd 2014 at 2:25:23 AM
Excuse the late comment, i have had a very busy week and a half, leaving no time for tvtropes activties.

It's very understandable as to why you decided to take a break, there's no point in doing a liveblog on something that annoys you and makes you feel angry. It was around this point i stopped reading the fic as well, due to feeling tha author was just spinning things round just because they wanted their own verison of Avatar. I respect that and that's their prerogative. But the way it has been excuted here leaves something to be desired i feel.

Just the level of bashing of Aang is something i find most distaseful, it just isn't needed. It's like when fans of code geass bash Suzaku because they like lelouch more, even though both are just as flawed as each other. Or when someone overlooks any positives of a character just because they are a threat to their OTP, it's that side of fanfiction and shipping that can ruin reading or watching anything for me. It's that side of Avatar fandom i feel at times has given avatar fandom bad rep in places.

I remember when korra first came out, some zealous fans bashed asami just because she was a love rival to korra, that was it. Not anything to do with her as a character etc, just because she was another girl who was there. It just ain't worth dicussing how irrational stuff like that is i feel.

Hope to see you liveblog again soon. I will get my next chapter of Katawa Shoujo up soon.

Valiona Since: Dec, 1969
Aug 23rd 2014 at 2:54:50 PM
I find it unfortunate that when favoring one pairing over another (e.g. Kataang and Maiko vs. Zutara), or when favoring one character in a clash of two sides that isn't entirely black and white (e.g. Lelouch vs. Suzaku), fans have no regard for the other one they chose, just like how the author said, early on, that she doesn't think much of Kataang and Maiko, even if Zutara wasn't around. By contrast, I think the Zutara is quite well done in this fic, but I'd have preferred it if, among other things, Aang had quietly given up on his feelings for Katara after the balcony scene, and rooted for her to get together with Zuko.

At the moment, I'm working on a liveblog for How I Became Yours. The character derailment's more severe there, but given the quality (or lack thereof), it's easier to not take seriously. Of course, even in spite of all that, maybe Jackie Diaz was on to something in skipping Step 1 and having Aang get together with Toph.