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Shout Out / TheStrawhatNO!

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Shout Outs made in TheStrawhatNO!'s videos.

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Thorn and Travis are both music buffs, so this tends to be their most common form of Shout-Out. They have sang/namechecked Nick Cave, The Proclaimers, and a lot more during various LPs.



    Video Games 
  • Thorn and Travis are also fans of the Metal Gear franchise and will often reference the games despite having never LPed them.
  • During Bomberman Hero, Travis says, "Socrates vs. Mashy Spike Pit". Not the exact quote from the source, but the influence is clear.


    New Media 
  • Travis practices impersonating different Homestar Runner characters during one Skyward Sword video.
  • In Bioshock Infinite: Burial at Sea, the guys reference Jiggly Jacob, a long-time friend of the team who later made appearances on the channel. Later in Bloodborne, Thorn suggests naming the player character "Icabod Bananoh?"note  in reference to Jacob's Popscene: Track Two video. Later, Olivia suggests that he's a replacement for the Gohma rematch in Wind Waker.
  • Several parts of Dark Souls reference the video "Dark Souls: In Summary" by PlagueOfGripes, and Parts 27 and 28 are titled after a quote from the video.
  • The title for the Bomberman Megathread is "Everybody in the World Wants to Kill Me", named after an audio piece by Chriddof.
  • Sorry about the art exhibit, we ran out of face, welcome back to Ocarina of Time 3D'.

  • Invoked in the Dark Souls stream whenever the game references Berserk, of which Travis and recurring guest Neohampster are fans.
  • Travis makes one to Fullmetal Alchemist when PizzaJoe gets the Gibdo Mask.
  • The channel's very name and Yoshi's full screenname are One Piece nods, including Luffy's hat on the logo.
