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Recap / Luz Clawthorne Two Worlds One Family Chapter 77

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Chapter 117: Starcrossed
Art by Crash X Fusion: A rather unlikely team-up, wouldn't you say?
Lilith accompanies Star and Vee on their first date while Donna takes Cross out on their second one, with the added bonus of them encountering a few familiar faces.

Tropes that appear in this Chapter:

  • Adaptational Karma: Seth's fate for all his past actions, including killing Moon's mother Comet Butterfly, wasn't revealed in The Magic Book of Spells. Here, he dies at the hands of his former general Toffee, begging for mercy as Toffee eradicates him with Eclipsa's Total Annihilation spell.
  • All-Loving Hero: The reason Cross comes clean to Donna about his dragon heritage is because Lilith tells him she's one of these, as Donna heals Vee without being afraid of her for being a basilisk.
  • Amazon Brigade: One is formed between Lilith, Vee, Star, Donna, and Cross until Tres, Megan, and Ivy side with them to fight the Septarians.
  • Anti-Magic: Theoretically, the basilisks are said to have been beings of anti-magic since they consume a witch's magic. By extension, this would make the Horned King an anti-Titan.
  • Armor-Piercing Question: Lilith reaches her breaking point at putting up with Vina and her selfish attitude, and while finally telling her off for how she treated her, she questions if she'd been a huge bitch since before the Coven System was even put into place, rendering Vina speechless.
  • Big Brother Instinct: What finally gets Megan, Tres, and Ivy to turn against Seth and Draco is their anger toward the latter for knocking Vee out cold and locking her up since she wouldn't agree to join the Septarians in their conquest of the Boiling Isles.
  • Body Horror: Because of Toffee using Eclipsa's Total Annihilation spell to kill Seth, Star's right arm (which contains the fractured wand crystal) is surrounded by Tainted Veins and turns black.
  • The Bus Came Back:
    • Silas Hissenger, the former Beast Keeping top student of Glandus as seen in "Nina on the Couch", reappears as hired help for the Septarians.
    • Bill Cipher, who was last seen getting attacked by Inner Belos in "The Hunting Witch", appears in Star's memories of Mewni's destruction.
    • Hekapoo, who hasn't been seen since she was shown trapped in the Nightmare Realm in "The Ballad of Eda: Part 2", appears within the same memory.
  • Call-Back:
    • Amity and Vee make good on their vows to return to the Boiling Isles from four chapters ago.
    • Vee remembers how she first met Luz and Eda along with their sending her to Gravity Falls, events explained in "Have a Little Hex with my Friends".
    • Beocrow being mauled by a demon bear, a fact previously confirmed in his character bio, turns out to be what led to him meeting Cross.
    • Megan brings up to Tres and Ivy the good that witches have done for them (Eda freeing Ivy from the Tarot Guild, Lilith helping Tres rescue Megan from Hieron Labs, and Faraday freeing the former two and Vee to begin with), resulting in their defection.
  • The Cameo: Aside from Lilith, Star, and Raine, the rest of the CAT's only show up in the scene after the Distant Prologue during Star's Morning Routine.
  • Can't Kill You, Still Need You: Draco tells Seth that they can't kill any of their prisoners for different reasons each: Lilith and Star have information on the Emperor's Coven and the rebellion, he promised Lupe that he could eat Donna, they want to learn what Cross really is, and Vee's survival is to ensure the loyalty of her siblings (at least until they make enough basilisks to replace them.)
  • Cassandra Truth: Vina warns Lilith that she's getting a bad feeling from Draco but is ignored as Lilith wants to hear about the Horned King's history. As a result of this, Lilith is taken down when she disagrees with Draco's plans for wiping out witchkind on the Isles and Vina doesn't even hesitate to brag about being right.
  • Commonality Connection: Cross finds kindred spirits within the escaped basilisks as they all belong to species whom Belos exterminated. Vee in particular connects with him since she's recently been in his shoes with 'coming out' about her true self to new friends.
  • Continuity Nod:
    • Toffee kidnapping Star to raise her in the monster army and turn her against the Butterflys is highlighted.
    • Vee and Lilith feel awkward around each other because of their last meeting.
    • Donna expresses annoyance at being kidnapped again.
    • Yet again, Lilith detaches her hands to help her out of a bind.
    • The Greater Basilisk attacking Glandus and Hexside is brought up.
    • Donna assumes that Cross is a lycan when trying to understand his dragon form.
  • Conversational Troping: Tres notes the basilisks aren't the only beings with a "Last of Their Kind" shtick going for them after hearing about Cross.
  • Cover-Blowing Superpower: Cross makes the mistake of changing into his dragon form to fight the Septarians while Donna was in close proximity. He later explains his heritage properly, and Donna accepts him as is.
  • Crush Blush: Vee and Star have a mass amount of these, thanks in part to them finally going on a date.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Bill taking down the Magic High Commission during Mewni's merge with the Nightmare Realm was this.
  • A Day in the Limelight: Had the title not spelled it out, Star's the...well, star, alongside Vee as they go on their first date and learn some shocking news. Lilith also plays a part, along with the other basilisks.
    • Meanwhile for the B-plot, Donna & Cross go on their second date and have some huge developments occur.
  • Defector from Decadence: Played With so much.
    • Seth seems to believe that Star betrayed the Septarians and her memories hint that she wanted to find a peaceful solution to the war between Monsters and Mewmans before Mewni was sucked into the Nightmare Realm. This says a lot about Seth considering he abandoned his own army after bringing in the threat that killed them.
    • Megan convinces Tres and Ivy to turn on the Septatians because of how Draco had knocked out and imprisoned Vee and how they'd be no better than the Emperor's Coven if they wiped out witchkind like Belos did theirs.
  • Demonic Possession: Toffee takes control of Star for a moment to finish off Seth.
  • Distant Prologue: The chapter starts off on the aftermath of Toffee kidnapping baby Star and convincing Seth to let him raise her. We're then treated to Star's life as she grew up in the monster army while Toffee turned her against the Butterfly family.
  • Distracted by the Sexy: Downplayed and lampshaded. Cross is stunned from seeing Donna in her Wonder Witch costume up close and comes to the conclusion that seeing her in a leotard may have been the reason Zee was so insistent in getting them to hook up. Aside from his initial reaction however, he doesn't get distracted by her appearance for the remainder of the chapter.
  • The Dog Bites Back:
    • Lilith gives Vina a piece of her mind after one talking down too many.
    • Megan rallies Tres and Ivy into siding against the Septarians after seeing Draco mistreat Vee.
  • Double Agent: Turns out Venoma's working for the Septarians while still being a coven scout, helping Silas capture Donna and Cross for Draco.
  • Eating the Eye Candy: In a reversal to Distracted by the Sexy, upon seeing Cross in his dragon form, Donna immediately hones her focus on how muscular he is in this state.
  • Eat the Rich: Star labels the sword she receives from Toffee the "Rich Eater", so it doubles as Meaningful Name.
  • Everyone Has Standards:
    • Vina is downright disgusted when she learns from Eda that Terra sold love potions to minors behind her back and Belos'.
    • While Cross is giving Donna a chance to make up for the previous night, that doesn't mean he won't keep what happened a secret from his family should she mess up again.
  • Expy: Each of Silas' gang is based on the Snake Men. Rattleton is based on Rattlor; Coils is based on Sssqueeze; Medusan is based on Snake Face; and Viperion is based on Kobra Khan.
  • Facial Horror: Because of Donna accidentally firing a dark magic blast from her keyblade at his flask of acid, Draco's face is burned enough to reveal his skull.
  • Final Solution: Draco's goal for the Boiling Isles isn't to just take down the Emperor's Coven: he wants to take down the Coven System and everyone who supports it, which Lilith figures out would mean eradicating most of the Isles' population. This convinces her that he's as much of a threat as Belos.
  • Foreshadowing: During Mewni's destruction, Star called Moon heartless. Guess what happened to Moon after Mewni ended up in the Nightmare Realm.
  • Friendless Background: Being the only Mewman in the Monster army didn't get Star any friends as a kid.
  • The Ghost:
    • While not mentioned by name, Vee remembers all of the friends she made during her time in the Human Realm. This would indirectly include Mabel and her friends, Wendy, Soos, Gus P, Willow, the Gatesfieldians besides Clara and Masha, Emma Sue, Kendra, and Simone.
      • Abigail and Candy are still mentioned by name, as Amity mentions that Abigail's helping Powers and Trigger with investigating Mystery Mountain and Dipper happily informs Luz that Candy's now his girlfriend.
    • Cross brings up Lindsay when Donna's messing with him.
    • Beocrow and his family are brought up during Cross and Donna's date, with Donna also mentioning Tina and Veronica.
  • Given Name Reveal: Donna's birth name is "Karona", her brother is named Andros, and their parents were called Ulysses and Astromena.
  • Glomp:
    • After three days apart, Luz jumps into Amity's arms the moment they reunite, sending them to the ground.
    • Star hugs Vee the moment she finds the basilisk came to the Demon Realm to see her again.
  • Glowing Eyes of Doom: Seth notices Star's eyes are glowing green right before he learns why.
  • Hate Sink: Draco makes himself known as this. His goal to revive basilisks is gruesome and his plan to conquer the Boiling Isles and eliminate Belos and witchkind so he can become the new emperor makes him no better than the ex-human despot. Not to mention the cruel way he beats on Donna while claiming to have killed her brother.
  • Heel Realization: After seeing Draco knock out Vee because he considers her a liability, Megan calls out Tres for wanting to continue supporting the Septarians. When he remains stubborn and continues wanting to make the witches pay for their suffering, Megan reminds him of the good that came from Eda, Lilith, and Faraday helping all of them and how they put Vee in danger by bringing her to Draco. This is what cements his resignation alongside the others.
  • Hypocrite: Seth repeatedly labels Star a traitor to the Septatians when he abandoned his army including her.
  • I Choose to Stay: While Megan and Ivy decide to go to Earth with Vee, Tres chooses to remain in the Demon Realm to help take down Belos the right way.
  • In Spite of a Nail:
    • Vee first learned about the Human Realm when she saw Luz selling a T.V. in the Bonesborough market.
    • Toffee begins possessing the poor soul who's merged with the wand.
  • Internal Reveal:
    • Luz and Eda discover that Clara & Masha and Dipper & Candy have gotten together.
    • Vee tells Star about the mayoral election, Luz and Amity's faux wedding, and the road trip, while Star tells Vee about her meeting Eclipsa and joining the CAT's.
    • Eda lets Lilith and Raine (and Vina) in on what she learned from her trip to New York. Eda also learns Lilith's joined the CAT's.
    • Vina is informed by Lilith about the basilisk revival project and Nicole's attempt on Vitimir's life.
    • Donna meets Clair, Damien, and Drayden for the first time.
    • Donna tells Cross about how she met Beocrow, her birth family, her Party Donna phase, and Eda saving her from Lupe.
    • Star learns that Seth is in the Demon Realm.
    • Lilith discovers that the basilisks were created by the Horned King.
    • Donna and Cross meet Star, Vee and her siblings, Draco and Seth for the first time.
    • Lilith and Donna see Cross in his dragon form for the first time.
    • Lilith is informed of Luz going missing and finds Blazer after he escaped the zoo.
  • Ironic Name: Tres originally wanted to call himself Trip (short for "triple"), but Vee and Megan thought it was obvious enough to give his identity away, which is why he chose the Spanish word for "three".
  • Karma Houdini:
    • Venoma helps Silas kidnap Donna and throws in Cross as a bonus, then covers her tracks when the nearby scout patrol comes around.
    • While Silas and his gang get their asses whooped, they escape from King's island after the tower comes down.
  • Karmic Death: It's not enough Seth allowed his troops to be killed, but now it's implied he made an attempt on Toffee once: now Seth finds himself killed by the same spell Toffee was nearly killed by... which he casts by possessing Star.
  • Lap Pillow: As Star checks up on Vee after she, Lilith, Donna, and Cross save her from getting thrown into a cell, she places Vee's head onto her lap and keeps her there as Donna heals her.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: Once Donna learns Draco killed her parents, his brother, she destroys a flask of acid he was going to use on her which melts off his face.
  • Locked Out of the Loop:
    • As part of his giving Donna a second chance, Cross keeps her using him hidden from his family.
    • Apparently subverted regarding Beocrow knowing the Drakescales are his distant cousins, but played straight in the fact that he didn't tell any of his friends about them.
  • Luminescent Blush:
    • Clara blushes when Masha brags to Luz about beating her in being asked out.
    • Raine has one due to Eda saying she's going to dress Raine up in cute costumes while Lilith's right next to her.
    • Cross has this when he sees Donna as Wonder Witch and when she grabs his face in her hands to look him in the eye to explain his dragon form.
    • Before the previous latter example, Donna turns red from seeing his alternate form for the first time.
  • Morning Routine: The chapter in present time begins with Star going through hers by getting cleaned up and greeting her fellow CAT's. A few scenes later, we see Vee having one as well as she changes into her human form and preps her outfit for her date with Star.
  • Mythology Gag:
  • Never Trust a Trailer: The AO3 synopsis states that Vee would give Star a Love Confession: she simply asks her out.
  • Nice, Mean, and In-Between: Between the basilisks, Megan acts as the Nice trying to convince the others to turn on Draco, Tres is the Mean who wants to follow through on the plan to eliminate witches, and Ivy's the In-Between trying to defuse the situation without getting between the two.
  • No Help Is Coming: When Lilith, Star, Vee, Cross, and Donna regroup in the dungeon, they conclude that they can't return to the Isles for backup because the Septarians will have fled long before they return to King's island. As such, they have to defeat the lizards by themselves right then and there.
  • Oh, Crap!: Donna has a mental one as she worries over how the Drakescale family would react to what she did to Cross the previous night.
    Donna: (thinking) Calm down, Donna. I'm sure they're not gonna rile you up about using their son to get Nina jealous… oh Titan, I'm going to be eaten alive.
    • Donna later has a real-world one after she accidentally injures Draco.
    • Cross panics when Donna sees scales on his arms and reacts a bit more mildly after he transforms in front of her.
  • Once More, with Clarity:
    • Mewni's destruction is seen from Star's point of view along with Bill taking down the Magic High Commission.
    • How Vee ended up meeting the Clawthornes before they sent her to Earth is also shown in full.
  • Paper-Thin Disguise: To maintain a secret identity while patrolling with Donna/Wonder Witch, Cross simply wears a black bandana mask with a flame pattern. It does the job of hiding his face and Donna admits it's good enough.
  • Point of Divergence: Vee returns to the Boiling Isles far earlier than seen in canon. In addition, she gets to utilize glyph magic when she had been the only member of the Hexsquad who hadn't before the series ended.
  • Pre-Mortem One-Liner: More like Post-Mortem. After killing Seth, Star-Toffee tells him "goodbye and good luck in Hell".
  • Ragtag Bunch of Misfits: Lilith, Star, and Vee team up with Donna and Cross after escaping their detainment to take down Seth and Draco with the other basilisks helping them soon as they make their move.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Tired of Vina complaining about and belittling her sympathetic nature, Lilith explodes at her former mentor for her selfish way of thinking, culminating in her calling Vina a worthless bitch who's probably been this way even before she served Belos. Also worth noting is the fact that earlier, Lilith mentioned how Vina was unpleasant enough to warrant somebody killing her which is why she came to Lilith for help finding them in the first place.
  • Red Right Hand: Toffee using Eclipsa's darkest spell to eradicate Seth causes Star's right arm to turn black and gain purple vein-like markings.
  • Relationship Upgrade: Vee and Star begin dating. Though their first date doesn't end well, they already start making plans for a second date in Gravity Falls.
  • The Reveal:
    • Vee now drinks a leprechaun-made magic tea to change into her human appearance.
    • Amity has come back to the Demon Realm to save Alador from his parents.
    • Cross met Beocrow when they were kids after Beo had been mauled by the bear demon. During that point in time, Damien had worked as a nurse.
    • As it turns out, Beocrow knows Cross is his cousin.
    • Venoma and Silas are allied with Seth and Draco's army.
    • The Horned King and the basilisks are mentioned to be beings of Anti-Magic.
    • Star witnessed Toffee's alleged death at Moon's hands and is implied to have brokered for peace between Monsters and Mewmans.
    • Draco was born from an affair between a witch from another Titan and a basilisk who fled the Boiling Isles. Because of his hybrid biology, he can't use witch magic, which is why he uses his scepter.
    • Draco had Lupe and his partner Saboris murder Donna's parents, her father being his half-brother. He also believes Andros is dead.
    • Beel had apparently figured out the Emperor's Coven was responsible for reviving the Greater Basilisk.
    • Moon became a Heartless at some point.
  • Running Gag:
    • People tend to bring up how adorable Vee is.
    • Coils wanting to eat Cross and Donna.
  • Sequel Hook:
    • It's mentioned that Dipper and Mabel's 13th birthday is coming up, and Luz plans on attending Dipper's party.
    • The CAT's now know of Terra's selling illegal potions to kids, which if used properly will cause a huge scandal for the Emperor's Coven.
    • While Vee succeeds in convincing Megan and Ivy to come live with her in the safety of the Human Realm, Tres stays behind in order to finish what he started in defeating Belos.
    • Seth may be gone, but Draco's going to return once he recovers from his injuries. Plus, Silas and his gang have escaped and Venoma's still a problem.
    • Cross promises to help Donna find her brother as the Ninja Supreme observes them both...
  • Sexiled: Zee busts her brother's chops by wielding this trope, ushering Donna to Cross' room and promising to tie a sock on the doorknob.
  • A Shared Suffering: Between Cross (a dragon whose family are all that remains of their species) and Vee and her siblings (basilisks revived after becoming extinct.)
  • Shout-Out:
    • As a child, Star gets rejected from playing with other kids the same way Hercules had been.
    • Drayden compares Donna to a doe demon woman he once knew named "Jane Doe". It's also a nod to The Autopsy of Jane Doe, which was about a witch.
    • Donna's real name is revealed to be Karona, while her brother was named Andros. To further the reference, her birth mother is revealed to have been named Astronema, which was the name Dark Specter and Darkonda gave Karone when they kidnapped her as a child.
    • Draco's face getting melted by his own acid is like how Keldor's face got melted in the He-Man 2002 series.
    • The tower is destroyed the same way Ed destroyed Johnny's house.
      Coils: What's a support beam?
  • Soul-Crushing Desk Job: Cross apparently sees being on the student council as this, hence why he didn't join. Donna admits it's rather dull, having wanted to make changes to St. Epiderm even if it meant dealing with Danny's lunch menu issues.
  • Suddenly Speaking: Glossaryck speaks within Star's mind, apologizing to her for how things turned out for her.
  • Super-Strength: Cross seems to have this as he destroys a Septarian's sword using his dragon claws: the sword shatters instantly.
  • Synchronous Episodes: The chapter shows what Donna, Cross, Star, Lilith, and Vee were up to during the events of last chapter.
  • Trash the Set: King's tower, which served as the base of Seth's army, collapses from battle damage.
  • Troll: As punishment for not telling her about the new rebellion, Eda warns Raine that she'll be making them wear cute outfits after Belos goes down to make it up to her. When Raine reminds her Lilith's present, Eda says she's punishing her by forcing a mental image on Lilith.
    Vina: (to Lilith) Your sister's never in the right mind, is she?
  • The Un-Reveal:
    • When did Venoma and Silas ally with Seth and Draco and why would the former tell the others about Cross' heritage?
    • Did Moon become a Heartless from being in the Nightmare Realm for too long?
  • Wham Line: Just before "Star" revealed her glowing green eyes, she greets Seth in a familiar male voice.
    Star-Toffee: Hello, Seth.
  • Wham Shot:
    • Donna manifests her keyblade again, but it soon starts glowing in a dark aura.
    • Star's glowing green eyes.
    • Cross and Donna are so busy having a moment, they're unaware of the Ninja Supreme not too far away from them.
    • The end of the chapter reveals that Moon has changed into a Heartless.
  • Why Don't You Just Shoot Him?: Throughout the chapter, Coils expresses a desire to eat Cross and Donna, only to get shot down by his gang. He later rubs it in their faces after escaping the tower.
  • You Are Not Alone: After Donna assures Cross that his being a dragon doesn't change how she sees him, Vee tells him that he should never be afraid to tell his friends about his heritage as they could accept him like hers did. Cross hopes that things will work out for him like they did for her.
