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Sandbox / Barbaric Bully Wick Check

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  • Correct - 4/50, or 8%
  • Bully Brutality and other bully violence - 20/50, or 40%
  • ZCEs and other contextless mentions - 26/50, or 52%

    Stereotypical, obviously evil bully (4/50) 
  • WesternAnimation.Garfield And Friends: All three of Orson's brothers - they're bigger (either in height or width) than all the animals, they're stupid, and they always have nasty looks on their faces. Doesn't explain how they're bullies, but seems to be legitimate otherwise.
  • Ride.Cranium Command: Chad and Rico are typical thuggish bullies who don't respond to the Left Brain's logical appeals. Not much detail, but seemingly valid.
  • Website.Its My Life PBS: Krog from Beat the Bully is a big, hulking kid who's one of the most notorious bullies at his school (alongside Snidra). Mousing over his name on the "choose your bully" screen reveals he picks on anyone smaller than him, steals other kids' stuff, threatens to beat them up, and cheats by copying his classmates' schoolwork. Described as a "big, hulking kid" and displays stereotypical bully behaviors, so seemingly valid.
  • VideoGame.Bully: Subverted. As the title of the game would suggest, a big portion of the named characters could be considered "bullies" in some way or another, but the only clique in the game that's explicitly called "the Bullies" is composed exclusively of dimwitted thugs who'll fight anyone they run across for the hell of it. Then again, the leader of the Bullies (Russell, a hulking giant who's barely capable of forming a coherent sentence) is a textbook example of this. Not sure how this is "subverted", but it's a valid example. Two other potholes on this page, but they reference the same group mentioned here, so I'm skipping them for more variety.

    Bully violence (20/50) 
  • Characters.Elfen Lied: He's always shown as The Bully to Lucy with calling her names like "Horns" and generally pushing her. But his sadistic side is revealed when he knocks Lucy down, kicks her puppy against a wall, and beats it to death while forcing her to watch.
  • Fanfic.Truth Or Lies: Roy shows this in Dakotazoid, trying to force Dakota to kiss him as a joke as he calls her ugly before kicking him repeatedly in the gut, and then is willing to hurt Sunny and Mari in a violent, seemingly out of character, rage.
  • Film.Forty Ninth Parallel: The Nazis' methods of terrorizing include killing anyone undesirable that gets in their way and vandalizing anything anti-Nazi, to the point that Scott called them out for being spiteful little schoolboys.
  • Literature.Lights Are Off But Everyones Home: Both Vance, Trent's older brother, who starves him and constantly insults him and his artistic bent at every turn, and Leo Anderson, a kid who Trent goes to school with who is later arrested for statutory rape and sentenced to prison.
  • Recap.Mob Psycho 100 S 2 E 5 Discord: Barbaric Bully:
    • Deconstructed with Minori. She spurs her friends into tormenting Mob and laughs while they do her dirty work; in the manga she is shown to join in on the fun at least once. The majority of the abuse she visits upon the boy is psychological: though she doesn't lay a hand on him herself (with the exception of dousing him in milk) her bullying is every bit as brutal as if she had.
    • And played straight with Minori's friends, all boys, who do her bidding. They kick the snot out of Mob for 'talking back' to her, then break his head open with a brick for protesting. In the manga, they also kick to death the stray cat Mob was feeding.
  • PlayingWith.Ivy League For Everyone: Grant has been in jail for violent crimes, but is accepted into Oxford anyway. Now he's free to terrorize his fellow students... Pothole in context of violent bully on Playing With subpage.
  • Literature.The Bad Unicorn Trilogy: Ricky is the school bully, and he enjoys beating up other kids so much that he is The Dreaded in the school. Taken up to eleven when he is turned into a literal monster.
  • Film.The Karate Kid 1984: The Cobra Kais routinely brutalize Daniel up until Miyagi intervenes.
  • Fanfic.Team LVDR: Blaze, August, and Zoe tortured Lila after they learned she was both trans and a faunus. It got so bad, when they were found out, they were arrested and jailed.
  • Recap.The Simpsons S 17 E 17 Kiss Kiss Bang Bangalore: One of the new developments back in Springfield while Homer is in India is Bart getting a new bully that's aggressive enough to follow him home and break into their house.
  • Manga.Pumpkin Night: The main characters turned out to be Naoko's bullies and they actually took part in the prank that destroyed Naoko's face and served to cause her to become deranged.
  • Characters.Superbook 2011: He's shown physically hassling a random student and then slapping Chris in "The Sermon on the Mount."
  • Characters.Childs Play Original Trilogy: He's a military brat thug who was responsible for having Whitehurst Bound and Gagged during the latter's debut, grabbed Andy by the collar a couple times, and even assaults Andy when he tries to split off from the night punishment he led.
  • Heartwarming.The Owl House: A small moment, perhaps, but Boscha is notably far less aggressive towards Luz than she was in "Wing it Like Witches". Whereas before she was a Barbaric Bully happy to commit violence against her victims, she now limits herself to light riffing of Luz' favorite book. Babysteps, perhaps, but steps nonetheless. Mention in relation to violent behavior.
  • NightmareFuel.Eminem: "Brain Damage", a graphic narrative about Em, as a young child, dealing with a Barbaric Bully at school. The bullying starts out with things like getting his lunch seat stolen and getting shoved into lockers, only to escalate into Marshall getting his nose broken and getting nearly choked to death. The song also ends with Marshall getting beaten by his mother to the point where his skull cracks open and his brains fall out. The worst part is that none of the school's authority figures that children are told they can trust do anything to help. One teacher expresses their desire to just sit back and watch the beating happen, and the school's principal helps the bully beat his helpless victim to near-death.
  • Webcomic.My Friends In The Basement: Jennifer "Jen" Johnson, the Big Bad of "The Big Spill" and Eve's primary victimizer at her middle school is pretty much a deconstruction of this trope. Rather than being a cheerleader, she's a Chris Hargenson-esque Barbaric Bully whose actions cross into juvenile delinquency and sociopathy.
  • YMMV.What Is A Person Worth: Chapter 25 features an entire band of Barbaric Bully thugs after Lincoln and Conner plus the bullies from the Dairyland trip and Lynn and Ronnie both losing badly to said bullies, with Ronnie getting Stuffed into a Trashcan and getting sick from it and Lynn literally a bloody pulp. Then when Lori and Carol show up, the latter nearly breaks one of the bullies' neck in her protective fury. Confusing syntax, but seems to indicate bully violence.
  • Literature.I Funny: Stevie Kosgrov, who later becomes Jamie's stepbrother. He's never above flipping over Jamie's wheelchair. I read this book long ago and would say he's a valid example, but this doesn't provide much context beyond "violent".
  • Don't Make Me Destroy You: In Jupiter-Men, Arrio, an ex-gang member trying to go straight, warns Barbaric Bully Rick not to pick a fight with him. Rick doesn't heed that warning and throws a punch that misses. A few panels later, they're both in the principal's office. Arrio is unscathed while Rick is nursing a black eye.
  • Series.Untold Stories Of The ER: A doctor comes late because her car was broken into, and she was robbed of some prized sunglasses, among other things. The patient next door to hers just happens to be a teenager wearing the same sunglasses, who refuses to take them off, keeps changing his story, and is scared of having his parents or the police involved. Naturally, she needles him without actually accusing him outright. However, it turns out that the teenager's glasses are really his, and that he was dodgy because he was beaten up by bullies. Pothole in relation to violence.

    ZCE/Not enough context (26/50) 
  • Recap.The Amazing World Of Gumball S 4 E 39 The Stories: The students walk into the path of Jamie's dodgeballs after hearing too many of Molly's stories. Contextless pothole.
  • WesternAnimation.Leo: Anthony starts out this way, until Leo brings out his insecurities.
  • Funny.The Cinema Snob 2019 Episodes: His description of Barbaric Bully Henry Bowers and his gang:
    To think, this used to be a nice gang, but when Henry came back from Chicago, it really changed the ButterCream Gang for the worst.
  • Characters.Warhammer Vampire Counts: It comes with being an insane and temperamental vampire and leader after all. And as aforementioned, his behavior comes back to bite him really hard in the Battle of Grim Moor. ZCE, and character appears to just be an outright villain.
  • Metalhead: Before Eddie, Season 2 introduced Billy Hargrove, who fits quite a few of the tropes (Long hair, likes muscle cars and alcohol, always wearing denim or leather) but his music taste and style isn't a important part of his character so much as his personality. Contextless pothole.
  • JerksAreWorseThanVillains.Anime And Manga: A major reason why Katsuki Bakugo is a Base-Breaking Character lies with this. For the half that dislikes him, they are repulsed by his treatment of Midoriya early on in the series, which involves bullying him, blowing up his belongings in broad daylight, and suicide baiting him in the very first chapter. Numerous popular fanfics have author bents that vilify or otherwise brutally punish him, under the belief that he's a Karma Houdini even after his Character Development from a Jerkass into a Jerk with a Heart of Gold. Some writers commonly have him expelled or removed from Class 1-A as a karmic punishment, even going as far as to have his quirk stolen by All For One, resulting in some cheers despite the latter's reputation as a Card-Carrying Villain who murders For the Evulz. Contextless pothole.
  • Series.Daybreak 2019: Josh's desire to find Sam is partially motivated by his guilt about Slut-Shaming her over the guys she'd slept with before him. While this was an undoubtedly cruel and hypocritical thing to do to the person who just took your virginity, the fact he mentioned her consensual sex with Jaden Hoyles, the school's unrepentant statutory rapist and Barbaric Bully, and that she did so twice, meaning she must've known full well who he was by that point, does rather mar her saintly image. It's not OK to judge someone over how many people they've slept with, but to call them out on being intimate with such an obviously bad person seems a little more reasonable. This is especially egregious because other main character Wesley spends most of the season atoning for and struggling with his own dalliance with Turbo, who the show portrays as a much lesser evil than Hoyles and possibly even redeemable. Contextless mention in a Broken Aesop entry, though it does appear to be of the violent type.'
  • Music.El Cuarteto De Nos: Benito from "Buen día Benito" if the protagonist is telling the truth
  • Fridge.Jumanji The Animated Series: In the animated series episode "El Pollo Jumanji", the Barbaric Bully Rock has the time of his life in Jumanji, to the point that Alan speculates that the game is purposely playing dangers easy for him. When the Manjis capture Rock, they ask Peter if Rock is his friend. He tells them he isn't, and they proceed to cook him, forcing the trio to save him. The "easy pass" given to Rock earlier seems a deliberate move by Jumanji to feed Peter's jealousy and hate for him so he could sell him to the Manjis and either cause his death (if that's what Jumanji wants to do with its players), or teach Peter a life lesson about pardon and showing kindness to everyone including your enemies (if that's what Jumanji is actually about).
  • ComicBook.Spencer And Locke: Answer: Locke is a massively screwed up Determinator, suffering from trauma brought about at the hands of his Abusive Parents, a Barbaric Bully, and a hateful teacher, among other authority figures in his childhood. The one light in his life was Sophie Jenkins, a girl he knew from when he was very young... Contextless mention in description.
  • Characters.ParaNorman: Word of God holds that he's 14 years old, but being the typical Barbaric Bully, he was Held Back in School. Contextless mention in another entry, though I will note that he is a legitimate example.
  • AdaptationalVillainy.A Song Of Ice And Fire: Rast is little more than a Barbaric Bully who must be convinced to leave Sam alone in the books, but in the show he's a prominent mutineer who actively wants Sam dead, literally stabs Lord Commander Mormont In the Back, and reluctantly commits infant sacrifice. Contextless mention.
  • Informed Judaism: main character Cesare Borgia has a lot of Jewish friends, including his dearest friend and most loyal follower, Miguel da Corella (a real person who was probably not Jewish in real life). The Jewish students' religion is only brought up when someone, like Barbaric Bully Henri, is discriminating against them. The conflict that there must have been between their beliefs and the Catholic Church doctrine they're studying in school is almost never mentioned, but the fact that the situation in Spain puts their lives in danger is discussed. Contextless mention.
  • Thin-Skinned Bully: Butch is The Dragon of the Barbaric Bully Schweitzer but is as skinny as the wimp Alex Fleming, being more of an informant bully. When Alex converted into SpyBoy and beat the crap out of them, he and Butch were captured by The Gourmet and the latter relied on Alex to save him since then. Contextless mention.
  • YMMV.Let Me In: Dylan Minnette playing a Barbaric Bully becomes this when he would go on to star in 13 Reasons Why, where he fights against bullies. Contextless mention.
  • TheReasonYouSuckSpeech.Fan Works My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic: Likewise, Silver Spoon gives Diamond Tiara a very satisfying one the next day, after she fully realises just how terrible she's been for going along with Diamond's bullying without question, and decides to do what she can to make up for it, starting by cutting off ties with her: Contextless pothole.
  • PlayingWith.Sassy Black Woman: LaTonya was clearly Bullying a Dragon, as trying to shittalk the local Barbaric Bully Flash Young gave her the fastest left cross for a knuckle sandwich in record time. Contextless mention on Playing With subpage.
  • Awesome.Deltarune: Barbaric Bully though she may be, Susie doesn't just talk the talk; she can certainly walk the walk when things get dicey. Contextless mention.
  • BrokenPedestal.Anime And Manga: Shinji Suzuki's daughter Shiori deeply loves her father and starts the story worshiping the ground he walks on. Shinji, despite being a remorseless and Barbaric Bully, generally loved his daughter and was a good parent to her, always loving and supporting her, and Shiori's main motive in life became making her father proud and happy. As the story progresses, Shiori slowly finds out about her father's transgressions that led to her being bullied and her mother attempting to end her life; she starts to lose all respect for him. Contextless mention.
  • Literature.Salems Lot: Richie Boddin, although he quickly loses that status after he makes the mistake of picking on Mark Petrie (who promptly engages a Curb-Stomp Battle).
  • SaturdayNightLive.Tropes I To P: One skit has a scene of cavemen hunting party gathered around a campfire. Guest Steve Martin plays The Smart Guy of the group, who develops the idea of encircling their prey to preclude escape. Bill Murray plays The Leader, who is also a Barbaric Bully, and so stupid that he steps into the campfire three times in total, yowling in pain each time. Contextless mention, though it does mention the "stupid" aspect.
  • YMMV.What Is A Person Worth: Chandler being the Arch-Enemy to Lincoln and being a Barbaric Bully who's not above hurting Lana. Given how it's been two years since Chandler was used in the show and how he was left off, it's not hard to imagine him being an antagonist. When the episode "Jeers For Fears" debuted however, it showed Chandler and Lincoln on friendlier terms. Then, when "Schooled" debuted, it showed the two as rivals again. Contextless mention.
  • SmallNameBigEgo.Fan Works: Bakugo in Cursed Blood. In the scenario built in his mind, he's destined to become the Number One Hero and stop future supervillain Deku. In reality, he's a Barbaric Bully with delusions of grandeur whose main target is Izuku, who is the victim of Bad Powers, Good People. Contextless mention.
  • Recap.Littlest Pet Shop 2012 S 2 E 10 Alligators And Handbags: Wiggles, to a T. That being said, he does exhibit realistic bullying behavior by not letting Blythe, an authority figure who can stop him, know what he's really up to. As the pets solve the conflict by themselves, Blythe never learns Wiggles was ever mean. Not enough context for me to figure out what this is.
  • Characters.Infinity Train Seeker Of Crocus Sara Diktaylis: For Parker as the main antagonist of the Cyan Desert Car, since while Parker was a Tragic Villain corrupted by the Unown, Sara hasn't had enough time to show many Hidden Depths and mostly just evolved into a Barbaric Bully. This gets a bit more downplayed as the arc goes on, but she still lacks considerable depth compared to her counterpart.
