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Recap / Luz Clawthorne Two Worlds One Family Chapter 76

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Chapter 116: Brooken Home
Art by Crash X Fusion: Time to take the fight to them.
Things get worse when Sonya and Lupe kidnap members of the Fangs tribe, so Nina, the Brookes, and their allies mount a rescue mission.

Tropes that appear in this Chapter:

  • Accidental Misnaming: While traveling through Latissa, Nina calls Banjo "Benji".
  • Accidental Murder: Bria saves Luz from Sonya by collapsing the roof and burying her under rubble. However this kills Sonya, rendering Luz's promise of keeping Sonya alive for Emily a failed one.
  • Act of True Love: Jemma fears that her and Carter's relationship will result in Carter losing his job as a coven scout and being shunned for loving a werecat. Carter, on the other hand, would give it all up to stay with her.
  • Adaptation Species Change: Bria was never anything beyond a normal witch in canon. Here because of Sonya's experimentation, she's been turned into a Humanoid Abomination.
  • Adults Are Useless:
    • Hunter voices shades of this regarding Leonte and the coven scouts when they attempt to attack the downed Slasher after he killed the vampire that got to his wife instead of bringing medical help to treat them.
    • Slightly justified with Lori. Instead of intervening in Donna and Nina's drama, she tells the waiter who serves the kids it was better they did nothing so they could work it out themselves.
  • Affectionate Nickname: For some reason, Nina has started calling Skara "kitkat".
  • Amazingly Embarrassing Parents: Since Laura had time to kill before she's taken home, Eda opts to show her King's baby pictures. When King questions why she has those, she just says she keeps his and Luz's baby books in her hair.
  • Be Careful What You Wish For: Luz and Maya acknowledge that even if they don't kill Sonya as a favor to Emily, someone else will. Luz figures things won't go well when Emily learns Sonya died and she couldn't stop it.
  • Big Damn Kiss: Before Laura returns to Zootopia, she kisses King on the mouth, leaving him stunned.
  • Bioluminescence Is Cool: During the final stretch of their date, King takes Laura to a section of Bonesborough's forest where Neon Forestomena/Emission Moss causes the flora to glow neon every time the moon is a certain shade of ivory. He mentions that Willow told him the moss is found in certain parts of the Isles.
  • Bittersweet Ending: Far too bitter. Nina finally learns where Casey has been but is too late to save him, Bria has been found and Asi learns the truth of his mother's demise from Luz, Sonya is killed taking one of the Tarot Guild's most dangerous members out of the picture but will incur Emily's wrath on Luz for failing to avoid that outcome, and now Luz and Nina are kidnapped by the Alchemist and the Ninja Supreme who earlier fought the Parks and Kitsuni with no outcome to those battles revealed.
  • Body Horror: Sonya's Project Chimera has left herself, Bria, Bangles, Asi, and Horace as chimera-esque witches who have numerous beast abilities and forms.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: Thanks to Sonya's obedience collars, all of her test subjects attack Luz and Nina without remorse, not that everyone but Bria needed the extra motivation to finish off Luz once and for all.
  • Break the Cutie: Learning that her mother needs to become a vampire in order to live and her father's lycanthropy being exposed meaning she's pretty much been outed by association leaves Skara severely shaken up. Even the normally emotionless Scabrina cries out of concern towards Calypso's state of being.
  • The Bus Came Back:
    • Bria, Asi, and Horace make a reappearance (outside of an illusion and flashback for the former) after they were respectively last seen in "No Dancing Around" and "Turning Point".
    • Bangles, on the other hand, returns after a lengthy absence since Book 1's "Doctor's Visits and Party Incidents", excluding the illusion of her in "Turning Point".
  • Call-Back:
    • 2 chapters ago, Kringles Fries had told Nina and Boils about how he and Casey got involved in a drug operation selling dilbaleeches and now we see how Casey discovered that for himself.
    • While searching through the supplies in the Tarot Guild's base, Luz brings up the Mystery Shack gang exploring Ford's bunker, which causes her to realize the Guild's preparing for doomsday.
    • Like with Nina toward Skara in the Glandus War, Lupe demands both Skara and Slasher take their wolf forms before fighting him.
    • While fighting Asi, Luz informs him of how his mother's death wasn't actually an accident, a fact she learned in "The Errands in the Willows".
    • As Bangles continues her attack on Luz, she mentions going after "the Fae", a clear reminder of her antagonism towards Amity.
  • The Cameo:
    • Mai only briefly appears being left home alone before Kitsuni goes out to search for clues at the Torso Villa.
    • Chelsea saves Glinda from being crushed by debris; she thanks her and curtly greets Nina before continuing along.
  • Casanova Wannabe: Felicia bluffs about dating; she has no known experience in the game. Apparently, everyone but Donna knew that which makes her feel worse for listening to her advice and using Cross to make Nina jealous.
  • The Cavalry Arrives Late: Eda, King, and LOWTH (comprising of Crowbar, Ghostina, Lunar Tune, Riley, Potion Ranger, Minos, Florella, Sioux, Andrew, Roxy, and Kyle) show up right after the fighting ends and the prisoners are being led out of the bunker.
  • Cliffhanger: The chapter ends with the Ninja Supreme and the Alchemist going through a portal and taking Luz and Nina somewhere, while Grimhilde is implied to be preparing to put Sunny to a deep sleep.
  • Code Name: Kyle, now outfitted with a hero costume, goes by "Mr. Healer" while on duty with LOWTH.
  • Commonality Connection: Cross finds common ground with Donna on the case of feeling like outsiders.
  • Continuity Nod:
    • Hunter brings up Eclipsa staying at the castle and his working with her to keep Belos from causing any more damage.
    • Eda mentions that it's been a while since she encountered Hardy Boils.
    • Sunny still isn't taking Steve's desertion well.
    • Chelsea being half-witch, half-werecat is pointed out due to the mention of her mother.
    • Blazer is shown as one of the Tarot Guild's prisoners.
    • Luz, for the life of her, still can't bother to remember who Horace is.
    • While fighting Bangles, Luz beings up her talk with Brenda at the IFWOT and talks down to Bangles for her actions toward her little sister.
  • Cooldown Hug: Willow and Boscha each give one to Skara to comfort her about her mother's condition.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: By the time Nina reaches Luz and Bria after evacuating everyone, she finds the Ninja Supreme has already knocked the girls out.
  • Dirty Coward: When Lupe attacked the Fangs Tribe, Leo used Pam as a shield. Mao is not happy with Leo and calls him out.
  • Distant Prologue: Things start off with showing how Casey started working for a drug ring up to his selling them out, getting assaulted by Eustace and Serpentina in retribution, and being captured by Sonya to be used as a guinea pig for her experiments.
  • Double-Meaning Title: The title is a pun on "broken home" serving as a nod to the Brookes and the Fangs tribe going through a massive shift in their lives.
  • Easily Forgiven: While Donna used him and ruined his first date, Cross chooses to give her a second chance and go on another date with her since she didn't mean to do so.
  • Everyone Has Standards: While Emily still sees Sonya as family and attempts to defend her after Luz directs an insult toward her, she agrees that she must be prevented from doing to the Fangs twins what the Tarot Guild did to her as a child.
  • Expy Coexistence: When Luz meets Anthony, she outright says he reminds her of Tony the Tiger; Anthony is left confused.
  • Eye Scream:
    • In retribution for everything Lupe's done including injuring Slasher, Skara slashes out his right eye and she & Nina repeatedly jab their claws into his wounded, now empty eye socket.
    • Nina ends up with a black eye after fighting off the Ninja Supreme and the Alchemist.
  • Fantastic Racism: Sonya sees lycans (really, people in general) as animals and future test subjects for her to experiment on. Bria killing her ends up doing everyone a favor.
  • Face Palm: Done by Donna after Veronica tells her that Felicia doesn't have any dating experience.
  • Forgettable Character: Luz still has no idea who Horace is when Sonya sics him on her with her other Chimera test subjects.
  • Friend to All Children: Skara leaves Scabrina in Sunny's care while she goes with the rescue party to invade the Tarot Guild's base. While Scabrina wasn't pleased with being left behind, Sunny wins her over by playing a card game with her.
  • Friendless Background: Cross reveals he didn't have many friends growing up, a result of his antisocial personality and his charcoal-eating habit getting him labeling as a weirdo.
  • From Bad to Worse: As if Calypso's condition wasn't bad enough, everyone soon learns that Nina's pregnant mother and youngest siblings were kidnapped by the Tarot Guild. Even after saving them and all of the other prisoners in the bunker, things end on a sour note as Luz and Nina are captured by two of the Guild's members.
  • The Gadfly: After King gets kissed by Laura, Luz and Hooty razz him for finally entering a relationship: King indignantly proceeds to attack Hooty as Luz and Eda laugh at him.
  • Hate Sink: Sonya, and for so many reasons. She murders one kid, mutates many others, and threatens to do the same to a pregnant woman and her youngest children all for the sake of furthering her research and having no respect for lycans or children at all.
  • Healing Factor: The Chimera Serum gives Sonya this ability, which is how she avoids dying when Nina slashes her throat and face off.
  • I Gave My Word: In exchange for Emily's co-operation, Luz promises to not kill Sonya when she stops her and saves Pam, West, Winter, and the rest of the Tarot Guild's victims. Luz is unable to keep said promise due to Bria killing Sonya.
  • I Want My Mommy!:
    • Scabrina denies the idea that a vampire could get the drop on Calypso and breaks down wanting her mother, causing Skara and Nina to comfort her.
    • To set off Nina, Sonya reveals that Casey cried for his mother and Nina as Sonya dissected him.
  • Immediate Sequel: The chapter starts with Hunter deescalating the incident at the museum, and telling off Leonte and B.I.G.
  • Internal Reveal:
    • Donna comes clean to Cross about her past with Nina and her intentions for winning her back. Later, Cross confesses to Donna that he has feelings for Lindsay and Emily (who he doesn't mention by name) plans on asking her out.
      • Donna later explains everything to Veronica when she calls her wanting to know how the date went.
    • Most of Luz's main friends learn about Calypso being injured and Slasher being outed as a werewolf.
    • Nina tells Lambi and Skara about her dissociation disorder.
    • Luz, Eda, and Hunter exchange news about Belos' visions, the Exbot's origins, and the Forest of Fear's mists spreading. Earlier, the former two inform King and Hooty of this and Terra supplying Jenny with love potions. Hunter also informs the Clawthornes of his working with Eclipsa.
    • The Clawthornes, the Parks, and Skara meet Chelsea, Anthony, and Banjo for the first time. Hardy Boils soon introduces himself to everyone who isn't Eda.
    • Luz and King meet the Shystream family for the first time.
    • Luz informs Asi about how Ms. Torigore's being taken to a slaughter house wasn't an error.
    • Luz tells Bangles what Brenda told the human about her.
  • Interspecies Romance: Carter, a witch, and Jemma, a werecat, are shown to be dating in secret.
  • It's a Long Story: After returning home and stating she ruined her date, Donna tells Auggie and her mothers that things got complicated and she'll explain herself in the morning.
  • Jerkass Realization: Chelsea and Anthony had one after Nina told them off for using Casey to protest their unhappiness instead of actually being concerned for him, a fact they mention when they apologize to her for their previous words to her.
  • Karma Houdini: While Lupe gets some karma thrown his way, he escapes capture once again.
  • Karmic Death: Sonya is officially Killed Off for Real when she gets crushed by rubble thanks to Bria defending Luz from her.
  • Kidnapped for Experimentation: Casey wound up being subjected to this fate when Sonya found him after Eustace and Serpentina were through with him.
  • Killed Offscreen: Casey was ultimately used as a test subject by Sonya, being dissected alive.
  • Laser-Guided Karma:
    • Given her genetic experimentation and who she'd used to perfect her research, Sonya very much deserved to die at the hands of one of her test subjects.
    • Lupe loses an eye as a result of underestimating Skara and is literally burned by Nina when her fire ants set him ablaze, forcing an undignified escape through the bathroom sewage system.
  • Limited Social Circle: Cross admits to Donna that the only friends he has are Teri, Beocrow (occasionally), and surprisingly enough Danny. He lists Lindsay (his crush) when Donna points her out, and he can't tell her about Emily, but he still has five friends in total.
  • Locked Out of the Loop: As far as Donna knows, Cross and Lindsay failed to rescue Emily from the Underworld.
  • Loophole Abuse: Luz and Maya may have promised Emily that they won't kill Sonya, but they both agree all bets are off if someone else does her in or the Emperor's Coven gets their hands on her.
  • Love Is a Weakness: It isn't said out loud, but it's obvious Sonya has this opinion given that she calls Nina pathetic for getting emotional over Casey's death.
  • Luminescent Blush: King's skull somehow turns red after Luz misinterpretes what Laura meant when she said they were playing around (by which they were playing in the forest).
  • Misplaced Retribution: Averted. Auggie and Veronica both threaten to attack Cross when they hear Donna's date with him bombed before Donna tells them she's the one who ruined their evening.
  • Mythology Gag: Luz mentions that Eda gets her apple blood supplies from the Courtland Apple Butchery. It was mentioned in "Watching and Dreaming" that Eda makes homemade apple blood.
  • No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Eustace and Serpentina dish one out on Casey for snitching on their drug lab operation. This leaves him injured and helpless to Sonya.
  • No Name Given: The Ninja Supreme has no actual name, merely his title.
  • Non-Protagonist Resolver: In the end, Sonya isn't beaten because of Luz or Nina: it's Bria who finishes her off.
  • Once More, with Clarity:
    • How Casey and Kringles Fries got involved with the drug operation which led to Casey's disappearance is cleared up.
    • When Sonya and Lupe invaded the Fangs home, they kidnapped Pam, West and Winter to use as live test subjects.
  • Origins Episode: This chapter dives into, as Willow best puts it, "the dark, secret origins of Sonya Mera". Born to circus folk, she was orphaned at a young age and grew up in Scooter Crane's orphanage until she joined the Beast Keeping Coven at age 17, where she earned a doctrine's degree for studying how to control beast's behaviors until she was recruited by the Boss who funded her research in genetic manipulation.
  • Out of Focus:
    • Gus has no speaking lines while everyone's waiting to hear Calypso's condition and disappears to do his own thing the morning after the attack.
    • Once Cross and Donna clear the air after their date, Cross takes Donna home, and she updates Veronica about what happened, they vanish for the rest of the chapter save Donna texting Nina to hear if Skara's doing okay.
  • Post-Kiss Catatonia: King's reaction after Laura kisses him and leaves for her home dimension. Luz and Hooty capitalize on this to tease King for taking things with Laura to the next level.
  • Pun-Based Title: Similar to that of "House Brooken", this chapter's title is reversed to say "broken home".
  • Relationship Upgrade: While King and Laura's status as a couple isn't clarified, the rest of the Owl House firmly believe King just got a girlfriend.
  • The Reveal:
    • Belos has been keeping any details of the Day of Unity secret from Hunter, implying he no longer trusts him.
    • As Veronica reveals to Donna, Felicia doesn't date so any advice she has on the subject isn't valid.
    • Sonya and Lupe kidnapped Pam and the Fangs twins to experiment on both the kittens and Pam's unborn children. It's also shown that Leo sacrificed Pam to save his own skin.
    • Sonya came from circus folk and her parents, who were beast tamers, died from impalement by unicorns.
    • Lupe is rumored to be immortal, could travel between the Human and Demon Realms, and may be the mass murderer, the Beast of GĂ©vaudan (or his descendant.)
    • Carter turns out to be in a relationship with Jemma that only Bowen and Lynxa know about.
    • Luz's animation spells can't bring petrified witches back to life since the petrification spell was designed to instantly kill witches.
    • Sonya killed Casey while experimenting on him.
    • Project Chimera is a super-mutant formula meant to turn Sonya into a super beast and she experimented on Bria, Bangles, Asi, and Horace to perfect it.
    • Chelsea's mother lives or lived in Latissa.
  • Rule of Three: The Ninja Supreme challenges people to a fight three times, the scene cutting away each time he introduces himself to his opponents.
  • Secret Relationship: Carter and Jemma have one going on, and Jemma fears the controversy Carter would face if they're exposed.
  • Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: It's ultimately the definition of Belos' goals. Thanks to his trying to prevent his visions from coming true, Belos brought G.B. Gates to the Boiling Isles, which caused both the Gates' family's goal to destroy the Boiling Isles and the formation of the Archangels. His attempts to prevent a Bad Future created the very threat that would guarantee it.
    Luz: That's an ironic twist of fate. Belos pretty much self-fulfilled his own prophecy.
  • Sequel Hook:
    • Calypso will survive her vampire attack, but only if she undergoes a blood transfusion that will turn her into a vampire.
    • Now that Slasher's werewolf side has been exposed, he'll likely lose his record company and both he and Skara will be ostracized for their lycanthropy.
    • Since Donna messed up the first date experience for herself and Cross, they agree to a second one where they can just hang out.
    • We never saw what happened to Kitsuni and the Parks after the Ninja Supreme picked a fight with them.
    • Thanks to Chelsea, Anthony, and Banjo liberating Blazer with the rest of the Tarot Guild's prisoners, he runs off by the time backup arrives, so he's loose again.
    • The Alchemist and the Ninja Supreme kidnap Luz and Nina with hopes of pushing them to their limits.
  • Shout-Out:
    • Several nods to the TMNT franchise are made, from the Violet Dragons street gang being based off of the Purple Dragons to the Ninja Supreme and Alchemist being confirmed expys of the Ultimate Ninja and Baron Draxum.
    • Skara tells Nina that while she was a bad girl, she's not a ''bad'' bad girl.
    • When entering the Tarot Guild's base and hearing it's a trap, Luz says "It's not a trap; it's a face-off".
    • Casey's fate ends up being the same as his basis from Night in the Woods: killed by people who saw him as a means to an end.
  • Spanner in the Works: As stated by Cross, Donna asking him out may have cost him his shot at going out with Lindsay.
  • Survivalist Stash
  • Talk to the Fist: Mao's way of making her anger towards Leo known for what he did to Pam is to punch him hard.
  • Throw the Dog a Bone: More like cat and werewolf in these cases.
    • Since Calypso and Slasher will have to remain in the Healing Coven, the Parks allow Skara, Scabrina, and Nina to spend the night in their home.
    • While chewing out Leo for throwing his wife under the cart, Mao says that while Nina made mistakes, she's not a coward like her father.
  • Toilet Humor: In an act of Laser-Guided Karma for what he did to Slasher in the past, Lupe (who Nina lit on fire with fire ants) tries to put himself out by diving into a toilet: said toilet explodes and leaves him covered in shit. He's then forced to escape via the sewers which leaves him wallowing through even more shit.
  • Two-Faced: Since half of Horace's face was melted to the bone, he now has abomination matter covering the exposed half.
  • Uncertain Doom: Did the Ninja Supreme leave Willow, her dads, and Kitsuni unconscious, or were they taken to the same place as Luz and Nina?
  • Wham Episode: Casey is revealed to be dead, Bria has finally been found but was mutated by Sonya along with Bangles, Horace, and Asi, Sonya is murdered while Lupe escapes after having his tail handed to him by Skara, Slasher, and Nina, the Tarot Guild's prisoners are saved while Blazer sneaks away, and Luz & Nina are captured and taken away by the Ninja Supreme and the Alchemist, while the fates of the Parks and Kitsuni are still unknown. Of lesser notes, King and Laura share their first kiss, Cross forgives Donna for using him and asks for a second date with her, and Grimhilde is making an attempt on Sunny's life.
  • Wham Line
  • Wham Shot:
    • Carter leaves his post and travels through the woods of the Torso Villa until he comes across Jemma, who he immediately embraces.
    • The Ninja Supreme confront Kitsuni, challenges her to a fight, and lands a hit on her. He's got some moves if he can nick the fox yokai early on.
    • Sunny hears someone knocking on her door, and opens it to find Grimhilde.
  • Would Hurt a Child:
    • Lupe shows new disgusting levels of cruelty by forcing West and Winter to fight him. They don't stand a chance.
    • Sonya murdered Casey to perfect her Project Chimera serum, which she tested on Bria, Bangles, Asi, and Horace before she used it on herself.
