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Sandbox / Share Phrase Wick Check

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    Correct (15/ 50 - 30%) 

    Shared speech patterns that is not a catchphrase (6/ 50 - 12%) 
  • Western Animation: The titular family of The Loud House have a Share Phrase of "Dang it!", said when something unpleasant is going on. This makes sense for the 11-year-old Lincoln on down but starts to get amusing when used by the teens and adults. This is an incredibly common phrase, especially for a kid's show.
  • Catchphrase Insult: 101 Dalmatians: "Idiot" is pretty much everyone's catchphrase insult. The word "idiot" being said my several characters doesn't seem remarkable.
  • Happy Endings: Share Phrase: Characters will often say 'real talk' to emphasize what they're saying. This is just a phrase.
  • Murder Party: Share Phrase: Everyone in "the scene" uses the term "dildo" to refer to someone they don't like or who annoys them. This is literally just a word used as an insult sometimes
  • Tales of the Ketty Jay: Share Phrase: 'Spit and blood!' is an exclamation used by almost everyone, from pirates, to upper class arisitocrats. Sounds like generic fantasy-world invented cursing
  • Star Trek Logical Thinking: Share Phrase: The phrases "The argument seemed to make sense", "I thought [name/pronoun] was making perfect sense", and "I should rethink..." seem common among the non-Spock characters.

    Other Misuse (5/ 50 - 10%) 

    ZCE (13/ 50 - 26%) 

    Unclear (11/ 50 - 22%) 
