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Sandbox / Bee People Wick Check

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Wick Check input (100 examples)

  1. IThoughtItMeant.D To F: Drone of Dread: Drone of Dread is not related to an Attack Drone or to the Bee People, unless they can make such a noise. Nor is it about The Dreaded.Nor is it about a character whom others dread being around because he constantly drones on about the dullest topics. That would be The Bore.
  2. Webcomic.Fortuna: The Apidees, quite literally.
  3. Characters.My Little Pony And Friends: He's an anthropomorphic bee who led Bumble's army pre-Heel–Face Turn.
  4. Heartwarming.Macross Frontier: Doubling as Moment of Awesome, what the Vajra do when they realize that, unlike them, every human is an individual mind - just as a Macross Beam was being fired at a ship packed with several millions of humans...They mass up in the beam's path and stop it, saving the ship at the cost of who knows how many of them.
  5. Characters.Star Trek Species A To D: Low-level mooks are "drones", and their commander is euphemistically called the Queen.
  6. Characters.Species Debuted In Pikmin 1: In Pikmin 2, Olimar assumes that the Bulborbs follow a eusocial lifestyle after the discovery of the Empress Bulblax and the hordes of Bulborb Larvae it spawns.
  7. Series.Sir Arthur Conan Doyles The Lost World: There is a woman raised by a hive of intelligent bees. It's the daughter of the medicine woman who treats Summerlee. She dies when the hive is lit on fire.
  8. Literature.Genome: Alien Among Us: Zzygou females look very similar to young human girls. With some plastic surgery, they can easily pass for a human.
  9. EliteMooks.Video Games: The Reapers have their own variants, in the form of the Brute, a monstrosity with the body and strength of a krogan, and the head and intelligence of a turian, which results in lethal efficency, the Ravager, a rachni husk, repurposed to bring heavy fire onto enemies, and have it's babies brainlessly swarm you, and, worst of all, the Banshee, a Reaper-fied Ardat-Yakshi asari, who can hit you with an attack that deals damage to you over time, biotically rush you, pick you up, and gut you with their long claws, and get their name because of their pants-wettingly horrifying scream. In the early stages, Marauders are built up as this, playing the role of coordination/enhancement units for the basic cannon-fodder Cannibals, but literally the next stage of the mission where they're introduced lets you meet your first Brute, and Marauders are instantly relegated to being little more than Cannibals with shields.
  10. Literature.The Bees: Well they're literally bees but with lots of human characteristics.
  11. Webcomic.Out Of Placers: The indrel. Yannit is something of an oddity in that she chooses to leave her hive.Even more so, considering that Indrel are known to go violently insane when separated from their hive for too long (fortunately, not only is Yannit highly unusual for her species, there have been hints that she has subconsciously "switched" her "hive" to her current group of True Companions, so in all likelihood this won't be an issue for her). Later pages indicate Yannit (and by extension, other indrel) suffer from sensory deprivation when separated from their hives (where communication is primarily done through pheremones). Yannit still gets impulses to go crazy, but touching human hair helps keep her sane. Ran has also begun work on finding substances that can simulate Indrel pheromones to calm her down when these impulses come up.
  12. MightyGlacier.Video Games: The Hivers from Sword of the Stars. Unlike most of the other races, the Hivers have no FTL drives on their ships. This drops the power and size requirements of their ships as they have no ability to outfit them with bulky FTL drives... so they just put more guns on the ships to make up for it. This doesn't reduce their maximum speed in combat (they are about average, faster than the Liir and Humans), but it makes their thrust to mass ratio abyssmal, so it takes a while for them to reach that top speed or change directions.
  13. Characters.Codex Equus First Age Villains: She was the queen of a whole race of them.
  14. Literature.Bas Lag Cycle: The khepri and the anophelii.Khepri females are red-skinned women, human in appearance apart from having giant scarabs for heads. The rarely-seen males do exist, but are literally just large non-sapient scarab beetles that exist mainly to procreate. Anophelii are anthropomorphic mosquitoes who consist of brilliant, scholarly men who subsist on plant juices and monstrous women with uncontrollable bloodlust.
  15. Literature.The Dagger And The Coin: The Southlings are compared to termites in-universe, as their tribes are each ruled by a single matriarch whom the rest of the tribe serves as drones. Though they are capable of mating with each other, they generally treat reproduction as a privilege reserved for the matriarch.
  16. Characters.Kid Radd: Appears to be one, even though her "father" looks completely human. The oddness of it is lampshaded by Amp himself when Joule first appears.
  17. Literature.The Corellian Trilogy: The Selonians are an interesting example. They have the same social structure as ants or bees on Earth, but unlike most examples of such aliens are not insectoid, but mammalian, looking somewhat like humanoid otters.
  18. PokedexOfTropes.A To F: Combee People
  19. Characters.Masters Of The Universe Great Rebellion: Though her race have no connection to Buzz-Off's people.
  20. Literature.All Tomorrows: The Temptors are a race of giant, immobile females who command hordes of small, obedient males.
  21. Anime.Blood Plus: The Chiropteran 'Queen' reigns over her drone-esque Chevaliers.
  22. VideoGame.Space Tyrant: The Bzzerk.
  23. NoBiochemicalBarriers.Alien Food Is Edible: Sword of the Stars: Humans, tarka and hivers can all eat each others' foodstuffs with no ill effects (though non-hivers find hiver food terribly bland). Hiver biochemistry and taste organs are wired such that human spices and fermented goods (such as cheese) are near-narcotic to them (on the other hand, they have no reaction whatsoever to ethanol), and hiver warriors apparently eat garlic as a form of manhood test because the taste sensation makes it actually dangerous to them. Zuul are able to eat everything (or anyone) without any bad side effects, though being genetically modified this may be justified.
  24. Manga.Level E: The Mucbaks — an insectoid One-Gender Race, but lacking a Hive Mind.
  25. Fanfic.Re My Hostage Not Yours: Adaptation Species Change: In the original story, the Valkians were Lizard Folk. Here, they're now presented as Bee People.
  26. Funny.World Of Warcraft: The Klaxxi also have some amusing ones. At first, they get angry at you and make the expected threats to your safety. Keep doing it, and they start begging you to stop. Some even claim the equivalent of Sand In My Eyes!
  27. Characters.SWAT Kats: Their social structure is just the queen and her many, many drones. Unlike some examples, though, the queen is indistinguishable from her natural children apart from her size (even before growing to Kaiju size, she was taller than a normal Ci-Kat-A).
  28. Manga.Sekirei: The Sekirei are hinted to be this, as Takami once explained to Kusano that #01 was "their queen". Miya is vague about exactly what she is, but clarifies that she is something completely different from her "107 feathers".
  29. Characters.FADIAMT Gem Empire: Though not insectoid by any means, Gemkind and their society is vaguely eusocial in structure, with division of labor between biological castes with drastic dimorphism, the sterile general populace, and how reproduction relies on a very small caste. The Diamonds, the royal/reproductive caste, are also the largest Gem type, similar to insect queens.note The sole exception to the size rule being Steven, who is still tall by human standards and outranks all other Gems in strength.
  30. Recap.Doctor Who S 3 E 1 Galaxy 4: The Drahvins are trying to make their society into this.
  31. Pantheon.Psyches: Portfolio: Figural and Literal Bee People, Cute Monster Girl, Stingers, Non-Mammalian Hair and Breasts, Insect Queen, Extreme Omnivore
  32. DarthWiki.Dark Fantasy X: The Hive, Outside the "imitators" breed that try to mimic humans, there's the monstrous 6 foot warrior drones that's not unlike the reapers from Resident Evil 5.
  33. Film.Gamera 2 Advent Of Legion: Legion.
  34. TabletopGame.After The Bomb: But What About the Astronauts?: Mutants In Orbit. Earth had several populated satellites and even colonies on the Moon and Mars at the time of the Big Death. They survived, and are trying to cope with the fact the only really habitable planet in the Solar System has turned into a house of freaks. Mars was marginally terraformed, but thanks to a Mad Scientist, it's now overrun with mutant Bee People.
  35. Characters.Justice League Of America Antagonist: The queen of an alien race of these.
  36. AlwaysChaoticEvil.Video Games: Endless Space has the Cravers; a race of cybernetically augmented oversized insects. Engineered by the Virtual Endless as a biological weapon, the Endless did a pretty shoddy job killing them off when they accomplished their task, leading to the Horde of Alien Locusts to infest the galaxy. The Cravers can never be at peace; their only diplomatic actions are "Declare War". They must continuously expand lest they consume their own civilization. Most Cravers are not intelligent, being a race of Bee People. However, Cravers can become augmented by contact with Dust, which significantly boosts their intelligence, and morality; rejected by their hives, they offer themselves as commanders and governors to other races or hives. Endless Legend has the functionally similar Necrophages.
  37. Literature.Secret City: Os' dwell in Moscow's Absurdly-Spacious Sewer, where they scavenge garbage and hunt with packs of domesticated giant rats. While far from technological advances, they have a complex religion and are developing their unique culture. Os' are a disconnected Bee People with the last surviving Hive Queen and King kept in suspended animation by the Nav' since their survival is required for the Os' to procreate. Santiaga is working towards severing this link and emancipating the Os' who are as of now obviously not cross-fertile with any other family.
  38. VideoGame.Xenogears: Solaris is intentionally structured like this, with the "worker bees" living in the dregs, and the nobles living in a maze of shopping malls and indoor suburbs. The lower-class citizens bunk in beehive-shaped living quarters, with each hexagon comprising a single unit. These hexagons are also detachable via cranes.
  39. Literature.Evolution: The mole-like posthumans have adopted eusociality, where the majority of the population are sterile females, to adapt to living in cramped underground burrows.
  40. TabletopGame.Heroscape: Hive Mind: The Marro are Bee People who work and fight with a collective conscious, with their more powerful heroes providing the direction to nearly mindless drones.
  41. VideoGame.Millennia Altered Destinies: The Entomons are a race of humanoid insects ruled by a queen. One of the crises involves an attempt by a male to rule instead. If you try that, it will be a disaster. Ditto for trying to introduce democracy there.
  42. MagicTheGathering.Flavor And Story Tropes A To G: Slivers behave like a hive species, led by the Sliver Queen. The faeries of Lorwyn/Shadowmoor block are all born from Oona, Queen of the Fae.
  43. Fridge.Avengers Infinity War: Thanos's goal will actually kill more than half. Starting with the collateral damage shown in the after credits scene. Then by probability, some planets would have a majority of the species wiped out (while some are relatively unaffected) or only one gender being mostly vanished etc., leading to unintended extinction. Worst-hit of all may be whatever races of Bee People there might be out there. What happens if your entire species depends on a single revered Queen to procreate, and by the random flip of a cosmic coin, she disappears? This leads to Fridge Brilliance if we assume the Mind Stone is necessary to coordinate the rest of the stones to achieve the effect. It would also account for his intent and only eliminate those that need to be immediately erased to also eliminate the remaining by causality to reach Thanos's goal. "Perfectly balanced, as all things should be."
  44. Pantheon.Darkstalkers: Q-Bee, Goddess of Hive Mentality as a Lesser Goddess in the Hall of Psyches (House of Mentalism)
  45. Characters.To The Bitter End: He is a Xikir, and one of their Hive Ancients, which are basically nest administrators rather than an Insect Queen or Hive Queen. He is also a Hermaphrodite and, despite being referred to with masculine pronouns, is capable of spawning beetles as minions from Hive Cocoons (one of his Ultimates).
  46. TabletopGame.Tech Infantry: Hive Queen: The Bugs have gigantic egg-laying queens who from the center of their Bee People society.
  47. Characters.X Com Apocalypse: All are spawned from a single organism.
  48. Characters.Atomic Betty Villains: She looks like Penelope but with a bee's abdomen.
  49. VideoGame.The XCOM Files: Big Creepy-Crawlies: Giant Beetles. Appear from the start in monster hunt or monster attack missions. Some of them can spit explosive liquid. Eliminated when the arc is resolved. Megascorpion. Same as above, sans exploding. Giant Spiders. Same as above, but prove to have an underground civilization. Swarmids. Look like a swarm of large bees, but prove far more alien. Appear in Dimension X missions. Megaworms. Another Dimension X life form. Waspites. Insectoid Aliens and Cyborgs. Antmen. Bee People that live Beneath the Earth. Lobstermen. Unlike TFTD there also exist feral ones that only fight with pincers.
  50. ComicBook.Camelot 3000: The aliens have a mother-queen, although they're not insect-like anatomically.
  51. ZergRush.Real Life: Which is one of the strengths of eusocial superorganisms. One bee is no bee; for them, the hive is the basic unit of life. This means that massive defensive responses begin to make evolutionary sense; the colony survives so long as enough individuals survive to keep the brood safe.
  52. Characters.Blood Rayne: The Maraisreq have traits of this trope, despite their arachnid appearance: they are commanded by a queen, they have drones commanded directly by her and dwell in nests where they produce more of their kind.
  53. Characters.Berserk Godhand And Apostles: They look like elves, but with wasp-like eyes, antennae, and stingers, and they become even more wasp-like when they transform. The fact that they attack in a Zerg Rush like a massive swarm reinforces this.
  54. Awesome.Macross Frontier: Doubling as Heartwarming Moment, what the Vajra do when they realize that, unlike them, every human is an individual mind - just as a Macross Beam was being fired at a ship packed with several millions of humans...They mass up in the beam's path and stop it, saving the ship at the cost of who knows how many of them.
  55. VideoGame.Sword Of The Stars: Bizarre Sexual Dimorphism: All species except Humans and Liir have this — in the Hivers' case their status as Bee People justify it. The Liir go to the other extreme, being hermaphroditic. There is a lampshade in lore, where it's noted that the Human's race's lack of dimorphism actually makes it difficult for most races to tell the difference between men and women with the exception of the Hivers, who can detect airborne estrogen. This gets nasty in boarding actions as the Hiver's structure of warfare makes them go for the females first. Tarka males are highly aggressive but submissive until "changed", when they grow to the size of a gorilla and become a stereotypical "alpha male". Zuul females aren't even sapient. Morrigi males are smaller and weaker than females due to living in space and project a telepathic glamour, while their females are large and planet-based and resistant to psionics. Think eastern versus western dragons.
  56. Allegiance (2000): The Omicron Hive, the latest player-made faction, is an insect-like alien race with a hive mentality.
  57. Characters.Spider Man And His Amazing Friends: He himself is a variation, being made of bees, but he can transform ordinary humans into more standard issue bee people.
  58. Characters.Stargate Atlantis: Having descended from insects, the Wraith have a very insect-like social structure, with each Hive being led by a Queen, with different castes of Wraith born to fulfill various roles (mainly more intelligent Officers/Scientists and more muscular, ridgid-thinking Warriors).
  59. Roleplay.Starpath: Screechers are drones that work for the Screecher Queen. Sometimes there's even an Elder Screecher that guards their nest.
  60. VideoGame.Doctor Who Worlds In Time: The Vespiforms have a Bee People society, with a Queen and a lot of Drones.
  61. ActionGirl.Video Games: Morrigan Aensland the succubus Action Girl of Darkstalkers certainly counts. She was created by Capcom with the purpose of making a female fighter as iconic as the aforementioned Chun-Li and given Morrigan has become more iconic than the series she's oringated from (mainly thanks to appearing in pretty much every crossover game), suffice to say they succeeded. Morrigan is also technically one of the most powerful exampes listed here, being a S-Class Physical God-level Darkstalker at full power, though she does get The Worf Effect in crossovers courtsey of Iron Man and Chun-Li. Besides Morrigan, there's Cat Girl Felicia, Chinese Vampire Hisenko, Bee Girl Q-Bee and "loli icon" Lilith Morrigan's Soul Jar. There's also Baby Bonnie Hood, who's Word of God the most dangerous character, one of the intros has her dragging the aforementioned Lilith by the head defeated.
  62. Headscratchers.The Faculty: I'll go ahead and defend this one: Given the aliens were insect-like parasites lead by a queen, it's reasonable to assume the writer(s) were going for the Bee People thing. With this in mind, it is likely that either: a.) she is operating them by "remote", and is only able to control them on a basic level due to range or something, or; b.) they are simply "drones"/"workers", and thus are not as socially capable as the queen herself.
  63. VideoGame.Oddworld: The Mudokons, Sligs and Glukkons are all eusocial species, with the only known Mudokon queen being held captive, the Slig queen abusing and then selling her children as low-cost security, and the Glukkon queen residing in a palace. Paramites are apparently eusocial as well.
  64. WoobieSpecies.Video Games: The Protheans got wiped out in a galactic genocide over the course of centuries, the only survivors a few scientists who sacrificed themselves so they could Fling a Light into the Future. Then it's revealed that some of them are still around, mind-controlled and warped into Bee People. However, statements made by Javik show them to be also a Jerkass Woobie species.
  65. WMG.Super Mario Bros: The Super Crown is an item that can transform Toadette into "Peachette". This works a bit like how eusocial insects like bees operate: If a bee larva is given royal jelly during its development, instead of becoming a worker, it'll become a fertile queen bee. This greatly implies that Toads are a kind of Bee People and may also explain why they're homogeneous and may not have a human concept of gender.
  66. HiveMind.Played Straight: A recurring theme in Frank Herbert's books. Hellstrom's Hive works both as a strange way to live and as a supersystem entity with its own goals. It's interesting that at the beginning of the story even some of its own components used in such "anomal" activity are unaware and some can't believe this. In The Santaroga Barrier, the hive-mind is composed of linked unconscious parts of participants' brains and does not show great intellectual capability. Though not actively hostile, it's very dangerous as it's prone to paranoid overreaction in self-protection. Even despite the fact that its own components don't like this at all. In Dune, a rite of the Bene Gesserit gives them access to the memories of their ancestors. If a mind that isn't strong enough undergoes the rite, then the personalities bleed over involuntarily.
  67. Literature.The Saga Of Seven Suns: The Klikess are The Ildirans have a limited Hive Mind through the thism and castes for each function of their society, though the ruler is a male.
  68. Characters.Rifts: They operate on a sort of hive caste system with a ruling queen who lays eggs that become the workers and warriors.
  69. XUniverse.Tropes 0 To F: The Kha'ak.
  70. Characters.Dungeons And Dragons Creatures F: Ant people, technically, but formians are otherwise a classic case of insectoid sapients who live in rigidly ordered, hive-like societies divided into a large number of biological castes.
  71. VideoGame.Free Realms: The Bixie were literally this, looking like a cross between a Pixie and a bee. Complete with Hive Caste System, although some of the workers were beginning to rebel...
  72. Webcomic.By The Book: Actual bees. Although they're secondary to regular people in bee suits, it seems.
  73. PunchClockVillain.Video Games: In one jarring instance, you can encounter a mercenary commander whose exhausted, wounded, and undersupplied men have spent the last several days fighting for their survival and protecting a large number of civilians from Bee People. After helping him fight off another attack, and then proceeding to clear out the infestation, you come back, only to find he's received new orders: to kill you. He even says in a very tired, sad voice that he's very sorry, but he's got his orders, right before the shooting starts. Fortunately, it is possible to go another route.
  74. BadassBoast.Video Games: Upon his Big Damn Heroes entrance in Dawn of War 2, Captain Thule simply says to a Tyranid Hive Tyrant, an immense living tank with scythes and guns for arms, that is intent on devouring all life on the planet: "I am Davian Thule. I am your death." He then proceeds to rip the Tyrant limb from limb.
  75. VideoGame.Revolution X: NON uniforms and vehicles sport a yellow-on-black color scheme, intentionally invoking this.
  76. Franchise.Metroid: The Zebesian Space Pirates in the manga comics will follow anyone with enough strength or charisma. In a bit of a subversion, their species can't produce "queens", so they look to other species to lead them. On their own, they're Too Dumb to Live. A fan theory even says that the Zebesians are Super soldiers bred by the smarter Space Pirates in Prime, and are MADE to be stupid and not question anything. Almost literal with Kihunters. They're physically bee-like in addition to living in hives and having a "king" that commands the rest.
  77. VideoGame.Turok: The Mantids.
  78. Characters.El Hazard The Magnificent World: Played with. The Bugrom being a race of humanoid bugs with a Cute Monster Girl queen in Diva suggests this trope, but it's never explicitly confirmed that they are eusocial. At the end of The Alternative World, Jinnai declares that Diva should start breeding a new generation of Bugrom warriors after their forces are decimated, but it's unclear if this is actually her biological role or if Jinnai was just being an jerk and making assumptions. It is worth noting that the proposed sequel series, The Dual World, would feature Diva and Jinnai having a single daughter.
  79. VideoGame.Daily Life With Monster Girl Online: Literally, in the form of Queen and Honey. Queen is looking for a man suitable of becoming her king, and Honey came along to help her.
  80. VideoGame.Wizard 101: Damned by Faint Praise: In order to reach the Water Cavern and rescue King Pyat MourningSword, you need to bypass the Round Dance Shrine, which can only be done by restoring it and preforming the Waggle Dance. After Zam teaches the dance to you, he only has this to say... Zam: Not... bad. Well, nothing says it has to be done well, at any rate. Just... do the best you can.
  81. Pantheon.Bodily Form: Portfolio: Adaptive Ability, Cybernetics Eat Your Soul, Cyborg, Bald of Evil, Blue-and-Orange Morality, Body Horror, Clingy Costume, Deflector Shields, Bee People, The Dreaded, The Unfettered, Creative Sterility, Equal-Opportunity Evil, Evil Wears Black, The Evils of Free Will, Loss of Identity, Hive Mind, Horde of Alien Locusts, Hostile Terraforming, Implacable Man, The Needless, Obliviously Evil, Scary Dogmatic Aliens, Space-Filling Empire, Technologically Advanced Foe, Wetware Body, Was Once a Man, Utopia Justifies the Means, We Have Reserves, You're Nothing Without Your Phlebotinum, Zerg Rush Borg Queen: God Save Us from the Queen!, Hive Queen Borg Drones: Hive Drone, Zombie Gait, You Are Number 6 Borg vessels: Lightning Bruiser, Mega-Maw Maneuver, Sinister Geometry
  82. VideoGame.Fate: Undiscovered Realms and its sequels introduce a race of large, humanoid bees as enemies, both being the Bee Legionnaire and the Queen Bee. If their stinger wasn't bad enough, they can also wield swords to attack you sometimes.
  83. YMMV.Final Fantasy XIV: The Vath Deftarm grew quite popular with many players due to him trying to perform good deeds like the player character, learning lessons along the way, and actually making an effort to stick by his noble goals so he can help everyone. The fact that he's an Adorkable bug person only helped to boost his popularity further.
  84. Characters.Darkstalkers: Amongst the best known examples in gaming, she takes the form of a cute Queen bee.
  85. Recap.Big Finish Doctor Who 053 The Creed Of The Kromon: The Kromon. The Doctor: Termites to be more specific.
  86. VideoGame.Star Command: Antorians are bugs that walk upright and like the taste of humans.
  87. VideoGame.Halo Combat Evolved: There are no Brutes or Drones; it was originally intended that First Strike was humanity's first encounter with either race, which fell through when other works set before this game featured them both anyway (Brutes went from being newly-introduced in First Strike to the second Covenant species humanity ever encountered). There are also far fewer Covenant sub-variants in general, and many ranks that are staples of the future games are absent here, including Grunt Heavies, Grunt, Elite Ultras, Elite Rangers, and Jackal Snipers.
  88. Anime.Macross Frontier: The Vajra fit this very well. However, while they do have a queen, it oversees the operation of their collective consciousness shared by each, as opposed to controlling them like mindless drones. When Grace hijacks the Queen at the climax of the story, she opts for the "control like mindless drones" option.
  89. Characters.Dungeons And Dragons Creatures C: Chitines and choldriths resemble spiders, but they behave more like eusocial insects. Chitines are divided into worker and warrior castes, and choldriths occupy the top levels of a hive's hierarchy.
  90. Characters.Pathfinder Beasts: Thriae live in eusocial hives, where the only fertile member are the queens, and have a bee's abdomen.
  91. Animorphs.Tropes A To H: The Helmacrons are an alien race whose society fits this trope, with a strong emphasis on social and racial pride, grovelling before the dead queen, submissive, slavish males, and an indifference toward the death of the individual. As for their anatomy, they resemble insects not only in their shape, but in their size — being about the size of fleas. Subverted when Marco and Cassie, attempting to teach their male keeper (who Marco dubs "Wuss" for obvious reasons) a thing or two about gender equality, inadvertently start a massive social uprising. The consequences of this are never explored outside the context that the characters consider it a bit of a joke, but it's more than likely that, now that both genders violently believe that they should be in charge, the whole species is going to go extinct.
  92. Characters.Gems Of War: Queen Beetrix, though technically she's a Wasp Person.
  93. Fanfic.The Fall Of Hive Hunger Prime: Misfit Mobilization Moment: Two, one subverted and one straight.When High Queen Hunger commands the formation of the Provisional Hive Defense Swarms — which is to say, Warrior Nymphs and Workers pressed into service as Warriors, in a eusocial race whose culture is based on a caste system — this works about as well as one might expect. Most of these pathetically ill-trained forces are utterly-annihilated at first contact with the Equestrians, and some of the Workers wind up being adopted as mascots by Equestrian troops. Compound, Carry and Cowl, however, are extremely effective at saving the lives of other Changelings. But then, Compound is a Infiltrator, while carrying out a digging party or evacuation aren't too far from the tasks for which Carry and Cowl were actually trained.
  94. VideoGame.Project X Zone: Darkstalkers: Lord Raptor (Zabel Zarock), Q-Bee, Jedah Dohma
  95. FreudianExcuse.Video Games: Invoked Trope: Invoked Trope in the background materials for the Oddworld series. The slig species are a eusocial species, and their queen beats them as children so they grow up to be cruel and sadistic. This is probably to make them attractive for when they're employed as low-cost security for Glukkon businesses.
  96. Characters.Pathfinder Monsters: Formians live in eusocial hives dominated by queens.
  97. DarthWiki.MSF High IRC: The entire hive are literally anthro beegirls.
  98. ComicBook.Legion Of Super Heroes: Gates.
  99. VideoGame.Deadlock: The Chch't qualify, being a hive-structured species in which the members resemble bipedal scorpions. They are run by queens, though there are apparently more than one. Judging by the Chch't colony advisor, they also have at least some degree of individual personality.
  100. Characters.Metroid Space Pirates: Exactly how their social structure runs is not clear but they are bee-like and they have a "king".
