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Recap / Technoblade Skyblock Potato War 3 Finale

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The finale to Technoblade's Potato War series, which has been going on for over a year at this point.

Video here.

Transcript here.

Upload Date: Jul 13, 2020

Potato War 3 contains examples of:

  • Awesomeness by Analysis: Technoblade proves himself to be the master of analyzing the Hypixel game.
    • He figured out the mechanics of the priority of pets boosting minions. Since minions can only get boosted by one pet at a time, he figured out that if there's multiple pets on the same island, the minions will be boosted by the one belonging to whoever's been on the island the longest.
    • That's how he also found out about the 10% potato boost not given to you when you're away. The Farm Crystal, unlike other boosts, is an external buff, which means it doesn't get included in the offline calculation, which means that so if there's at least one person on Technoblade's island, but Squid's island is empty, Techno would get 10% more potatoes than Squid.
    • Technoblade found out that not only is farming potatoes really inefficient for gaining farming EXP, but it's more worthwhile to build a whole pumpkin farm and farm pumpkins for the farming EXP than it is to keep farming potatoes.

  • Batman Gambit:
    • Technoblade knew Squid Kid would watch his Potato War 2 video, so what he did was leave a few of the "finer details" out so that when Squid tried to use his tactics, he would fail.

  • Bribing Your Way to Victory: Spending a tremendous amount of money is a key factor to winning the war.
    • Squid Kid got his level 100 rabbit by buying it from an "unknown third party," making him the first to get it in the war.
    • Technoblade spent 250 million on flycatchers for his minions.

  • The Chessmaster: Technoblade has been manipulating events to go in his favor, and is always 20 steps ahead of Squid.

  • Could Say It, But...: Technoblade says this to the fans he kicked out because their lower-leveled rabbit pets were taking priority over Techno's level 100 pet, and he didn't want Squid to know.

  • The Determinator: Despite the June 6 update being all in favor of Squid's farming method, Technoblade didn't give up. He was going to win this war whatever the cost.

  • Deus ex Machina: The creators of Skyblock added an update that just so happened to boost Squid's farming method six-fold three weeks after Technoblade came up with a faster method that was twice as fast before the update. All that for some "quality of life changes."

  • Et Tu, Brute?: Squid Kid got access to one of Technoblade's internal documents because one of his original goons betrayed him.

  • Everyone Has Standards: After learning that Squid Kid was sleeping with his headset on so his mods could wake him via Discord call if his account left his island, Technoblade contemplates waking Squid Kid himself, but shelves the idea because he isn't sure if intentional sleep deprivation legally counts as torture. note 

  • Failed a Spot Check: When Squid Kid got access to one of Technoblade's internal documents, he didn't notice the list of backup pet users at the very top of the first page, instead maximizing his AFK coverage by telling his mods to wake him up if his account leaves his island. He even points that out.

  • Flaw Exploitation: Technoblade knew that Squid had the SkyblockAddons mod, which has a feature that prevents you from dropping valuable tools out of your inventory. That being said, the same thing works whether you have a Rookie Axe, which doesn't cost very much. A common trolling method in Skyblock is to fill people's inventories with useless items. Technoblade combined all of these facts, and used them to his advantage when he put lots of Rookie Axes in Squid's hopper, which caused him to close the island to visitors. Technoblade wanted him to do exactly that.

  • Hidden in Plain Sight: While he was explaining what happened in the previous potato war episode, in it, Technoblade used an advanced technique called LYING, which people would've noticed him doing if they had noticed that the dates of two of the clips were inconsistent.

  • Hold Your Hippogriffs: "He's playing Skyblock , while I'm playing Death Note !"

  • I Know You Know I Know: After Squid Kid kicked Technoblade's alt account, he posted a tweet stating his island is no longer on public. Squid knows Technoblade monitors his tweets, but what he doesn't know is that he kicked Techno's alt account. But in Squid's video about the potato war, he knows that that was Technoblade's alt account that he kicked, and then he made the tweet about his island not being public anymore, but put the wrong reason on purpose. He then used Techno's strategy of using a level 1 rabbit pet against his island. Technoblade, however, already knew that Squid was setting up a counterattack and reacted accordingly. Squid's plan was foiled quickly. Important to note that one of the only reasons Technoblade figured out Squid's plan was because Squid could've posted the tweet at any time, because Techno was putting Rookie Axes into his hoppers for weeks, but he only posted the tweet eight minutes after he kicked Techno's alt.

  • Idle Game: Most of how you get better potato boosts is by leaving the game open and going to an AFK pool.

  • I Lied: Technoblade made sure to point that out while he was explaining what happened in the second potato war video.

  • It's All About Me: When Technoblade kicked his fans off his island, but couldn't tell them the reason why: "It's okay Technoblade, I know the reason.. It's because you hate ME SPECIFICALLY; I'll just go leave forever now."
    Techno: Wait, come back! Nooooo!!!

  • Labcoat of Science and Medicine: Technoblade depicts himself wearing a lab coat during the part of the video when he explains how he was experimenting and making up new ways to farm potatoes.

  • Lost in a Crowd: Technoblade uses this whenever he wanted to get his alt account in Squid Kid's island without suspicion: "I waited until the day I released the second Potato War video to start, after that, tourists flocked to Squid Kid's island to see it for themselves; my alt blended right in."

  • My Name Is Inigo Montoya: At the beginning of the video: "My name is Technoblade, and I am the fastest Skyblock player alive."

  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: Squid Kid closed down his island... only for Technoblade to reveal that that's what he wanted all along, since having no people on your island basically gives you a 10% disadvantage.

  • Not the Intended Use: Technoblade used one of the most powerful armor just to use it for its 3% speed bonus to optimize tilling dirt. He even lampshades this by saying that he knew he was playing the game as intended.

  • Running Gag: Sun Tzu's quotes make an appearance yet again.

  • Secret War: To the outside world, Technoblade may be yet another Minecraft YouTuber, but secretly, he's been fighting the Great Potato War for over a year.

  • Something Only They Would Say: Technoblade makes an educated guess that the player STINKY_BOZO is Squid Kid's alt because Squid is the only person he's heard say the word "bozo", and Squid says it a lot on his streams.

  • Touché: Squid Kid admits defeat in the comments of this video. It is currently the top comment.

  • Unwanted Assistance: Technoblade wants to get people off of Squid's island. But the problem is that the fans from the previous episode think going AFK on Squid's island is actually helping Techno, but they're actually giving Squid a 10% boost in potatoes.
    Fan: "I'm gonna go AFK to help Technoblade win the potato war!"
    Techno: "No dude please, please he fixed that months ago, that doesn't hurt him anymore!"

  • What Could Possibly Go Wrong?: Technoblade says this trope word-for-word during the video when everything was in his favor and he was accounting for everything. Of course, this being after the fact, he only says this because "things go very wrong" eventually.

  • Worthy Opponent: In the words of Technoblade describing Squid Kid: "A man whose obsession with potatoes is rivalled only by my own."
    • Technoblade still respects Squid Kid because he states "that it is only with a worthy rival that once can reach their fullest potential."
